Dysfunctional Reality

Dysfunctional Reality Dysfunctional Reality存粹喜歡這個尊重著多元曲風文化的台灣地下音樂場景。長期與3D藝術家ixonorax合作,DR無數的派對在豐富聽覺饗宴以及3D虛擬世界中自由穿梭。

Dysreality  ☠︎ 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓☠︎  presents :: Shrek is loveDysreality 萬聖節鉅獻!!Shrek is love, Shrek is lifeSwamp party on ...

Dysreality ☠︎ 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓☠︎ presents :: Shrek is love
Dysreality 萬聖節鉅獻!!

Shrek is love, Shrek is life

Swamp party on 28th October 9pm - 4am

Wear a mask or dress up in costumes (not a medical one), enjoy the holloweeen w us!

Everyone only wants to make friends w good looking and cool ppl in this generation. But don’t worry! Today we’ll hav our mask on and just enjoy the nice music together!

Dysfuntional Reality存粹喜歡這個尊重著多元曲風文化的台灣地下音樂場景。長期與3D藝術家ixonorax合作,DR無數的派對在豐富聽覺饗宴以及3D虛擬世界中自由穿梭。

死銳嗑第二屆即將來襲,由Dyesreality帶領DJ朋友們共同演出。曲風如同Dysreality的風格將會橫跨House/UKG/DnB/Experimental/Bass/Japanese hip-hop等。一起進入成人的史瑞克異想世界。

‣Line-up ::


‣派對資訊/參加辦法 ::
地點:23 Music Room
Dress code:Show me your swamp style!

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人

Check this out!!!

Check this out!!!

The brothers Keim (unbend and BigXXL) were kind enough to allow me the honor of playing at their event Dysfunctional Reality at Grey Area in Taipei, Taiwan... and I had a hell of a good time!!! I'm ve

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】就在9/2本週六!即刻購買預售票:https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6‣派對資訊/參加辦法 ::時間:9/2(六)地點:Grey Area 中山北路一段57-...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】就在9/2本週六!

‣派對資訊/參加辦法 ::
地點:Grey Area 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)

-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

‣酒水優惠 ::
First 60 gets a 100ntd drink coupon (you can buy any drink 200ntd and below for 100ntd)

Pre-registration link:

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】就在9/2下週六!即刻購買預售票:https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6網羅台日各大指標派對團體主理人,東京指標浩室團體CYK Nari、Bridge Shin...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】就在9/2下週六!

網羅台日各大指標派對團體主理人,東京指標浩室團體CYK Nari、Bridge Shinjuku駐場DJ Hiroaki Iida、同場東道主除Dysfunctional Reality主理人BigXXL、UNBEND外,也邀請到UnderU主理人Sonia Calico、跨我身體創辦人B E N N、Front line主理人 dINO、狼人小隊Wolf Pacc DJ Baloney billionaire、ANKR成員之一lemonfacer以及浩室派對組織HTSL的主辦人Anti-Hero。群雄共聚於Grey Area,二室齊開,多樣的曲風以最好的DJ們呈現。

‣派對資訊/參加辦法 ::
地點:Grey Area 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)

-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

‣酒水優惠 ::
First 60 gets a 100ntd drink coupon (you can buy any drink 200ntd and below for 100ntd)

Pre-registration link:

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6 🐉 第九波DJ介紹 - Sonia Calico  🐉生長於台北的音樂製作人 Sonia Calic...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】
即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6

🐉 第九波DJ介紹 - Sonia Calico 🐉

生長於台北的音樂製作人 Sonia Calico,音樂中總是大膽嘗試各種不同的配方;以西方的重低音舞曲為基底,融合自身生長環境包括中文流行樂、傳統東方聲響等元素創造出獨樹一格的曲風。創作靈感來源則是環繞在身邊發生的各種議題以及對科技和未來的想像與反思。

曾是傳奇電子搖滾女團 Go Chic 的團長,在單飛後投入於地下舞曲音樂的創作與推廣,除了是音樂及派對廠牌 UnderU 的主理人並創立 Beatmakers Taipei 的社群平台。

Sonia Calico 自2017起,發行過兩張正式個人 EP 、一張專輯以及無數首單曲、混音,曾受邀美國 The Fader 雜誌以及英國 FACT 雜誌專訪,並在 Boiler Room 還有 SXSW, ADE, Sonar Hong Kong 等音樂節演出。

2019年發行了自製自導的同志婚姻平權主題的音樂影片”Clutter Confines”,獲得在Boiler Room 4:3 首播。並在九月發行了新的單曲“後宮亂鬥”,其音樂錄影帶同樣由Sonia自己導演並與酷兒vouging舞團波蜜壞女孩合作。同年另一首單曲” Iridescent Vision Feat. Taj Raiden” 獲得金音獎最佳電音單曲的肯定。

而她也在2020年推出了首張個人專輯 “Simulation Of An Overloaded World” 被 Bandcamp Daily 推薦為當月最佳電音專輯,並獲得Mixmag, DJ Mag, NOWNESS 等視聽平台的支持。專輯中的單曲也被倫敦舞曲製作人Scratchclart, Ahadadream等製作混音版本並在2022陸續釋出。


“Sonia Calico is defining dance music for Taipei’s new generation” — The FADER
“a maverick producer” — Mixmag
“[Sonia Calico is] creating a space for underground music in Taipei” — Bandcamp

➤Organizer of Taiwan’s digital art and electronic music festival “SYNERGY FESTIVAL.”
➤Pioneering community leader and creator of music/events label UnderU + workshops for local electronic musicians and students.
➤Award-winning DJ/producer at the forefront of Taiwan’s burgeoning dance music scene.
追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊:https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
Sonia Calico 的ig:https://www.instagram.com/sonia_calico/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)
-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6 🐉 第八波DJ介紹 - Dysfuntional Reality主辦團隊 🐉unbend x BIG...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】
即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6

🐉 第八波DJ介紹 - Dysfuntional Reality主辦團隊 🐉
unbend x BIGXXL x ixonorax

於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality。在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。Dysreality 為DJ以及3D視覺藝術家合作,不只兼顧聽覺更帶來視覺饗宴!

而DR的視覺擔當ixonorax則是台灣3D藝術團體NAXS Corp.的成員之一。更曾參與Y3LLOW, 熊仔, 許光漢, 持修, 張藝, 美秀集團等線上藝人的MV亦或是專輯影像製作。疫情期間也參與HOR虛擬派對製作,並多次參與FINAL taipei宣傳平面製作及VJ演出。

Dysfunctional Reality, a pioneering party group that started at 23MR. During the pandemic, they were involved in organizing and providing technical guidance for events in the 23Virtual Room. They also launched the online party series DISCO PANDEMICO as a support line for the 23MR party community, both behind the scenes and on-site. Dysreality collaborates with DJs and 3D visual artists to create a multisensory experience that combines both auditory and visual delights.

ixonorax, the visual contributor for DR, is a member of the Taiwanese 3D art group NAXS Corp. He has participated in the production of music videos and album visuals for online artists such as Y3LLOW,熊仔, 許光漢, 持修, 張藝, and 美秀集團. During the pandemic, he was also involved in the production of HOR virtual parties and were actively engaged in creating promotional materials and VJ performances for FINAL Taipei.
追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊:
ixonorax 的ig: https://www.instagram.com/ixonorax/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)
-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】🐉 第七波DJ介紹 - dINO 🐉即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6 活動單位「Frontline 前線 」的主理人,低頻音樂成癮者,...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】
🐉 第七波DJ介紹 - dINO 🐉
即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6

活動單位「Frontline 前線 」的主理人,低頻音樂成癮者,喜好UK Dubstep、D&B、Jungle、Dub、Breaks等類型音樂,不定期邀請同好舉辦活動,推廣UK Bass Music。曾與B.D.K.、Molly、Formosa sound system;分別邀請Joe Nice、Peaky Beats與Radikal Guru來台演出。

dINO has been running Frontline since 2019. In his earlier days, dINO was promoting DnB in Taipei but after seeing Mala’s Boiler room set, he caught the Dubstep bug.

He’s hosted DJs from across Taiwan as well as Joe Nice, Peaky Beats and most recently Moonshine Recording’s Radikal Guru with Formosa sound system.
追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊: https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
dINO 的ig: https://www.instagram.com/dinoonib/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)
-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】🐉 第六波DJ介紹 - B E N N 🐉即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6 台北電子製作人,台灣地下電子音樂廠牌Over My Bod...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】

🐉 第六波DJ介紹 - B E N N 🐉
即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6

台北電子製作人,台灣地下電子音樂廠牌Over My Body 跨 我 身 體 首腦,現為Final常駐DJ,參與過無數演出,各大國外電台也有其蹤跡。風格強烈,遊走於實驗及舞曲間。創作結合了Hard drum、Bass、Deconstructed Club等元素並持續打造個人風格。過去三年陸續在TCA(德國)
,kepeasaparadoks(賽爾維亞), Early Reflex(義大利), Jupiter4(德國), Club Late Music(法國)等各國獨立廠牌發表專輯及單曲,2022年與SOWUT合作“All Red”迅速獲得國內廣大迴響。

Taipei based producer/DJ, founder of avant garde club label ” overmybody.tw” also the resident DJ of club Final_Taipei. B E N N attempted to reach out the diverse dimensions into the production after moving back to Taipei from London, with natural sounds blending into different asian vibes with broken beats. Over the past 3 years B E N N has released several EPs and participated in many compilations from different labels, each showing an evolution of technique, from Synesthesia's tribal futurism, to the organic natural pulses of Entheos, and most recently the sleek high definition crunch of 2041.
追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊: https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
B E N N 的ig:https://www.instagram.com/bnnw_tw/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)
-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】🐉 第五波DJ介紹 - Baloneybillionaire  🐉即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6 BaloneyBillionair...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】

🐉 第五波DJ介紹 - Baloneybillionaire 🐉
即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6

BaloneyBillionaire喜歡放的音樂曲風除了jungle外就是UKGarage了。曾在東京念大學後深入當地次文化圈常見在Vent,Contact,Circus...等club台上台下出沒,也曾是當地UK House廠牌House Not House的resident。目前擔任台灣新銳當紅饒舌團體狼人小隊的御用DJ。疫情期間更發揮community精神成立非營利線上活動組織Spin Your Plate。
喜歡UK Garage和Soundsystem滿點的Jungle,曲風多變,以黑膠DJ起家的他歌曲的轉換上更是順暢無比!

BaloneyBillionaire enjoys playing music styles such as jungle and UK Garage. After studying at a university in Tokyo, he delved deep into the local subculture scene, often seen in clubs like Vent, Contact, and Circus. He was also a resident DJ for the local UK House label, House Not House. Currently, he serves as the official DJ for the popular Taiwanese rap group, Wolf Pacc. During the pandemic, he demonstrated community spirit by founding the non-profit online event organization, Spin Your Plate. With a love for UK Garage and Jungle with a strong soundsystem element, BaloneyBillionaire is known for his diverse musical style. As a vinyl DJ, his song transitions are incredibly smooth.

追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊: https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
BaloneyBillionaire 的ig:https://www.instagram.com/tokyoemoboy/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)
-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】🐉第四波DJ介紹- lemonfacer 🐉即刻購買預售票 - 請見主頁連結來自美國加州的電子音樂製作人和 DJ。是電子音樂及自然生活風格品牌「泊人 ANKR  」的...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】

🐉第四波DJ介紹- lemonfacer 🐉
即刻購買預售票 - 請見主頁連結

來自美國加州的電子音樂製作人和 DJ。是電子音樂及自然生活風格品牌「泊人 ANKR 」的成員之一也是常駐在23MusicRoom辦活動的TropicalHeat固定班底。如同他多樣流動的曲風,也常在GreyArea、FINAL、pawnshop帶來演出,也曾經作為同場DJ support Mama Snake於Pawshop的演出。他的House選曲絕對可以期待!

A music producer and DJ from California, USA. He is a member of the electronic music and lifestyle brand "ANKR泊人" and a regular member of TropicalHeat, which hosts events at 23MusicRoom. With his diverse and fluid musical style, he often performs at Greyarea, FINAL, and Pawnshop, and has shared the stage with the likes of Mama Snake and other world renowned DJ's. His House music selection is definitely something to look forward to!

追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊: https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號

【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)

-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】🐉第三波DJ介紹- Anti Hero 🐉即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6 DJ Anti Hero生於加拿大,現今居住在台北,並且擁...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】

🐉第三波DJ介紹- Anti Hero 🐉
即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6

DJ Anti Hero生於加拿大,現今居住在台北,並且擁有二十多年的DJ台經驗。除了Anti Hero著名的Deep、Dark、Dirty風格外,他也不吝於添加Soul、Funk等較於明快振奮的元素在他的舞池中來賦予派對層次感與空間性。無論Anti Hero放的曲目是什麼,他的目標就是要用豐富的音樂選集來讓舞池的人們自動地跳起來。套句音樂先鋒George Clinton說的話:「解放你的心靈,你的屁股自然會跟上。」Oh yes,跟上那節奏吧。

DJ Anti Hero hails from Canada but is based in Taipei, Taiwan and has over 20 years experience behind the decks. Although Anti Hero is primarily known for getting deep, dark and dirty - he loves throwing down soulful, funky uplifting sounds as well or bringing things into the depths of some spacey driving goodness. Regardless of what he's playing - it's all about choice selections and getting people to let go and move. To borrow the words of the prophet George Clinton - all he really wants you to do is to "Free your mind and your ass will follow." And, oh yes... follow you shall.

追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊: https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
Anti Hero 的ig:https://www.instagram.com/antiherothedj/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號

【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)

-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】🐉 第二波DJ介紹-Hiroaki Iida 🐉即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6Hiroaki在東京出生並長大,他的風格以aggres...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】

🐉 第二波DJ介紹-Hiroaki Iida 🐉
即刻購買預售票 - https://bit.ly/3DLgdm6

Hiroaki在東京出生並長大,他的風格以aggressive House和UK Garage為基礎。他喜歡的曲風多廣,包含R&B、Soul、Hiphop和Techno。他在東京的音樂場景中獲得了很大的關注,曾支援國際知名藝人如Skatebard和Masalo,並在VENT、Azumaya、Aoyama Hachi等場地演出,同時也是Bridge Shinjuku的駐場DJ。

Born and raised in Tokyo, Hiroaki centers his style based on aggressive House and UK Garage. He is a diverse artist who enjoys R&B, Soul, Hiphop and Techno. He has been featured all across the tokyo scene supporting international acts such as Skatebard and Masalo playing in venues like VENT, Azumaya, Aoyama Hachi and resident at Bridge Shinjuku.

追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊: https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
Hiroaki Iida 的ig:https://www.instagram.com/dictionally/
活動地點: AREA 中山北路一段57-3號

【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)

-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】🐉 第一波DJ介紹 - Nari 🐉即刻購買預售票 - 請見主頁連結他是東京指標浩室團體" CYK "的一員。CYK曾邀請過Mall Grab、Baba Stilz、...

Dysfunctional Reality【Japan Takeover】

🐉 第一波DJ介紹 - Nari 🐉
即刻購買預售票 - 請見主頁連結

他是東京指標浩室團體" CYK "的一員。

CYK曾邀請過Mall Grab、Baba Stilz、C "est Qui、Avaron Emerson和Nachtbraker等藝術家,並組織了許多瘋狂派對,來自全日本的新世代DJ都參與其中。

在人們對CYK五週年和他們在Rainbow Disco Club 2021的演出仍然記憶猶新,並且曾在Rainbow Disco Club 2022、Fujirock'22和Wonderfruit Festival'22等大型音樂活動出演。

CYK正以加快的步伐在新一代中奠定立足點。2022年7月,Nari本人作為DJ Nobu的"Future Terror" 20週年派對的一員表演。他還在Noods Radio(與Mars 89合作)和NTS Radio(與Baba Stiltz合作)上發布了他的混音作品。


Based in Tokyo since 2013.

He is a part of the collective "CYK", which has made remarkable strides as a singular point of reference in Tokyo house culture.

CYK has invited artists such as Mall Grab, Baba Stilz, C "est Qui, Avaron Emerson, and Nachtbraker, and has also organized numerous frenetic parties with DJs of the same generation from all over Japan.

While the memories of CYK's 5th anniversary and their set at Rainbow Disco Club 2021 are still fresh in people's memories the group has continued their musical journey through Rainbow Disco Club 2022, Fujirock`22, and Wonderfruit Festival'22 in Thailand, etc.,

CYK is gaining a foothold as a driving force of the generation at an accelerated pace. In July 2022, Nari himself has performed as a member of DJ Nobu's "Future Terror" 20th-anniversary party.He has also contributed his mixes to Noods Radio (w/Mars 89) and NTS Radio (w/Baba Stiltz).

His style of play, which affirms the "broad sense" of the word, has earned him the trust of all kinds of audiences, including enthusiasts, and has transcended the boundaries of the land.

追蹤Dysfunctional Reality的ig已獲得活動最新資訊: https://www.instagram.com/dysreality/
Nari的ig: https://www.instagram.com/na.ri.na.ri/
活動地點:GREY AREA 中山北路一段57-3號

【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)

-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

Dysfunctional Reality presents :: Japan Takeover 台日雙廳流動 X Nari(CYK Tokyo), Hiroaki IidaDysfuntional Reality存粹喜歡這個尊重著多元曲風...

Dysfunctional Reality presents :: Japan Takeover 台日雙廳流動 X Nari(CYK Tokyo), Hiroaki Iida

Dysfuntional Reality存粹喜歡這個尊重著多元曲風文化的台灣地下音樂場景。長期與3D藝術家ixonorax合作,DR無數的派對在豐富聽覺饗宴以及3D虛擬世界中自由穿梭。

本次邀請來日本House巨匠級DJ團體CYK成員之一Nari來到台灣,曾在Rainbow Disco Club 2021/2022、Fujirock2022和Wonderfruit Festival2022演出,並且在2022年7月Nari本人作為DJ Nobu"Future Terror" 20週年派對的成員出演。另外也邀請到Hiroaki Iida來自東京的aggressive House以及UK Garage DJ;曾作為Skatebård, Masalo等的同場共演者並在東京各大音樂場景VENT, Azumaya, Aoyama Hach等演出。

同場東道主除Dysfunctional Reality主理人BigXXL, UNBEND外,也邀請到UnderU主理人Sonia Calico, 跨我身體創辦人B E N N, Front line創辦人之一 dINO, Tokyo Community Radio駐台代表Baloney billionaire, ANKR成員之一lemonfacer以及浩室派對組織HTSL的主辦人Anti-Hero 。

今晚將開放兩間舞池,讓多樣且精彩的曲風流動於整個Grey Area的空間。放下曲風的隔閡心防,由致力於豐富音樂場景的各廠牌主辦人們帶領你們融化在House/UKG/DnB/Experimental/Bass等絢爛風格的花花世界。

NAXS Corp.的成員之一。更曾參與Y3LLOW, 熊仔, 許光漢, 持修, 張藝, 美秀集團等線上藝人的MV亦或是專輯影像製作。疫情期間也參與HOR虛擬派對製作,並多次參與FINAL taipei宣傳平面製作及VJ演出。


‣場域規劃/Line-up ::
2F『Dance Floor』-
2200 - 2300 unbend ( Dysfunctional Reality )
2300 - 0000 Antihero ( HSTL Taiwan )
0000 - 0130 Nari ( CYK JPN)
0130 - 0300 Hiroaki Iida (JPN)
0300 - 0400 Sonia Calico
0400 - END B E N N ( 跨 我 身 體 ) B2B Baloneybillionaire

3F『Vibe Floor』-
2300 - 0100 BIGXXL ( Dysfunctional Reality )
0100 - 0300 dINO ( Frontline 前線 )
0300 - END lemonfacer

‣派對資訊/參加辦法 ::
地點: GREY AREA 中山北路一段57-3號
【預售票Pre Sale】
-四人成團Group:1600ntd (4 ppl)

-午夜前Before 12AM:600ntd
-午夜後After 12AM:700ntd

‣酒水優惠 ::
First 60 gets a 100ntd drink coupon (you can buy any drink 200ntd and below for 100ntd)

Pre-registration link:

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人

Dysfunctional Reality is a party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan's underground music scene, respecting various genres. They have collaborated extensively with 3D artist ixonorax, hosting countless parties that offer an immersive audio experience and the freedom to explore a 3D virtual world.

For this event, they have invited Nari, a member of the renowned Japanese house DJ group CYK to share the stage. Nari has performed at Rainbow Disco Club 2021/2022, Fujirock 2022, and Wonderfruit Festival 2022. In July 2022, Nari himself performed as a member of DJ Nobu's "Future Terror" 20th-anniversary party. Also joining Nari is, Hiroaki Iida, a veteran Tokyo DJ who enjoys aggressive house and UK garage. He has performed alongside artists like Skatebård and Masalo, and has played at various prominent music venues in Tokyo such as VENT, Azumaya, and Aoyama Hachi.

In addition to Dysfunctional Reality's founder BigXXL and UNBEND, the local hosts for the event include producers; Sonia Calico, the founder of UnderU and B E N N, the founder of Over My Body. Alongside are renowned DJs, dINO a dnb specialist and founder of Front line; Baloney billionaire, the Taiwan representative of Tokyo Community Radio; and Anti-Hero, the organizer of HTSL, a house and techno event.

For the first time at Grey Area, there will be two dancefloors open, allowing different and exciting music styles to flow throughout the space of Grey Area. Let go of any barriers between genres and let the organizers, who are dedicated to enriching the music scene, lead you into a vibrant world of house, UK garage, drum and bass, experimental, Bass, hip hop and many other styles.




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