Hallo Everyone,
While I note that the turn-out to yesterday's event was sorely disappointing... There were definitely more than 10 patrons at the event.
The event was advertised consistently on social media sites throughout April to June (up until the event date). Even Vendors stated that they were sharing the information with potential patrons... I note that we had some unfortunate weather conditions yesterday, however it did clear up... patrons were of the view that it was raining excessively throughout the area as some in Santa Cruz, St. Joseph, Maracas, Curepe, St. Augustine & surrounding environs stated when they messaged yesterday.
I thank all my exceptional Vendors for coming on-board with me to do this event. I appreciated all of the feedback given to me yesterday. It will be taken into serious consideration when planning my follow-up event which will be coming soon...
Judge me not by my mistakes, but by my ability to correct them.
My Sincere Regards,
Founder & Creative Director of
PDRU Promotions