Dysfunctional Reality

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Dysfunctional Reality Dysfunctional Reality存粹喜歡這個尊重著多元曲風文化的台灣地下音樂場景。長期與3D藝術家ixonorax合作,DR無數的派對在豐富聽覺饗宴以及3D虛擬世界中自由穿梭。

Dysreality presents :: GOLDEN BOY, NEW YEAR NEW ME!!!!!!IIIIIIIIT’S TIME!!!!!! Party brand that enjoys the diverse music...

Dysreality presents :: GOLDEN BOY, NEW YEAR NEW ME!!!!!!


Party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan’s underground music scene, respecting various genres.

於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality首次登入臥藏。在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,在活動現場更是帶來多場有趣又具主題性的活動;能引起時代共鳴的『我愛學妹』、不失幽默感的『Shrek is love』、浩室整晚的『House of Dysreality』...等,足跡踏過各大地下電子音樂場景,更從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。

⚡︎ Lineup ⚡︎
9-10 Diane Park
10-11 Felix & Kaoru
11-1 unbend & BIGXXL (the Rumah Bros)
1-2 freeman x Za Wheel

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:12/31 Tues. 9pm-End
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

Party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan’s underground music scene, respecting various genres.於23MR開始...

Party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan’s underground music scene, respecting various genres.

於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality首次登入臥藏。在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,在活動現場更是帶來多場有趣又具主題性的活動;能引起時代共鳴的『我愛學妹』、不失幽默感的『Shrek is love』、浩室整晚的『House of Dysreality』...等,足跡踏過各大地下電子音樂場景,更從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。

⚡︎ Lineup ⚡︎

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:11/29 Fri. 9pm-2am
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

Dysreality presents :: Maglevspotting於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality首次登入臥藏。在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線...

Dysreality presents :: Maglevspotting

於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality首次登入臥藏。在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,在活動現場更是帶來多場有趣又具主題性的活動;能引起時代共鳴的『我愛學妹』、不失幽默感的『Shrek is love』、浩室整晚的『House of Dysreality』...等,足跡踏過各大地下電子音樂場景,更從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fu***ng big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fu***ng fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the f**k you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fu***ng junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, f**ked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life… But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons.

Who needs reasons when you’ve got GREAT MUSIC?
⚡︎Line up⚡︎
⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:11/2 Sat.
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

Dysreality 中秋鉅獻::當你不想烤肉的時候當你中秋節烤肉已經來到第三天,再也不想烤肉那你就該來跑趴了!當你已經厭倦你每個禮拜見面的朋友,還要連烤三天,那也是代表跑趴的時間到了!當你沒朋友宅在家到第三天的時候,跑趴的時候到了!於23...

Dysreality 中秋鉅獻::當你不想烤肉的時候


於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality首次登入臥藏。在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,在活動現場更是帶來多場有趣又具主題性的活動;能引起時代共鳴的『我愛學妹』、不失幽默感的『Shrek is love』、浩室整晚的『House of Dysreality』...等,足跡踏過各大地下電子音樂場景,更從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。

09:00-10:00 Bironica Brita b2b Diane Park

10:00-11:30 BIGXXL
11:30-01:00 unbend
01:00-End Kaoru B2B ixonorato

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:9/16 Mon.(中秋連假)
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

我愛學妹vol3!Highschool lovebirds 3JK╰(*´︶`*)╯♡JK╰(*´︶`*)╯♡Event time 24/8/9(金)22:00-04:00At 23Music room我們大家的Dysreality熱門活動...

我愛學妹vol3!Highschool lovebirds 3

Event time
At 23Music room

這次特別邀請到日本知名地下團體「full house」成員Miles先輩前來與我們共同回憶高中

Line up
10-11 BIG XXL
11-12 Unbend
12-1:30 Miles
1:30-2:30 KAORU
2:30-4 IX b2b m.miso

Music genre
Everything 龍飛鳳舞什麼都有…

Dress code

Free entry

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹BigXXL✧ Dysfunctional Reality 主理人✧Party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan...

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹


✧ Dysfunctional Reality 主理人✧

Party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan’s underground music scene, respecting various genres.

於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality,在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,在活動現場更是帶來多場有趣又具主題性的活動;能引起時代共鳴的『我愛學妹』、不失幽默感的『Shrek is love』、浩室整晚的『House of Dysreality』...等,足跡踏過各大地下電子音樂場景,更從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:2/27(二)22:00-2:00am
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人 ▻ 拒絕性騷擾

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹Baloneybillionaire曾在東京念大學後深入當地次文化圈常見在Vent,Contact,Circus...等club台上台下出沒,也曾是當地UK House廠牌House N...

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹


曾在東京念大學後深入當地次文化圈常見在Vent,Contact,Circus...等club台上台下出沒,也曾是當地UK House廠牌House Not House的resident。目前擔任台灣新銳當紅饒舌團體狼人小隊的御用DJ。疫情期間更發揮community精神成立非營利線上活動組織Spin Your Plate。
喜歡UK Garage和Soundsystem滿點的Jungle,曲風多變,以黑膠DJ起家的他歌曲的轉換上更是順暢無比!

BaloneyBillionaire enjoys playing music styles such as jungle and UK Garage. After studying at a university in Tokyo, he delved deep into the local subculture scene, often seen in clubs like Vent, Contact, and Circus. He was also a resident DJ for the local UK House label, House Not House. Currently, he serves as the official DJ for the popular Taiwanese rap group, Wolf Pacc. During the pandemic, he demonstrated community spirit by founding the non-profit online event organization, Spin Your Plate. With a love for UK Garage and Jungle with a strong soundsystem element, BaloneyBillionaire is known for his diverse musical style. As a vinyl DJ, his song transitions are incredibly smooth.

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:2/27(二)22:00-2:00am
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人 ▻ 拒絕性騷擾

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹SulkFINAL Taipei 長駐 DJ,也是OIL Soundsystem的一員。不設限的DJ曲風是從經驗的積累而來,善於閱讀舞客的他不僅選曲精準流暢,更是一位放歌技巧高深莫測的國...

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹


FINAL Taipei 長駐 DJ,也是OIL Soundsystem的一員。不設限的DJ曲風是從經驗的積累而來,善於閱讀舞客的他不僅選曲精準流暢,更是一位放歌技巧高深莫測的國軍弟兄(?)

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:2/27(二)22:00-2:00am
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人 ▻ 拒絕性騷擾

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹NIMNOI DJ NIMNOI,她曾在首爾著名的場地Cakeshop、Pistil、Modeci和ACS演出。她新穎的混音和選曲致力於探索夜店音樂的各種可能性。디제이/프로모터 NIM...

2/27(週二) 2/28放假前一日 :: DJ 介紹


DJ NIMNOI,她曾在首爾著名的場地Cakeshop、Pistil、Modeci和ACS演出。她新穎的混音和選曲致力於探索夜店音樂的各種可能性。

디제이/프로모터 NIMNOI는 현재 서울의 주목할만한 신인 중 한 명입니다. 그는 Cakeshop, Pistil, Modeci, ACS와 같은 서울 유수의 베뉴에 오르며 차세대 플레이어로서 자리매김 해나가고 있습니다.
묵직한 베이스라인 위로 떨어지는 다양한 질감의 소리를 모아, 댄스-비댄스 음악의 교차점을 탐구하는 NIMNOI의 급진적인 셋은 클럽 음악의 확장성을 겨냥합니다.

Seoul based DJ/Promoter NIMNOI is one of the most promising rookies in the city. Performing in Seoul’s renowned venues Cakeshop, Pistil, Modeci and ACS, she is setting down as next generations' player.
She explores the intersection of dance and non-dance music, collecting various textured sounds that fall over a heavy bassline. Her radical blend and selection aims at extensibility of club music.

Mix : https://www.nts.live/shows/akito/episodes/akito-10th-november-2023
RA : https://ra.co/dj/nimnoi
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nimnoi__/

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:2/27(二)22:00-2:00am
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人 ▻ 拒絕性騷擾

You hav a phone call from Dysfuntional Reality. “ 2/27是禮拜二 但2/28禮拜三是連假 你今晚怎麼說?”這次Dysreality團隊邀請到來自首爾的淺力新秀DJ NIMNOI,她曾在首爾...

You hav a phone call from Dysfuntional Reality.
“ 2/27是禮拜二 但2/28禮拜三是連假 你今晚怎麼說?”

這次Dysreality團隊邀請到來自首爾的淺力新秀DJ NIMNOI,她曾在首爾著名的場地Cakeshop、Pistil、Modeci和ACS演出。她的新穎混音和選曲致力於探索夜店音樂的各種可能性。

除了主理人BigXXL外,本次也邀請到 FINAL 駐場 DJ sulk、sowut 等饒舌歌手 DJ baloneybillionair來共同參演,已經蓄勢待發準備帶給你最好聽的禮拜二!

10-11 BigXXL
11-12 Baloneybillionaire
1-2 Sulk

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:2/27(二)22:00-2:00am
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人 ▻ 拒絕性騷擾

✧ 瞭解更多 NIMNOI ✧
Mix : https://www.nts.live/shows/akito/episodes/akito-10th-november-2023
RA : https://ra.co/dj/nimnoi
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nimnoi__/

✧ Dysfunctional Reality ✧
Party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan’s underground music scene, respecting various genres.

於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality,在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,在活動現場更是帶來多場有趣又具主題性的活動;能引起時代共鳴的『我愛學妹』、不失幽默感的『Shrek is love』、浩室整晚的『House of Dysreality』...等,足跡踏過各大地下電子音樂場景,更從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。

Dysreality presents :: LIVE FAST DIE YOUNG速度與激情久 摩羯座生日快樂『LIVE FAST DIE YOUNG!』如同Dysreality的每場活動,盡情地活在當下用力的玩樂就像是最後一天。這次Dy...

Dysreality presents :: LIVE FAST DIE YOUNG速度與激情久 摩羯座生日快樂

『LIVE FAST DIE YOUNG!』如同Dysreality的每場活動,盡情地活在當下用力的玩樂就像是最後一天。這次Dysreality由原班人馬主持,播放高速的舞曲,準備帶給大家一些速度與激情!


⚡︎About Dysfunctional Reality⚡︎

於23MR開始的新銳派對團體Dysfunctional Reality,在疫情期間更參與23Virtual Room的活動策劃以及技術指導,更開始DR的線上派對支線DISCO PANDEMICO,在活動現場更是帶來多場有趣又具主題性的活動;能引起時代共鳴的『我愛學妹』、不失幽默感的『Shrek is love』、浩室整晚的『House of Dysreality』...等,足跡踏過各大地下電子音樂場景,更從幕後到現場支持著23MR的派對社群。

Dysreality 為DJ以及3D視覺藝術家合作,不只兼顧聽覺更帶來視覺饗宴!DR的視覺擔當ixonorax則是台灣3D藝術團體NAXS Corp.的成員之一。更曾參與Y3LLOW, 熊仔, 許光漢, 持修, 張藝, 美秀集團等線上藝人的MV亦或是專輯影像製作。疫情期間也參與HOR虛擬派對製作,並多次參與FINAL taipei宣傳平面製作及VJ演出。

& b2b2b

⚡︎Event info⚡︎
時間 Date:1/19(五)21:00-03:00am
地點 Location:23 Music Room
入場 Entry:Free

買票支持DJ ▻ 買酒支持場域 ▻ 不理性喝酒 ▻ 平安回家 ▻ 關心周遭的人 ▻ 拒絕性騷擾

Dysfunctional Reality is a party brand that enjoys the diverse music culture in Taiwan's underground music scene, respecting various genres. They have collaborated extensively with 3D artist ixonorax, hosting countless parties that offer an immersive audio experience and the freedom to explore a 3D virtual world.





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