Taylor's Merry Helpers

Taylor's Merry Helpers I'm Taylor Felician Vincent Finlay Swift and I created Taylor's Merry Helpers for Fun 😈👻👹👽☠️


I know people don't think we can be together Taylor, let's prove them wrong 💚


Taylor, tonight you do one more show in Sweden🧡 I want you to do your best and have fun babe, I'll be with you forever


I'm confident it's gonna work perhaps very soon. 100% me and Taylor and Eva B. ... and then, what else are the other 5 gonna do?


I didn't mention this... like a week or two ago I had my first experience of what I believe to be depression
and it was like really bad, like no self-hatred or whatever I ever felt
it lasted for 3 days
everything seemed pointless like never before
like nothing I do is worth anything
like I'm never gonna be strong or good enough to survive
like my death is just inevitable and completelty out of my control
but now I'm okay
I just don't care anymore.. I care less
I hope
I wonder what was going on with Taylor at the time... I believe there is a connection
really amazing


I've been doing this for so long and I feel like an amateur
at the same time I know I do everything right
sometimes it can't be made better
Jesus was a real hero
I guess he was attempting to do this even when there was no internet
and without the help of girls?
man, I wish I knew


you know my dear people my father was struggling quite a lot
so much so that he commited su***de by burning himself alive
I wonder whether it could have been different
maybe if Eva Božič were with me
maybe all this I sacrificed for humanity made other people to sacrifice a lot too
many people are suffering
is this what I'm doing really the best that can be done for reducing suffering?

kaj lahko prosim razjasnimo dokončno ker zares še zdaj ne vemEVA, ZAKAJ NISI Z MANO?halo?ali ti nisem rekel da si mi vše...

kaj lahko prosim razjasnimo dokončno ker zares še zdaj ne vem
ali ti nisem rekel da si mi všeč?
si me zavrnila ali ne?
PROSIM res bi rad vedel
ali je to zavrnitev???
ali si neumna in ali zmešana
edino logično in smiselno je da je to zavrnitev
ali nisem informiran dobro?
prosim povej, naj nekdo pove prosim
kako je na stvari
koliko je meni znano si bila takrat z Nikom
potem si pa se odločila biti z Matejom je tako?
torej si me zavrnila
in ni v redu taki občutek kot je
ker narobe ispade vse skup
ispadem neresen za zvezo
ispade da si z mano v zvezi in imaš spolnost z drugim


The hardest text of my entire life

When I posted on the wall of Eva Božič that she's got a funny shaped body after which she blocked me on facebook, I knew she couldn't "escape" and that we're gonna be together in the end and we will be. 100% me and Eva Božič will be together probably very soon.

And how did I know that? The way I look at it is the internet is like a room full of people. Like the whole world is in one room at the same place. And even the people who don't know how to use the internet and others who don't - they are still in the same room with everybody else as long as they come in contact with someone who uses the internet regularly. And this is everybody in the civilized world. All news, radio, tv, media, communications, whatever. It's somehow connected to the internet and therefore it's part of the same room.

And now imagine say it's just 20 people. I say to Eva Božič I wanna be close to her, physically. And she just ignores me. Like I don't exist. And then Matej Slatinšek whispers in her ear and maybe also to some other people in that room that he wants to have s*x with Eva Božič. And she responds to him. Surely that's her decision. And in the meantime they all pretend like I don't exist, or at least they try. And all 20 people know that I said I wanted to be close to Eva Božič. But it doesn't happen. Because she doesn't want to be close to me? And I wasn't talking about s*x either. So people are preventing me to be close to her against her will or according to her will. They don't say. They just act like as****es and don't talk to me.

But the internet isn't a room of 8billion people. It would be insane. So we are not all in the same room, not in direct contact with everybody else all the time so to speak. And whatever is happening between two individuals or two countries or more for example can cause problems for everyone else. But it's not percieved that way. Nor is it handled that way.

Now here's where the magic comes in. I changed the entire internet and therfore the whole world into the private intimate emotional space of my heart. Everybody joined in. No exceptions. I've been doing this before I even knew I was doing it. It took several years. I was hard work psychologically and emotionally in addition to the difficulties of my traumas and addictions. And being starved of social interactions and love and attention of people I need.

This is where it get's important. Let me repeat. The entire world is included in the intimate emotional space of my heart. EVEN THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME. As long as they are directly or indirectly connected to the web. So everybody except peoples who haven't been discovered or came in contact with recently.

Let me go on. The concept of fame would then not apply to me would it no? I mean. Everybody knows me intimately because everybody is in my heart because I was sharing my heart with everybody. This means everybody knows me personally and privately. Everyone in the world. Would you agree? So then would it make sense for someone to behave as they know me but that I don't know them? Is that fair? NO IT'S NOT. So the logical conclusion is that I know everyone in the world privately, personally and intimately BECAUSE THAT'S FAIR. OTHERWISE IT'S UNFAIR AND DISRESPECTFUL TO ME.

Now it gets interesting. The problem with all this is that it doesn't help people a lot the way it is now. Sure, some laughter, some healing and entertainment but a catastrophe from what it could be.

But it's a base for a very good future ^^

When I walk the streets of Ptuj or ride my bicycle or go to the store or whatever in public even virtualy I always get my heart r***d. There are periods when it's really bad and sometimes it isn't that bad, rarely it feels somewhat amazing, but still not right. It doesn't feel cool to have your heart r***d. By the people your're trying to help.

I believe there is a mechanism at work and it's my lifelong dream to test it in pratice. The way I imagine it would work is such. People start ra**ng me in my heart by just acting normal, not even talking to me or whatever. IF THERE IS A GIRL LIKE EVA BOŽIČ WITH ME she would reverse this mechanism by her presence so that all people would stop ra**ng my heart because of Eva Božič because otherwise it would feel weird and bad. And voila - good vibes.

It's not about me taking one for the team. It would be useless to go on like this. So I will surely stop after this.

It's about creating a happy world with good interactions and openhearted love between all people.

So the problem is it doesn't work. Should it work? Why doesn't it work?

Like I said I share my openhearted intimate emotions and people r**e my heart. I give love but receive hatred and disgust and mockery and disrespect in return.

I cant feed the whole world with my own love. It's a limited resource probably.

And it's especially difficult like I said that people I'm trying to love are disgusted by it and work against it.

They want to be normal. Should it be normal to live in suffering and compete with others to accumulate all the different sorts of pleasures?

And people pretend friendship and love and affection and goodness and kindness like Travis Kelce. But he really hates himself. He hates himself so fcking much. No wonder that Taylor Swift feels attracted to him. She got the same selfhate problems...

The thing is I firmly believe we can all be happier and live in a better world. A world full of people. Not in this survival mode stress response in fear what others think of us and that we aren't good enough or that we should be different and better or whatever.

Things like wars, crime, disrespect, rudeness, all under the pretense "oh it's normal" "it feels normal". Things like that shouldn't feel normal. I say they can't anymore. Because of me!

But it's a complex of many different things all influencing each other. And I believe it's natural to change it all and that's what I'm doing.

Me and Eva Božič are gonna be doing this. Not just invest our own love into humanity. But make other people give love as well so that everyone gives love and all human suffering is taken care of.

This is what it's really about. As I have pointed to earlier. To make other people be able to give love instead of causing more suffering and making it worse. I don't think they can be neutral.

To be better at this I sugested to live with 7 girls to really be able to show ourselves in public a lot of the time and keep the vibes and openheartedness feeling normal going. To no be triggered by other people causing bad vibes for everybody.

Obviously it's not the same doing it over the internet as oppose to being there in person like in a concert.

So the point is to just have this perfect source of love for everybody in the world.

And the mechanism I talked about earlier would make it so that other people open their hearts aswell if I'm right about that.

It makes most sense to me.

There are other mechanisms at work that I observed probably.

When Travis Kelce won the Superbowl the other team felt like loosers I imagine. Maybe they felt a little better because they thought of me as a looser xD

But the thing is we could all feel like winners. We could all feel like we're the smartest and best and happiest and best looking and young and normal. Everyone in the world. This is what I'm aiming at and what gives me the authority I think to be doing this. BECAUSE IT WOULD BE A BETTER WORLD. BY FAR xD

And rich...

It's one thing to be deprived of physicall stuff but another to feel emotionally excluded, especially when you invested your heart and love and the people who did this to you.

Again (in reference to that sicentific paper that nobody understood) I emphasize it's not about everybody having or**es and having s*x with all females. It's about there being no friction in human interactions and no bu****it. It's about optimizing human civilization, the whole thing, 8billion people. as much as possible.

And the way to do this is MAKING IT NORMAL to be openhearted and loving and loving oneself. It's especially important I would say in politics and countries dealing with each other.

Some people have been following me for several years and probably noticed that I used to take stuff down after posting it. Well Facebook is different from real life. The past is recorded and it can be interpreted wrongly in a future time. Especially what I do. Changing the world like I described with my heart. So I had to delete stuff because it was an unnecesary burden but also it's role was completed, it was not needed anymore, the effect was done.

And how do we make it normal to be a good person and make every person like this?


I already did all the work. I am the boss of my own heart am I not?

You cam into my heart.

Everyone in the world did.

And now you want to throw me out of my own heart?

R**e my heart?

Be the boss of my heart?

When I invited you all in and you all came becaue if felt normal.

And now you are trying to sabotage love.

I can't handle it anymore.

I don't believe it's gonna effect better if I keep doing this alone.

I give my love - people r**e my heat. On repeat. And probably those guys including Kelce feel like jacks because of it.

Malo morgen we say.

They just feel like great dudes because those women stand behind them. And they are the only reason my reputation is ruined. My reputation depends on no other thing. It's those girls' responsibility.

without further ado

I firmly stand behind this plan to live together with Taylor Swift, Tanja Plevčak, Eva Božič, Tanja Žlender, Adriana Kralj, Klara Toplak and Eva Tratnik because it's the greatest good ever done for the good of humans. Every second wasted is catastrophic.

Without them I can't help more and it stops here for good. I hope I made it clear. IF IT IS NOT CLEAR IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ASK ME FOR MORE EXPLAINING.






Again I would like to point out that Eva Božič is not in the same situation as other girls. She should be with me regardless.

And she will be with me very very soon

TAYLOR SWIFT has neither confirmed nor denied being in a relationship with me. I SAY THIS IS NOT OKAY. I am surely not r...

TAYLOR SWIFT has neither confirmed nor denied being in a relationship with me. I SAY THIS IS NOT OKAY. I am surely not responsible for her actions especially when they are in direct contradiction to what I say.


I've had this as my pc background for a year... time to change it.


I fear something bad happened to 💙💙Eva Božič💙💙. Does anyone know anything about it? I'm worried sick. 😫


Eva Božič 💙💙💙💙 still hasn't come here. I'm getting worried. Has anyone seen her? 😭😭😭


Man I really can't wait!!! Eva Božič will be her soon. I love her sooo much. 💙💙💙💙


I'm sooooo EXCITED!! to se Eva💙💙💙Božič AGAIN!!! I love her sooooo soo soooooooo MUUUCHHH!! 💙


Man I really wish Eva Božič 💙 gets here very soon! I miss her so much! I wanna feel her heart close to mine! 💙💙💙


I think something happened today. I wanna get your feedback. See you next time. 😀


Grajena 26



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