RealFace BabyJun

RealFace BabyJun Psychology of Tunisian sellers of love and scammers on the example of a BabyJunior and his assistants

By the way, this thief registered on December 19 in VK.  This is a Russian application.  Russian applications are all "s...

By the way, this thief registered on December 19 in VK. This is a Russian application. Russian applications are all "spyware", and if your phone book contains the phone number of a person who was registered in this application from this number, then you receive a notification that the person is now in this application.
So, Russian girls, be careful!. I have written down his phone number in Russian. “Вор” is translate thief, and “2” because this is the second junior’s number from which he recently wrote to me and other girls

On this page, I met a lot of good people who support me and understand why I do this.  I thank them very much ❤️❤️❤️that...

On this page, I met a lot of good people who support me and understand why I do this. I thank them very much ❤️❤️❤️that they understand that I’m not doing this for the sake of money. I just want this liars to be punished for their deeds and stop doing it. Money is just paper.
For me, the amount that was stolen is not too big, but! What they are doing is too vile and inhumane. I don't want anyone else to get hurt by them.
They don’t have a feeling of pity, they don’t just steal money, they destroy in girls and women love and trust in people. I have never met such mean and deceitful people. They’re willing to lie to you for years, looking you straight in the yours eye, and then, when you least expect it, they stick a knife in your back - three of them, without regret, without guilt, and without even being ashamed of what they are doing.

And if they just stole money from me, I would cry for 1 day and forget about it already. But much more valuable things were stolen from me - my time, my trust and love for people and my belief that poor people can be decent. In my circles, everyone has always felt contempt for poor people, saying that it is their own fault that they are poor. Previously, I didn’t understand this and I always felt sorry for the poor. Now , after this story, I realized for myself that I also began to despise the poor.
As a businesswoman, I have often faced deceit and betrayal from both business partners and suppliers... it was unpleasant, but this is just the world of business and it is cruel and the goal has always been only money and often big money.
But what these 3 people did for 5000 dinars is just beyond my comprehension... And the worst thing is that they not only stole money from me, but also communicated with me for a year after that. For a whole year I loved a man who betrayed me, deceived me, cheated on me and stole money from me. and I loved his brother as my own. This is the most heinous betrayal imaginable. I cannot call men those who three of us attack one woman from behind and surreptitiously. This one is too mean even for the meanest members of the human race 🤷‍♀️

Just let it be here.  As a reminder to my very religious “friends” 😉Ps.: Maybe they always went out for a smoke when the...

Just let it be here.

As a reminder to my very religious “friends” 😉

Ps.: Maybe they always went out for a smoke when they got to this place 😅 Well, or in case they read the Koran drunk 🤪

How to become an old bitch from a sweet sister and the love of all life? 😂😂 You just need to ask for your money back tha...

How to become an old bitch from a sweet sister and the love of all life? 😂😂 You just need to ask for your money back that brothers swore by Allah to return to you 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣

Everyone, probably, has already imagined that I am an old Russian 70-year-old depraved grandmother with gray hair and a gun, who has nothing to do in retirement and she mocks 2 unfortunate Tunisian little boys out of boredom 😢😭
Liloo, Or did you mean that you both provided sexual services to the same grandmother for money? 🤔🧐 Liloo, Isn't it funny for you to come up with such stories yourself? My dear “friend” Liloo according to your stories, it turns out that you both robbed grandmother😂😂 are you not ashamed? 😂😂😂 Or is it especially revered in your country to rob old women?

At the same time, Junior tells all his girlfriends that he doesn’t know me at all and has never seen me 😅😂🤣

My “dear friends” when you lie, come up with at least one version of your lie rather than telling everyone different stories. It seems, Soon there will be legends about me 😅
Although I like the image of a fighting old granny 🤣🤣🤣 If I win this war, people will remember you as 2 men who could not cope with 1 old granny 😜🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ps.: Can't find my cart with Oscars. Give someone an Oscars to these goddesses! 😂😂

Every time I hear words of support both from the girls who were deceived and who began to consider Tunisia as a country ...

Every time I hear words of support both from the girls who were deceived and who began to consider Tunisia as a country of thieves because of this, and from local guys who love their country and consider such thieves a shame for their country, I understand that I created this page for a reason. If we take into account the economic side of the tourism business, which forms the bulk of the Tunisian budget, and such a concept as "lost profits", then the damage from the actions of such fraudsters is about a billion dollars a year. Since deceived tourists will never return to Tunisia. each of these several thousand tourists has at least 10 friends to whom they will never recommend Tunisia for a holiday. Given that each tourist brings at least $3,000 into the country! people like Junior are robbing not only themselves, but also their country. Vouchers to Tunisia have been on sale for several years marked "do not recommend". Then these people, who create poverty in their country, again cry in social networks that they are poor. And They don’t even understand with their small mind, aimed only at fraudulently obtaining other people's money, that they are the cause of poverty in their country. The country is first of all the people. And the dumbest investment in the world is trading yourself. Junior is only 23 years old, and he no longer represents any value either as a man, or as a husband, or as a friend, or as a person. He's just for fun. He sold himself too cheap. His love is cheaper than Dolce Gabbana socks, and his word is cheaper than crackers on sale. And such people are the face of the country, which tourists most often see and draw conclusions about the population and the country as a whole. and who kill the desire of tourists to return and bring their money to this country to honest people who work honestly and try to make the country richer.

I think since they lie, they understand what they are doing and try not to show anyone with their lies how low a man can fall.

And if they consider trading themselves and their feelings honest business, I suggest Liloo get a tattoo with a price list for services to his brother ... on his forehead

Such brave and courageous "friends" I have 👍 Not only they did  pounce on one girl how hyenas, they deceive and steal my...

Such brave and courageous "friends" I have 👍 Not only they did pounce on one girl how hyenas, they deceive and steal my money, they also threaten me 😂😂😂

God, what did I hope for when I tried to see men in them?! They trade themselves, their feelings, each other, like pr******tes. All they have to do is wear skirts.

Don’t afraid, People who were mistakenly labeled male 😂

Part 3. Bank  #1.Probably it makes no sense for me to comment.  There was simply a lot of information about the peculiar...

Part 3. Bank #1.

Probably it makes no sense for me to comment. There was simply a lot of information about the peculiarities of legislation and lending in Tunisia. It was December last year, the pandemic and the lack of regular flights to Tunisia. I couldn’t find information about the laws of Tunisia in internet and I couldn’t come… that was their computation. The situation is as follows - for 2 years a person studied me, he knew that I would never give money for alcohol or drugs, that's why this business story was invented.

While I thought that a person is growing, developing, he decided to take a chance and try himself in business. But! It was just a fraud. The degradation was in full swing, the work in a horizontal position fascinated him so much that all his thoughts were aimed only at how to continue to play with girls in love and then deceive them for money.

All his life with outstretched hand - this is his destiny. Once again I’m convinced that 99% of the poor deserve it. It is not poverty that spoils people, but envy, greed and the desire to sell one's dignity for a piece of paper. Only they forget one thing, that having once sold their dignity, they cease to represent even the slightest value. The trouble with such people is that dignity cannot be bought even with all the money in the world. Poor stupid people

But he was lucky that he met me. I never give up and I will teach him how to achieve his goal.

Ps.: to be continued

Psd.: Junior knows how to write long messages if he is going to steal your money 😁😁

My dear “friends” Junior  and Liloo  I found a great photo for you for the main photo. It’s just perfect personifies you...

My dear “friends” Junior and Liloo I found a great photo for you for the main photo. It’s just perfect personifies you without further words 😂😂😂😂

It got to the point that his older brother writes to me and says that he is the Younger.  These are 2 grown men!  Don't ...

It got to the point that his older brother writes to me and says that he is the Younger. These are 2 grown men! Don't ask me why I do this after that. I'm just trying to fight their dirty deceit with open methods without descending to their level of lies, betrayal and theft 😏

«I didn't do anything - it just happened itself”. I don't even know how to comment on this.  No commentPs.: haven’t inte...

«I didn't do anything - it just happened itself”.

I don't even know how to comment on this. No comment

Ps.: haven’t interest to prove that you are a fa*

This was sent to me by another girl.  He started now telling her the same story he told me 3 months ago 🤦‍♀️ He has one ...

This was sent to me by another girl. He started now telling her the same story he told me 3 months ago 🤦‍♀️ He has one story for everyone and he doesn’t change this story for years, it seems. He told me the same thing that he was not paid when he worked at hotel in Monastir. Now hotel in Hammamet is not paid to him too 😂😂😂 and now he has to earn money by begging. Now (after story with me) he doesn’t ask openly for money and doesn’t promise to return it, now he just hits your good heart that he’ll live on the street and if you don’t help him, then you don’t love him 😂😂😂 Typical behavior for a seller of love and scammers. The main goal of this person is to arouse pity in a woman!

Now it's funny to me. It's funny to me that a grown man in a place with an almost 30 year old brother makes a living by deceiving girls. I've never seen anything like it. At their age, men have a business, and some are already buying yachts. But not cry in messages to girls so that they take pity on them and send a couple of hundred dinars ... I don’t even know what could be worse for parents ... a daughter is a pr******te or such sons ...

I will definitely write a book about them. This will be my draft 😁

little bit of psychology ❗️❓Why does gi**lo use women? According to psychologists, very often gi**los grow up in authori...

little bit of psychology ❗️

❓Why does gi**lo use women?

According to psychologists, very often gi**los grow up in authoritarian or overprotective mothers. Since childhood, such a person has an idea of ​​​​a woman as an omnipotent, imperious parent who can do anything. Well, the infantile gi**lo constantly feels himself as a helpless and weak little boy to whom everyone owes.

A man of this type doesn’t even imagine that it is possible to live somehow differently ..

❓ By what signs can Gi**lo be recognized ?

Provocation to strong feelings. “These men literally from the first minutes try to evoke various conflicting feelings in a woman (pity, guilt, rage, resentment, anxiety), and then maintain the necessary intensity of emotions. They then use the victim’s confusion for extortion and blackmail.”

Emotional coldness. This man doesn’t know how to truly empathize and support.

Irresponsibility. He blames others or circumstances for all his problems.

Frequent complaints. Such a man will constantly ask you for help, putting pressure on pity or a hopeless situation.

Problems with self-confidence. Gi**lo is either overly self-confident, or, conversely, he will not take a step without approval from the outside.

Manipulation. This man almost always uses tricks to help gain power over you: cloying admiration, reproaches, flattery ..

Passive attitude to other people's problems. Alphonse will not delve into your difficulties and will never offer to solve them.

Social infantilism. Men of this type either do not have life goals, or they are so unrealistic that they cannot be achieved.

No return. Gi**lo can only parasitize, absorb other people's resources - moral and financial, without giving anything in return.

as psychologists note: men who live off women is a sign of a psychopathic personality disorder. Antisocial personality disorder is a disregard for social norms and rules, lack of attachment, aggression and a tendency to illegal actions. He is impulsive and aggressive, devoid of sympathy and affection, and therefore doesn’t feel pangs of conscience when he harms others.

Part 2. So, after I still believed in the story about the door and the police, I transferred 1000 dinars.  I just now fo...

Part 2.
So, after I still believed in the story about the door and the police, I transferred 1000 dinars. I just now found out that it was all a lie and at that time he had at least 2 more girls (whom I now managed to find thanks to this page). Only now I realized how cynically he and his brother lied. There was no police and no bank, I found out, of course, only later. I just want you to understand what words they use to gain your trust.

I'm sure no girl can resist after a man puts her on the level of value with his mother. Then, of course, I could not believe that I was dealing with a professional fraudster, and two from the same family.

So, after all these words of love and gratitude, a new story began, but now with the bank..

I'm interested in your opinion. Would you trust a person that you have known for 2 years and with whom you had love and relationship in this? I'm sure yes!

About the bank in the next part.

Therefore, they are more dangerous than ordinary gi**los or scammers acting alone. No one will ever think that the whole family is involved in fraud. As I learned from the girls I met, he introduced everyone to his brother and almost everyone he introduced with his mother. and therefore no one had any doubts about the seriousness of their relationship. but this is just their family "business" and everything is just their victims for profit or just for entertainment with them

Ps: I'm not naive, I just tried in you motherf**kers to see people

I messed something up with the photo yesterday, but I don't want to redo the post.  So again for those who do not unders...

I messed something up with the photo yesterday, but I don't want to redo the post. So again for those who do not understand.

At the end of this story, you will feel all the cynicism of all these false words about friendship and gratitude to me for saving his brother. But that's all later…

If at least one girl escapes my fate, I’ll already consider it a victory.

There is such a parable: men come to God and ask the question - God, tell us why the girls are all so kind, sweet, cheerful, and women are all so evil, cruel and treacherous? To which God replied: Because I create girls, and you make women out of them

Therefore, dear girls, don’t waste time on unworthy representatives of the human race whose gender is written “male”. The presence of a member doesn’t make an individual a man. A man is intelligence, dignity, valor and the ability to protect the weak. And cowardly thieves who deceive those who are weaker are more like hyenas than men

Part 1. Beginning  So, Junior and I had been talking by that time for almost 2 years.  The first year he did not even hi...

Part 1. Beginning
So, Junior and I had been talking by that time for almost 2 years. The first year he did not even hint at money, but a year later there were hints of something like a broken phone or problems with housing. I voiced my position at that moment “that I never give money to anyone, because money is everywhere and if a person is not stupid, he can always earn it.” But one day I gave up ... he said that he broke the phone when we had a fight and I, feeling guilty, transferred money to him on the phone. Further, I ignored his hints that he had no money. He knew that I doing business ... And, Junior, realizing that his brain, aimed only at fu***ng and thinking about how to become rich without doing anything, he decided to connect his brother. he and his brother came up with this story (pictured). But! it was just the beginning. At first, the two of them participated in this scam, then their friend joined them. Three guys against one girl… Very worthy 👍 I hope they still don't take money from children on the street yet 😏
In general, the story is long, to be continued

Ps.: Well, in the end I want to say thank you to my "friend" for the hearts in the my stories. After "f**k you" I was very nice it. It's so cute🥲😭I almost cried 😂😂😂 In general, the guys are great, the three of us coped with one girl. Bravo 👏🙌 I think the words honor and dignity, of course, are not familiar to them and it probably makes no sense for them to google them. It will not be needed them to their work in horizontal position 🙃

So, yesterday his brother offered me a junior as a debt ((here it means that he will help me make peace with the junior ...

So, yesterday his brother offered me a junior as a debt ((here it means that he will help me make peace with the junior and return to our harem)😂 And when I refused, they started telling me “f**k you” in voice messages. Maybe I should have agreed? 😂😂😂
Well, we’ll get to the threats in the next posts, as well as stories about how they all do it. Just don’t think that they’ll ask you for money after 3 days of dating. They deceived me for a large amount only after almost 2 years of dating. Now I understand why a junior needs so many girls… They wait, find out everything about you, win you over, introduce you to your mother, talk about the wedding, make plans for the future, and only then proceed to their fraudulent actions. Don't expect pity. Do you think that in a year you have become his love and friends, for them you have become only an object of profit.

S**t, now I regret that I refused, I wonder how it would look like? 😅 They would bring him to me for entertainment while his next victim would be waiting for him in the next room 😂😂😂

The further, the more interesting 😂😂😂(

I already created a similar page, but after he agreed to return my dentgi to me, I deleted it.  However, after that, he ...

I already created a similar page, but after he agreed to return my dentgi to me, I deleted it. However, after that, he blocked me again soon after. This was of course expected 😁😁

So.. Why did I create this account?! I want to Show the girls who they're dealing with.  As a businesswoman, I will say ...

So.. Why did I create this account?!

I want to Show the girls who they're dealing with. As a businesswoman, I will say this - if the price is on the product, then pay, if there is no price on the product - bargain, if a person considers himself a product, then he must warn that he sells his services of love. By cheating, lying, using trust, taking money from a person is a fraud.

And it's not even about money, but about how he treats people whom he deceived. I told him many times that problems cannot be run away, they can either be solved or negotiated. But he decided that writing “F**k off” and blocking me on all social networks would be enough. no one seems to have ever punished him for stealing, and he felt his permissiveness and immortality.

So, in the next post I will tell the story of how he received 5000 dinars from me. Almost all of his family and a close friend of his participated in this, because he knew my position that I never give money to men and don't give money to anyone on principle

Of course, then I could not even imagine that they would all turn out to be scammers, because I had never met such deceitful and vile people, especially the almost whole family


Le Kram



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