AMSC 2023 Taiwan

AMSC 2023 Taiwan AMSC 2023 Taiwan will be held on 10th-16th July, 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan. See you in Taiwan !🇹🇼

D-5【AMSC 2023 Activities Preview  #5 】🌟Closing Ceremony & Farewell Party Aside from awarding academic competition prizes...

【AMSC 2023 Activities Preview #5 】
🌟Closing Ceremony & Farewell Party
Aside from awarding academic competition prizes, we designed a farewell party for all the delegates to rewind the precious memories in the seven days.

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D-6【AMSC 2023 Activities Preview  #4 】🌟Cultural NightWelcome to the lively environment created by cultural performances ...

【AMSC 2023 Activities Preview #4 】
🌟Cultural Night

Welcome to the lively environment created by cultural performances of delegates from various countries along with the traditional Taiwanese culture. It will be a wonderful chance for medical students from all over the world to glimpse into foreign cultures. Have fun and enjoy yourself!

🌟Party Night

Let’s get crazy at the last night of the conference! We will be introducing you to the most interesting and exciting night you will ever have. Hope you enjoy the casino games and DJ time with friends and group mates.

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D-7【AMSC 2023 Activities Preview  #3 】🌟Night Market BingoReady to try distinctive Taiwanese street foods? Excited to be ...

【AMSC 2023 Activities Preview #3 】
🌟Night Market Bingo
Ready to try distinctive Taiwanese street foods? Excited to be immersed in one of the most famous night markets in Taiwan? Let’s play a Bingo game in Shilin Night Market and savor local Taiwanese food and build strong friendships with your teammates at the same time!

🌟International Booth
Be prepared to immerse yourselves in a blend of cultures! Enjoy the lively atmosphere created by the various games and delicacies prepared by delegates. We invite all delegates to introduce their country through cuisines, drinks, arts, and dances.

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【Sponsor—Sun Ten順天堂】✔️Herbal Waves Natural Energy Jelly Drink 草本機能凍飲鹽味檸檬風味/順活沛防禦凍飲隨身防護新選擇! 防禦外敵更Easy! Herbal Waves 天然能量果...

【Sponsor—Sun Ten順天堂】

✔️Herbal Waves Natural Energy Jelly Drink 草本機能凍飲鹽味檸檬風味/順活沛防禦凍飲

隨身防護新選擇! 防禦外敵更Easy! Herbal Waves 天然能量果凍飲料😎

🧊配方 : 金銀花、紫蘇、桔梗、甘草和枇杷葉等藥材組成
🧊提升保護力 健康帶著走

在地鮮榨檸檬口味添加 入口清爽
Waves drink #能量飲料 #草本機能凍飲鹽味檸檬風味

✔️All Mightea Plus順天平安茶Plus/平安防禦飲

還沒想好要怎麼升級自己的防護力嗎?All Mightea Plus順天平安茶 /平安防禦飲😎



Mightea Plus #平安防禦飲 #養身 #健康 #體內防護力升級

【Herbal Waves】 Natural Energy Jelly Drink

A new choice for a healthy body ! 😎

🧊Preserved lemon flavor
🧊Combination of Honeysuckle Flower, Perilla Leaf, Platycodon, Licorice and Eriobotrya
🧊Bring Protection and Wellness with you

Refreshing taste
Ready to drink
Taste the magic of natural protection🙌
Waves drink lemon flavor

Upgrading your natural protection with 【SUN TEN】 All Mightea Plus 😎

🧊Premium Natural herbs selected
🧊Contains Honeysuckle Flower, Houttuynia and Perilla Leaf to provide multiple protection
🧊One pack a day for a healthy body

Whenever commuting
staying inside for a long time
walking in public places
All Mightea Plus give you full protection and renewed vitality🙌

Mightea Plus protection

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【Sponsor—Grape King Bio葡萄王生技】PowerBOMB 荔枝海鹽啤酒花風味還沒想好要怎麼狂歡嗎? 最荔嗨的能量飲料😎🧊PowerBOMB爆能 荔枝海鹽啤酒花風味🧊荔枝海鹽:口感滑順,眾人品評票選的黃金比例🧊啤酒花:0酒...

【Sponsor—Grape King Bio葡萄王生技】

PowerBOMB 荔枝海鹽啤酒花風味
還沒想好要怎麼狂歡嗎? 最荔嗨的能量飲料😎
🧊PowerBOMB爆能 荔枝海鹽啤酒花風味



#爆能 #能量飲料 #荔枝海鹽啤酒花風味 #今夜最荔嗨 #開趴好夥伴

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【Sponsor—京都念慈菴】含金銀花【京都念慈菴】雙層枇杷軟喉糖-原味還沒想好要怎麼恢復你的好聲音嗎嗎? 京都念慈菴雙層枇杷軟喉糖😎🧊內含金銀花、桔梗、枇杷葉、薄荷精華🧊添加枇杷膏精心煉製,潤喉生津 健康分享包,隨時隨地來一粒🧊小包裝好攜...


還沒想好要怎麼恢復你的好聲音嗎嗎? 京都念慈菴雙層枇杷軟喉糖😎
🧊添加枇杷膏精心煉製,潤喉生津 健康分享包,隨時隨地來一粒


#京都念慈菴 #枇杷軟喉糖 #中醫漢方 #恢復好聲音好夥伴

【NIN JIOM】Herbal Gummy Original Flavor

How to get your voice back? Herbal gummy original flavor😎
🧊contain Honeysuckle, Lisianthus, Loquat leaves, mint
🧊soothing your throat with the best natural herbs
🧊good to carry, good to eat
🧊Two-layered loquat for two different taste sensations

Whenever you singing, talking, or even working
Getting a dry throat, having the gummy
Herbal gummy will give you a good voice 🙌

gummy herbal remedy good voice and good partner

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【Sponsor—Tcell 冠元科技】台灣製造 在地服務Brand from Taiwan       « ᴀᴍsᴄ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ᴛᴀɪᴡᴀɴ »⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ : 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝟕.𝟏𝟎-𝟕.𝟏𝟔     ...

【Sponsor—Tcell 冠元科技】

台灣製造 在地服務
Brand from Taiwan

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【Sponsor— Hsin Kuang 新光鋼鐵股份有限公司】新光鋼鐵股份有限公司為全方位鋼鐵通路廠商,秉持「誠信、致和、創新、共享」的經營理念,進行鋼製品裁剪與供料。同時,也是熱心公益的企業,無論是國內外社會慈善公益、支援醫療救護設備、...

【Sponsor— Hsin Kuang 新光鋼鐵股份有限公司】




Hsin Kuang Steel Corporation is a full-service steel supplier, upholding "Integrity, Harmony, Innovation, and Sharing" as philosophy to do business. Meanwhile, it is also an enterprise with a passion for public welfare, including domestic and foreign social charity, support for medical equipment, care for the elderly and the physically and mentally challenged, support for disadvantaged groups, and scholarships for elite higher education students. During the epidemic, it has never stopped its pace and continues to practice "taking from society and giving back to society".
In 2023 AMSC, Hsin Kuang Steel corporation has also provided us with abundant resources, enabling us medical students to do our best on the international stage and bring Taiwan to the world.
More stories about Hsin Kuang Steel:

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【Sponsor—Standard 生達化學製藥】      « ᴀᴍsᴄ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ᴛᴀɪᴡᴀɴ »⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ : 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝟕.𝟏𝟎-𝟕.𝟏𝟔                           ...

【Sponsor—Standard 生達化學製藥】

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【Sponsor—Dr.Morita森田藥妝】 #森田藥粧  #日本進口頂級玻尿酸  #產品再升級超原液❗️超面膜❗️玻尿酸複合原液系列面膜,一敷就爆水💦 森田藥粧經典面膜,產品再升級🆙第6代保濕配方,一片搞定超鎖水。🔒超微導分子專利技術,...

#森田藥粧 #日本進口頂級玻尿酸 #產品再升級








#超原液 #超面膜 #3秒保濕爆水力 #高保濕 #高穩定 #超服貼
#爆水 #保濕 #潤白 #修護

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🔎Taiwan Humanities and Cultures  #5🔎🪦Tomb Sweeping Day🪦🧹Custom 1: Tomb Sweeping🧹Tomb sweeping is the most well-known cus...

🔎Taiwan Humanities and Cultures #5🔎

🪦Tomb Sweeping Day🪦

🧹Custom 1: Tomb Sweeping🧹

Tomb sweeping is the most well-known custom of this holiday. Traditionally, people consider that the ancestors' tombstones have something to do with the descendants' prosperity, so people will clean the weeds on the tomb and offer fruits or flowers to the ancestors. People also believe that burning joss paper and incense will let ancestors have a wealthy afterlife.

🫔Custom 2: Eat popiah/Taiwanese spring roll (潤餅) 🫔

Legend has it that popiah is a cuisine that people originally eat during the Cold Food Festival which falls on one day before Tomb Sweeping Day. Because these two holidays are close, popiah has now become a traditional food of Tomb Sweeping Day.

🚫The taboo of Tomb Sweeping Day🚫

Unsuitable to offer flowers that are bright-colored or with sting on it.

Some fruit like pineapple, banana, grape and more can’t be offered.

The clothing should be dark to show respect to ancestors.

Don’t take photos. It is said that it may bring bad luck.

When burning joss paper, don’t pick up other’s.

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✨All About Taiwan-Part 6✨⛰️ Discover Taiwan  #2 ⛰️☁️Penghu☁️The Penghu Islands are full of basalt geological landscapes,...

✨All About Taiwan-Part 6✨
⛰️ Discover Taiwan #2 ⛰️
The Penghu Islands are full of basalt geological landscapes, and the diverse carvings of nature have amazed geologists after watching them, and praised them as "God's Stone Sculpture Park". Penghu International Fireworks Festival is full of enthusiasm and romance, and the fireworks released every year have unexpected ideas. What’s more, the double enjoyment of the blue sea and blue sky, the soft white sandy beach, a variety of beach water recreational facilities, and breathtaking views of the marine ecology will definitely become an unforgettable memory in your life.
Quemoy was formerly known as Kinmen, and it was named "Kinmen" because of the geographical situation of Kinmen City, which was "as solid as gold, and the town of Haimen". Quemoy has played the role of a battlefield for nearly 50 years. After the military control was lifted, it began to enter a new era of tourism development.
Fueled by the trend of tourism, Quemoy specialties with local flavor are presented to the world. Steel knives made from shell fragments left over from previous wars are must-buy special souvenirs when visiting Quemoy; the climate, soil and water quality and other conditions contribute to the famous peanut candies and the kaoliang liquor.
☁️Green Island☁️
Green Island is located in the southeastern sea of Taitung County.
When you come to Green Island, there are some activities that you must participate in.
1. Diving: The visibility of the green island waters is 40 to 50 meters, which is rare in the world, so it is also called glass water. It has the world's oldest thousand-year-old microporous live coral, and the sea water is clear and rich in plankton.
2. Seawater hot springs: There are only 3 seawater hot springs in the world, northern Italy, Kyushu, Japan, and Green Island Asahi Hot Springs. Here you can listen to the sound of the waves, watch the blue ocean bathing, and look up at the stars at night.
3. Freshman Guidance Office: One of the two prisons for detaining political prisoners in Green Island during the era of white terror. Here you can learn about the indelible history of the past, reflect on and cherish the freedom you have now.
Located southern to the Hengchun Peninsula at the southern tip of Taiwan, Kenting covers both land and sea, and is the only tropical area on Taiwan's main island.
Kenting has abundant natural resources in its warm climate, and such a rich plant environment breeds a variety of wild animals in Kenting, such as sika deer, Taiwanese macaques, gray-faced eagles, etc., adding vitality to the beauty of Kenting.
Moreover, Kenting has convenient transportation and is a good place to play in the hot summer.
☁️Qingshui Cliff☁️
Qingshui Cliff is located on the east side of Qingshui Mountain, Hualien County, between Suhua Highway Heping and Chongde.
The cliff faces the sea for 5 kilometers, which is very spectacular.
The rocks that make up the cliff are mainly composed of green schist, gneiss and marble, with its texture being uneasy to collapse, creating the majestic and steep Qingshui cliff.
Most sections of the Linhai Old Road are closed due to frequent rockfall hazards.
Yehliu is not only a famous sightseeing spot in Taiwan, but also a classroom rich in geological and topographical landscapes. Due to the effects of wave erosion, rock weathering and crustal movement, various peculiar landscapes have been created, such as sea erosion caves, candle stones, mushroom rocks, tofu rocks, honeycomb rocks, potholes, and eroded plates. The Queen's Head is an internationally renowned sea erosion spectacle.

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✨All About Taiwan-Part 5✨⛰️ Discover Taiwan  #1 ⛰️Thanks to the collision of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea P...

✨All About Taiwan-Part 5✨

⛰️ Discover Taiwan #1 ⛰️

Thanks to the collision of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, Taiwan, despite being a relatively small island, owns magnificent mountains with diverse terrain and blooming wildlife.
Let’s take a look at some of the breathtaking views!

☁️Taroko National Park☁️
Taroko is in the eastern part of Taiwan, where the towering mountainous areas are steadily “growing taller” because of continental collision. Natural wonders like the Tunnel of Nine Turns and the nearly vertical marbles of the spectacular Taroko Gorge are sculpted by the rivers cutting through the land for millions of years.

☁️Hehuanshan National Forest Recreation Area☁️
Being the highest National Forest Recreation Area in Taiwan, it attracts not only experienced hikers with its steep peaks, but also the public, for it’s accessible from the highest road in East Asia. Therefore, it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the mountains of Taiwan, especially when snow turns the tropical mountains into silver fairyland in winter.

☁️Yushan National Park☁️
The main mountain Yushan (Mount Jade), whose most recent official measurement is 3,952.43 meters (12,967 feet), is the tallest mountain in Northeast Asia. However, according to the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, any fit individual with a thorough plan, suitable clothing and footwear can reach the summit!

☁️Alishan National Scenic Area☁️
Alishan has been a leading tourist attraction since the Japanese colonial era, for its iconic five wonders — sunrise, sea of clouds, railway, forest and sunset — never cease to amaze visitors. The Alishan Forest Railway serves as a comfortable transportation between Alishan and Chiayi City, making Alishan the perfect place to indulge in the beauty of nature and “chill” during summer.

☁️Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area☁️
This alpine lake is named after its shape, which resembles a combination of a round sun and a crescent moon. Together with the surrounding mountains and their reflections in the clear waters, the scenery reminds one of Chinese landscape paintings, and radiates charm regardless of weather and season. The family-friendly bikeway around Sun Moon Lake was even selected as one of the world’s top 10 most beautiful bikeways by CNN.

Sheer words and photos cannot catch the beauty of these landscapes, so paying them a visit someday is highly recommended!
See you in July!

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✨All About Taiwan-Part 4✨🔎Taiwan Humanities and Cultures  #3🔎Taiwan has many traditional holidays, some of which are bas...

✨All About Taiwan-Part 4✨

🔎Taiwan Humanities and Cultures #3🔎

Taiwan has many traditional holidays, some of which are based on the lunar calendar and some on the solar calendar. Let’s know more about two of the most important traditional holidays in Taiwan!

🚣Dragon Boat Festival (based on the lunar calendar)

🥮Mid-Autumn Festival - Also known as Moon Festival (based on the lunar calendar)

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✨All About Taiwan-Part 3✨🔎Taiwan Humanities and Cultures  #2🔎🏛️The National Palace Museum🏛️The National Palace Museum in...

✨All About Taiwan-Part 3✨

🔎Taiwan Humanities and Cultures #2🔎

🏛️The National Palace Museum🏛️

The National Palace Museum in Taiwan has one of the largest collections of Chinese artifacts in the world, it hosts a collection of treasures kept by generations of Emperors ruling from the Forbidden City. The museum is designed in the style of a Northern Chinese palace.

🧧The Lunar New Year 🧧

The Lunar New Year is the most important festival in Taiwan and some East Asian countries. Each country has its own way to celebrate the new year, and here are some celebrations in Taiwan.

-The reunion dinner
Families gather to eat a feast. It's a perfect time to visit relatives and give new year blessings.

-Red envelopes
Childrens will receive red envelopes, also known as lucky money. According to traditional costume, red envelopes will be put under the pillow while sleeping, its stunning red will scare away the Year Monster and protect the children.

🏮The Lantern Festival🏮

The Lantern Festival is the first day of the full moon in the new year and represents the coming of Spring. Around the festival period, people will eat Yuanxiao (traditional food made by rolling peanuts or sesame stuffing over glutinous rice flour) and watch festive lanterns.

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【Release of AMSC 2023 Taiwan Academic Guidelines】With excitement, AMSC 2023 Taiwan Academic Team announces the release o...

【Release of AMSC 2023 Taiwan Academic Guidelines】

With excitement, AMSC 2023 Taiwan Academic Team announces the release of AMSC 2023 Taiwan Academic Guidelines.
Brief information about the academic competition is provided below, for complete information, please refer to the full document.

|Conference Theme
Geriatrics: Care for the Future
- Subtheme 1: Common health issues in geriatric care
- Subtheme 2: Long-term care
- Subtheme 3: Patient-centered approaches in geriatric medicine
- Subtheme 4: Integration of novel technology into geriatric medicine

|Competition Categories
1. Scientific Paper
2. Scientific Poster
3. Public Poster

|Key Dates
- 5 March 2023: Opening date for abstract submission for all categories
- 5 May 2023: Deadline for abstract submission for all categories
- 5 May 2023~26 May 2023: Editorial review of all abstracts
- 5 June 2023: Announcement of finalists for oral presentation for all categories
- 25 June 2023: Submission of finalists' oral presentation files
- 11 July 2023~13 July 2023: Academic competition finale

For full document please refer to the link in the bio
Any queries? Please do not hesitate to contact us through [email protected]

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✨All About Taiwan-Part 1✨🔎Cities🔎Before coming to Taiwan, let’s know more about our cities!There are 6 special municipal...

✨All About Taiwan-Part 1✨


Before coming to Taiwan, let’s know more about our cities!

There are 6 special municipalities, 13 counties, and 6 cities in Taiwan.
Want to know their names? Go and check out in our post!

💡What’s more?💡
In case you’re curious, the 6 special municipalities are Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung. We usually just call them cities instead of special municipalities (except in exams of course😆

Follow us for more information and get prepared before coming to Taiwan!

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【⏳ Stay Tuned ⏳】Follow our Instagram and Facebook accounts right now!Find out more about AMSC 2023 and Taiwan here!     ...

【⏳ Stay Tuned ⏳】

Follow our Instagram and Facebook accounts right now!
Find out more about AMSC 2023 and Taiwan here!

Looking forward to seeing you this summer!

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