🔮Launch the Sep. voyage with innate tarot! 9月先天塔羅指引- 放空直覺的抽一張牌✨
🔮(左)迎向希望的曙光,冬蟬在冰中滋養蘊釀等待春分,不順遂也許是自我更高層次的本聖靈,想喚醒與你之間的溝通, 留意頸部壓力的不適,Blue引起的頭痛喔!
(Left) Facing the dawn of hope, winter cicadas are nourishing, brewing in the ice waiting for the spring equinox. The unsatisfactory states may be your own holly soul try to wake you up, communication with you. Pay attention to the pressure of neck discomfort and the headache caused by blue mental.
(Middle) A moment of acceptance to the good or evil that you give to heave, earth and people. The new scenery about getting what you have given. As a boat passing through wouldn’t without water marks. Feel at ease and justified. When building goals high like a tower, look down at the same time how much you stand and take root. Look at the window of your soul —— eyes in the mirror, is it an angel trying to emit white light in the dark night? Or as an evil lurking in the shadows with lip gloss smiles?
(Right) Stay out of party and temptation temporary, calm your mind down and find yourself. The blooming of flower buds does not just show up naturally in spring, but strives to grow strong in autumn, frost and winter snow. Use the power of water: drink plenty of water, soak your feet in hot salt water... Trying the diet of vegetarian Improve the level of spirituality and Self-communication.
Actually, the card on the left side was named "Dawn" and the middle one was"Fairness" when I read them, but I hope without the interpretation and significant of words, can communicate with the cards more intuitively. Do you also like this way of picking card? Leave a comment belong to let me know 😊
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