從心說故事派對顧問工作室 OuR Story Wedding and Event Studio 雙語婚禮/婚禮企劃/婚禮顧問/ 美式婚禮/客製婚禮

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  • 從心說故事派對顧問工作室 OuR Story Wedding and Event Studio 雙語婚禮/婚禮企劃/婚禮顧問/ 美式婚禮/客製婚禮

從心說故事派對顧問工作室 OuR Story Wedding and Event Studio 雙語婚禮/婚禮企劃/婚禮顧問/ 美式婚禮/客製婚禮 提供專業的雙語婚禮企劃和主持服務,為您打造專屬於您的婚禮企劃,讓來自不同文化、族群、背景的親朋好友一同享樂,給您最用心、感人、歡樂,回想起來會心一笑、意猶未盡的婚禮體驗

從心說故事 OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio
這是你們的愛情故事 It’s your love story.
這是我們的婚禮故事 It’s our wedding story
這是我們從心說故事 It’s OuR Story.
從心說故事 OuR Story 婚禮顧問團隊全台服務


OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio in Taiwan

We provide professional bilingual wedding planning and emcee service creating an unique and customized wedding which makes all of your friends and families from all groups and cultures have a touching, delighted, and unforgettable wedding experience.
從心說故事 OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio 2023-2024 檔期熱烈預約中…..請私訊粉絲專頁

恭喜 Neil & D**g !!!! 哲禹和若喬在參加完2022/4/16文傑和惠寧的婚禮當天馬上邀請主持了他們2024/07/17的婚禮,而小馬和冬冬也在參加完哲禹和若喬的婚禮,在今年邀請主持今天的婚禮。謝謝每場婚禮的親友這麼力挺Rit...

恭喜 Neil & D**g !!!! 哲禹和若喬在參加完2022/4/16文傑和惠寧的婚禮當天馬上邀請主持了他們2024/07/17的婚禮,而小馬和冬冬也在參加完哲禹和若喬的婚禮,在今年邀請主持今天的婚禮。


Wedding planner
Wedding host

Thanks to Gemma and Armian's invitation, allowing us to join this such a beautiful, romantic, well-designed, joyful, and...

Thanks to Gemma and Armian's invitation, allowing us to join this such a beautiful, romantic, well-designed, joyful, and fun wedding.

We had a very romantic and touching wedding ceremony, and also heartfelt speeches from friends and family. We danced crazily and even jumped into the pool to enjoy the party.

It's my great honor to be part of this successful wedding.
Thank you very much for having us.

Wedding planner
Bilingual Emcee/interpretor

#中英婚禮 #中英婚禮主持 #雙語主持 #雙語婚禮主持 #中英婚禮企劃 #派對婚禮 #歡樂婚禮

Congratulations to Bryant and Wendy! At their wedding, Rita took charge as the bilingual emcee and interpreter, seamless...

Congratulations to Bryant and Wendy! At their wedding, Rita took charge as the bilingual emcee and interpreter, seamlessly hosting and translating speeches for the newlyweds, their families, and friends.

The afternoon ceremony exuded romance and sentimentality, followed by a heartwarming entrance with the parents at the reception.

As the evening progressed, the atmosphere was filled with dancing and celebration, culminating in a joyous surprise announcement: Wendy is pregnant! This led to an impromptu gender reveal party and raffle, adding an extra layer of excitement to the festivities.

The wedding was a beautiful amalgamation of love, relationships, and cherished friendships, shared with all their loved ones. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this special day!

Bilingual Emcee/ Interpretor
Photographer /Videographer
Photo booth

Bilingual wedding!!!! Thanks to Elsa and Qasim's invitation!! You met in London, traveled around the world, and now live...

Bilingual wedding!!!! Thanks to Elsa and Qasim's invitation!! You met in London, traveled around the world, and now live in Sydney. You have traveled thousands of miles to build your love and relationship. You've met beautiful people along the way. And today, you are loved by all the family and friends.

I saw family love from the uncle cuddling Qasim. I was touched by the newlyweds' tears. I felt warmth from Elsa's siblings, uncles, and aunts' blessings. I'm very honored to be a part of the wedding.

Thank you very much for having me.

#中英主持 #雙語主持 #婚禮主持 #中英主持人 #中英婚禮主持人 #雙語主持人 #雙語婚禮主持人

Congrats to Calvin and Sally!! (England and Taiwan)This charming small Western wedding holds a special place in my heart...

Congrats to Calvin and Sally!! (England and Taiwan)

This charming small Western wedding holds a special place in my heart. The newlyweds graciously invited approximately 80 guests to celebrate their union.

Despite Calvin's mother being unable to attend, his uncle beautifully conveyed her blessings in a heartfelt letter to the newlyweds. The wedding radiated with joy and happiness.

Thank you once again for extending the invitation.

#中英主持 #中英婚禮 #跨海婚禮 #跨國婚禮 #雙語婚禮 #陽明山婚禮 #美軍基地 #1956 #婚禮顧問 #雙語婚禮顧問 #中英婚禮顧問 #婚禮企畫 #中英婚禮企劃

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs.Chen !!恭喜家平和雅筑!!A romantic and cheerful wedding in Taitung!既浪漫又歡樂的台東婚禮!The beautiful day was start...

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs.Chen !

A romantic and cheerful wedding in Taitung!既浪漫又歡樂的台東婚禮!

The beautiful day was started from a blissful wedding ceremony on the roof of Sheraton Grand Taitung Hotel.
Lin elegantly walked down the aisle with her aunt, who raised her up. Aunt Yi-Ju put Lin’s hand on the groom's with smile and tears. Before the newlyweds exchange their vows and rings, they sincerely delivered the appreciation speeches to their parents, and gave them big hugs.
They were a couple since they studied in the senior high. Although they ended up their relationship after the graduation, Cupid didn’t forget them. They met up again six years later by IG recommended friends link. After holding their hands together again, they dated, rebuilt their house, run business together, and committed to each other. Eventually, they kissed with smile under the sun in their wedding.

六年後,他們通過 IG 推薦的朋友連結再次相遇。

In the wedding reception, we lighted up the stars in the room. We cheered with all the friends and family, and took a big group photo together. We competed beer game on the stage. We gave all the six close friends on the stage a little bouquet.

We laughed, we teared, we drank, we smiled on this amazing wedding day.
In the end, we took a memorable picture in front of the enchanting floral board to memorize this unforgettable day.

喜宴裡,我們點亮星空、我們和所有的親朋好友一起敲杯合拍大合照、 我們在台上比拚啤酒大賽、我們給台上的六個好閨秘一人一束捧花。


Wedding Planner 從心說故事派對顧問工作室 OuR Story Wedding and Event Studio 雙語婚禮/婚禮企劃/婚禮顧問/ 美式婚禮/客製婚禮
Wedding Emcee 莉塔Rita-雙語主持人/婚禮企劃
Videographer 回憶盒子MemoryBox Film
Photographer 蹦啾攝影工作室Bonjour photo studio
Decoration 艾米婚禮百貨
Picture booth 拍你拍我 PIC US |趣味拍照亭/婚禮拍貼機/隨拍即印
Stylist 洪銘鴻
Location 台東桂田喜來登酒店

#婚禮企劃 #婚禮主持 #台東主持 #台東婚禮主持 #台北主持 #宜蘭主持 #宜蘭婚禮主持 #花蓮主持 #花蓮婚禮主持 #桃園主持 #桃園婚禮主持 #桃園婚禮 #新竹主持 #新竹婚禮主持 #台中主持 #台中婚禮主持 #彰化主持 #彰化婚禮主持 #雲林主持 #雲林婚禮主持 #臺南主持 #臺南婚禮主持 #雙語主持

What do we do before and during door game and Pre-wedding on your wedding day ? Besides door game preparation and time c...

What do we do before and during door game and Pre-wedding on your wedding day ? Besides door game preparation and time controlling, we also be there for you to translate and help you to take pictures behind the scenes.

婚禮顧問在闖關遊戲和類婚紗扮演什麼角色呢? 除了迎娶的前置準備和控時,只要時間許可,拍類婚紗時一旁側拍和打傘,讓你們保持美美的樣子,攝影師翻譯也是我們的任務🤜🤛

Wedding planner 從心說故事 OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio
Photographer G.T Studio
Location #光榮碼頭

Congrats to Ginger & Benjamin💞Thanks to Ginger’s invitation from Taichung. It was a multicultural wedding combined the w...

Congrats to Ginger & Benjamin💞
Thanks to Ginger’s invitation from Taichung. It was a multicultural wedding combined the western and Taiwanese wedding traditions. In order to make all of the guests enjoy the event, I spoke Taiwanese, Mandarin, and English on the wedding day. I’m really glad I had this great opportunity to plan and emcee the wedding. It reminds me a wedding is not only for the groom and bride, but also gether their families and friends to feel the love and happiness in the ceremony.
Thank you for having me.
這是一場前所未有的中西合併婚禮,希望所有參與家人、朋友都可以樂在其中,全程以英文、台語、中文三語主持、引導、企劃婚禮。 謝謝薑薑和Ben的信任,特地從台中邀請我企劃這場獨一無二的婚禮。這場婚禮我們融合了西式的證婚、中式的迎娶、有趣的遊戲、莊重的謝恩、浪漫的誓言、溫短的儀式,讓整個早上的婚禮有趣、隆重,時而溫馨、時而感人最後又是歡樂的cheers 結尾。
從心說故事 OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio
這是你們的愛情故事 It’s your love story.
這是我們的婚禮故事 It’s our wedding story
這是我們從心說故事 It’s OuR Story.
We provide professional bilingual wedding planning and emcee services, creating an unique and customized wedding experience which makes your friends and families from all groups and cultures have a touching, delightful and unforgettable time.
從心說故事 OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio 2023-2024 檔期熱烈預約中…..
#婚禮顧問 #雙語主持 #雙語顧問 #跨國婚禮 #跨文化婚禮 #跨國婚姻 #雙語婚禮主持 #臺南主持 #台中主持 #宜蘭主持 #桃園主持 #台北主持 #場勘行 #台南場地 #台南喜宴 #台北喜宴 #台中喜宴 #宴會廳 #飯店 #遊台灣


Wedding venue exploration trip
Taichung - Changhua - Chiayi - Tainan


We'd visited 10 wedding venues in this trip.
Which includes the venues in central and southern Taiwan
We compared the pros and cons between each of them to provide the best suggestions for 5 different couples.

If you are interested in the venues, please contact us.
Please like and share our fan page to learn more wedding knowledge !

從心說故事 OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio
這是你們的愛情故事 It’s your love story.
這是我們的婚禮故事 It’s our wedding story
這是我們從心說故事 It’s OuR Story.
We provide professional bilingual wedding planning and emcee services, creating an unique and customized wedding experience which makes your friends and families from all groups and cultures have a touching, delightful and unforgettable time.
從心說故事 OuR Story Wedding & Event Studio 2023-2024 檔期熱烈預約中…..

#婚禮顧問 #雙語主持 #雙語顧問 #跨國婚禮 #跨文化婚禮 #跨國婚姻 #雙語婚禮主持 #臺南主持 #台中主持 #宜蘭主持 #桃園主持 #台北主持 #場勘行 #台南場地 #台南喜宴 #台北喜宴 #台中喜宴 #宴會廳 #飯店 #遊台灣


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