BOBI - English

BOBI - English Set up in August 2011, BOBI's ( main service is to provide Buddha amulets and sacred objects of Theravada Buddhism to people's enshrinement.

BOBI (Taiwanese: 保庇; literally "blessing") has the name in hopes that each worshiper will be protected and blessed, and meanwhile that we'll always have an attitude of gratitude towards the public. BOBI aims at assisting worshipers in getting help from sacred objects and in the contact with Theravada Buddhism. All our sacred objects have been consecrated by senior monks of decent

temples in Thailand, intermediated by BOBI's Thailand office. No counterfeits. Striving for exquisite quality, BOBI provides professional and customer-oriented services. Higher-quality service will be implemented in the near future, and BOBI will do our best to promote Buddhist culture. Our customers are all over many countries, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, Europe, the United States, etc. BOBI repays to the society by providing : free learning lessons on Thai language writing and speaking (Welcome to enroll). Local office in Thailand provides direct professional service. Through the blessings and power infusion of Thai senior monks, BOBI aims to help more worshipers have better lives and vigorously promote the Theravada Buddhism culture, bringing good fortunes for more people. BOBI is continuing expanding, and will introduce Mahayana-Buddhism objects and peripheral services. BOBI also welcomes other related vendors to form collaboration with us, serve for more worshipers, and promote the profoundness of Buddhism.

【Contact us through】:

LINE: luckybobi168

WeChat: luckybobi168

QQ : 2408398953


As a water bead on a lotus leaf,
as water on a red lily,
does not adhere,
so the sage does not adhere to the seen,
the heard,
or the sensed.

- Buddha
Jara Sutta (Sutta Nipata)


Health is the greatest gift,
contentment the greatest wealth,
faithfulness the best relationship.

- Buddha


【Ten Great Vows of Samantabhadra】普賢菩薩十大願王

In the Avatamsaka Sutra(大方廣佛華嚴經), the Buddha states that

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva(普賢菩薩) made ten great vows in his path to full Buddhahood:

1. To pay homage and respect to all Buddhas. (禮敬諸佛)
2. To praise the Thus Come One-Tathagata. (稱讚如來)
3. To make abundant offerings. (i.e. give generously) (廣修供養)
4. To repent misdeeds and evil karmas. (懺悔業障)
5. To rejoice in others' merits and virtues. (隨喜功德)
6. To request the Buddhas to continue teaching. (請轉法輪)
7. To request the Buddhas to remain in the world. (請佛住世)
8. To follow the teachings of the Buddhas at all times. (常隨佛學)
9. To accommodate and benefit all living beings. (恆順眾生)
10. To transfer all merits and virtues to benefit all beings. (普皆迴向)


Your work is to discover your work and then,
with all your heart, to give yourself to it.

- Buddha


【Kumantong-Child Spirit of Wealth】

1. Kumantong, a type of Thai amulet made by monks who soothed divine spirits of not-yet-reincarnated dead children and had them purified, could help worshipers bring more money and wealth fortune, house sit, look after their children, and fulfill wishes.

Remember not to confuse "Kumantong" with "child child", because Kumantong is made on the basis of monks' mercy, while "child ghost" is created by forcing the spirits of dead children to become the followers of evil-minded people.

2. Enshrining Kumantong, as bringing up one's own children, needs love, responsibility, kind-heartedness, and firm belief. Cookies, soft drinks, candies, toys, etc., could be taken as offerings for Kumantong. When having meals, people could call Kumantong silently to inform them to eat together. Greed is absolutely forbidden, and it's not good for you to fail to meet promise.

3. Merits will be accumulated for kind-hearted people enshrining Kumantong. People can donate money on behalf of their Kumantong, whose merits would be grew by this behavior and who will return thanks to people by bringing in more wealth.

On the other hand, if those who are evil and intended to do harm to others make use of Kumantong to preform bad and immoral deeds, negative karma and bad results will not be faraway.

4. Effects of Kumantong:
(1) more wealth and fortune
(2) prosperous business
(3) preservation of wealth
(4) protection of house
(5) safety of family members
(6) smooth life
(7) fulfillment of wishes

5. This Kumantong for enshrining was consecrated by Luang Pi Namphon, the favorite apprentice of Luang Phor P**n, who pursued his teacher until LP P**n was departed.
Luang Pi Namphon is well-educated and prominently-honored.
In BE 2550 Wat Phailom was issued the model development award; in the same year he himself received in Thailand the filial piety award, Buddhism promotion award, and an honorary degree of a department of environmental conservation of one university.

The year BE 2555 was the only year that the media communication
award was issued to a monk, and Luang Pi Namphon got the laureate.

As the Buddhist saying goes, "Good deeds bring good results. Bad deeds produce negative results. We cannot oppose the law of causality; good and evil will have their karmic retribution when their time comes." With this correct concept in mind, people will surely gain the help from Kumantong, and enjoy a happy and wealthy life!

Year: BE 2555 (AD 2012)
Color: golden, black
Size: height 21cm, width 15.5cm
Material: metal
Temple: Wat Phailom
Blessed By: Luang Pi Namphon
Main Effects: wealth, safety, protection

【Wat Phailom.Kumantong】--------->


★ How to purchase ★

1. Display site

2. Bank remittance:
Please contact customer service for account information.

3. Online credit card:
Please contact customer service.

★ Contact Us ★

BOBI Fortune Shrine
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242
Tel : +886(2) 77161030
Mobile : +886(9) 81817960
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168
Email:[email protected]


Teach this triple truth to all:
A generous heart, kind speech,
and a life of service and compassion
are the things which renew humanity.
- Buddha


【Butterfly Amulet - Metta, Charm, and Wealth】

1. The two faces on the front side of the Butterfly Amulet are "Shiva", the Hindu supreme deity, and "Goddess Kali", Shiva's wife, which represent the efficacy of the attraction of wealth, the prosperity in careers, and the eloquence.

2. With the holy power of takruts and gemstones embedded in the amulet, people all receive great improvements after wearing Butterfly Amulets.

3. Material of genuine Butterfly Amulet includes 108 types of pollen, holy powder, ashes of the burnt Buddhist scriptures, sandalwood powder, golden or silver takruts, and gemstones. With the unique and long-lasting fragrance, Butterfly Amulets help wearers enhance charms, popularity, wealth, and good fortunes.

4. For some occupations like public relation officers, sales people, or entertainers, Butterfly Amulets, which can help people become more popular and thus bring more wealth, are undoubtedly the best choices.

5. Butterfly Amulets are made by Kruba Krissana, a senior monk in northeastern Thailand. Butterfly Amulets have been highly-valued and worshipers of Kruba Krissana are from many countries including Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Welcome to purchase!

Materials: Unique holy powder, 108 special fragrances and pollens, sandalwood powder, gemstones
Made in: Samnaksong Weluwan
Blessed By: Kruba Krissana
Main effects: the enhancement of popularity and charm; the attraction of wealth and good fortune

【Butterfly Amulet】----------------->

★ How to purchase ★

1. Display site

2. Bank remittance:
Please contact customer service for account information.

3. Online credit card:
Please contact customer service.

★ Contact Us ★

BOBI Fortune Shrine
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242
Tel : +886(2) 77161030
Mobile : +886(9) 81817960
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168
Email:[email protected]


However many holy words you read,
however many you speak,
what good will they do you
if you do not act on upon them?

- Buddha


The best prayer is patience. Nirvana is supreme.
If a man hurts another, he is not a recluse.
If a man oppresses another, he is not an ascetic.
- Dhammapada 184

- 法句經.偈184


In spite of practicing imagelessness, bodhisattvas liberate sentient beings;
this is the bodhisattva practice.
- Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2



Therefore, although the true reality Tathagatagarbha is imageless, it possesses all dharmas and enables you to gradually perfect the All-Seed-Prajna, because it cangenerate all dharmas through its flow of seeds. For this reason, bodhisattvas practice imagelessness, but liberate sentient beings in imagelessness---possessing myriad phenomena in imagelessness to liberate sentient beings---this is the real bodhisattva practice.



Although a bodhisattva benefits and guides all sentient beings, he or she has no attachment to them. This is the Bodhisattva practice.
- Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2

After a bodhisattva becomes enlightened, eliminating his or her self-attachment is not the first priority. Instead,the focus is on eliminating habitual vexations and on acquiring a thorough understanding of prajna [transmundane wisdom].


The purpose of not eliminating self-attachment is to allow a bodhisattva to benefit and guide sentient beings life after life (for the infinite future lives, the bodhisattva does not enter remainderless nirvana but widely develops relationship with sentient beings through the Buddha dharma), thereby building up his or her own future Buddha land when the bodhisattva becomes a Buddha.


However, in the course of benefitting and guiding all sentient beings, a bodhisattva does not develop greed for or attachment towards sentient beings. If greed or attachment develops in the process of benefiting and guiding sentient beings, then the bodhisattva has fallen into the desire for followers [the wish to have many followers] and cannot build up his or her future Buddha land.


- A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4,


【Phra Nang Phaya】

1. Phra Nang Phaya, honored as "Queen of Amulet", is one of the "Benjapakee" (set of top five great amulets). Phra Nang Phaya amulets were found about 4-500 years ago in ancient Thai chedis, whose effects include the protection against adversity,the enhancement of influence, metta, and wealth, and the prosperity of careers and businesses.

2. Though made in the period of Ayutthaya Kingdom, the proportion, pattern, and form of Phra Nang Phaya amulets were tinted with Sukhothai style.

Phra Nang Phaya amulets are all in triangular form, and Nang Phaya, with firm breasts and a curvy figure, is sitting in "Subduing Mara" posture.

3. Phra Nang Phaya amulets, with all-around effects, help wearers overcome all setbacks, avoid disasters and misfortune, become more endearing and influencial, etc. Phra Nang Phaya amulets are specially recommended for women.

4. This Phra Nang Phaya amulet is made by Luang Phor Sakorn, a master with great magic power. LP Sakorn would take part in each of the process from preparing materials to the making of amulets.Besides of learning dharma and magic power, master has also deep artistic excellence. People with great benevolence who wear his amulets will have their dreams come true.

Year: BE 2548 (AD 2005)
Color: tricolor
Size: height 2.5cm, width 2.1cm
Material: holy powder, incense ashes, holy soil, pollen, and other special materials
Temple: Wat Nong Krab
Blessed by: Luang Phor Sakorn
Main effects: wealth, business, fortune, metta, influence, safety, protection

【Luang Phor Sakorn.Phra Nang Phaya】------->

【Buddha Amulets of Phra Nang Phaya】-------->

★ How to purchase ★

1. Display site

2. Bank remittance:
Please contact customer service for account information.

3. Online credit card:
Please contact customer service.

★ Contact Us ★

BOBI Fortune Shrine
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242
Tel : +886(2) 77161030
Mobile : +886(9) 81817960
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168
Email:[email protected]


This is why all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should thus develop a pure and clean mind which should not abide in form, sound, smell, taste, touch and dharma.

They should develop a mind which does not abide in anything.

- Diamond Sutra《金剛經》


【Phra Buddha Chinnarat】

1. Phra Buddha Chinnarat is regarded as the most beautiful and elegant Buddha image in Thailand. The Buddha image, encircled by "Sum Ruen Kaew" (Thai: ซุ้มเรือนแก้ว, a finely decorated triangular arch), sits in "Subduing Mara" posture, which is called "Pang Man Wichai" (Thai: ปางมารวิชัย): the left hand placing on the lap, palm upward, and the right hand reaching toward the ground, palm inward, displaying "Bhumisparsha Mudra".

Statues of Sariputta and Moggallana, two chief male disciples of the Buddha, stand on either side of the Buddha image.

2. Blessings of Phra Buddha Chinnarat:
● success in careers and all competitions
● safety; protection against adversity
● wealth attraction
● good fortune in everything
● metta (loving kindness)
● fulfillment of wishes

3. These Phra Buddha Chinnarat amulets have been blessed and consecrated by monks of Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat in Phitsanulok, a temple of the Sukhothai era which is listed on the World Heritage Sites.

4. The price is 3200 NTD. Welcome to purchase!

Color: white, golden, or tricolor
with case - length 3.9cm, width 2.6cm
without case - length 3cm, width 1.9cm
Material: metal
Temple: Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat
Blessed by: great monks of Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat
Main effects: career, business, fortune, metta, wealth, safety, protection

【Phra Buddha Chinnarat (white)】

【Phra Buddha Chinnarat (golden)】

【Phra Buddha Chinnarat (tricolor)】

【Phra Buddha Chinnarat Amulets】

★ How to purchase ★

1. Display site

2. Bank remittance:
Please contact customer service for account information.

3. Online credit card:
Please contact customer service.

★ Contact Us ★

BOBI Fortune Shrine
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242
Tel : +886(2) 77161030
Mobile : +886(9) 81817960
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168
Email:[email protected]


【LP Phan Amulet Made A Butcher Drop His Knife】
「屠豬版」佛牌威靈 劊子手棄刀向善

Luang Phor Phan (Thai: หลวงพ่อผัน), a guru monk of Wat Ratcharoen (Thai: วัดราษฎร์เจริญ), Saraburi Province, had made plenty of self-portrait amulets in several editions with versatile and abounding efficacious events.

  泰國中部北標府拉查任寺(Wat Ratcharoen)龍波槃(Luang Phor Phan),曾督製多個版本的自身法像佛牌,功效包羅萬象,屢傳靈驗事蹟。

Of all Luang Phor Phan amulets, the most popular edition is "Luang Phor Phan self-portrait amulet, Rian Sema, 1st batch," whose front side is a sitting-meditation image of Luang Phor Phan and which was made in honor of the promotion of Luang Phor Phan.


When it comes to the most well-known edition of Luang Phor Phan amulets, the "Pig Stabbed Edition" couldn't be overlooked. "Pig Stabbed Edition" amulets, whose front side also displays a sitting-meditation image of Luang Phor Phan, were made for the purpose of raising funds for renovating the temple.


The name "Pig Stabbed" was derived from a story that a butcher, after receiving a Luang Phor Phan amulet, went to the slaughterhouse as usual. The amulet was put into a small bag placed in his shirt pocket. The butcher threw a pig onto the ground; at the meantime, from his pocket slipped the amulet, which was covered by the pig.


Grasping a sharp knife, the butcher was going to cut the pig's throat to kill it. Unbelievably, the pig skin failed to be stabbed by the knife and the pig remained well without being hurt...


More Story on


【LP Ngern Amulet, Pim Job Yai】

Luang Phor Ngern from Wat Bang Khlan, is one of the nine famous sacred monks in Thailand. This believe is highly recognized by majority of Thai people.

In the 3 forms of alms, the material form of giving in terms of food, money or other tangible items could help one gains wealth.
The second type is dhamma dana which can make ones receives wisdom. The third type is giving in fearlessness which can help one receives longevity.

1. Amisa dana - During the early hardship environment of Thailand, LP Ngern had put in a lot of gold and silver materials in the making of amulets to the public.
Therefore, master had great status in the eyes of the public. This is his result of amisa dana.

2. Dhamma dana - LP Ngern has great dharma power and he did not have any association with dark magic.
He has many well-known disciples such as LP Suk who is also one of the nine famous sacred monks in Thailand.
This signifies the great result of LP Ngern's dhamma dana.

3. Abhaya dana - LP Ngern passed away at age around 114. He lived a longevity life. This is the result of abhaya dana.

4. The amulets of LP Ngern are the heritage of amisa dana, dhamma dana and abhaya dana. They are very precious.

5. This LP Ngern Pim Job Yai amulet is made and from Wat Bang Khlan. The price is NT 6000.

All are welcomed to get one and we wish you prosperity and make plenty of money.

Year: BE 2545 (AD 2002)
Color: tricolor
Size: height 3.2cm, width 2cm
Material: brass
Temple: Wat Bang Khlan
Blessed by: 145 monks, hosted by Luang Phor Ruy Pasatigo from Wat Tago in BE 2545
Main effects: wealth, business, trade

【LP Ngern, Pim Job Yai】----------->

【LP Ngern Amulets】----------->

★ How to purchase ★

1. Display site

2. Bank remittance:
Please contact customer service for account information.

3. Online credit card:
Please contact customer service.

★ Contact Us ★

BOBI Fortune Shrine
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242
Tel : +886(2) 77161030
Mobile : +886(9) 81817960
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168
Email:[email protected]


Knowing that the other person is angry, one who remains mindful and calm acts for his own best interest and for the other's interest, too.
- Samyutta Nikaya I, 152

- 雜阿含經.1152經


Were there a mountain all made of gold,
even two of those would not be enough to satisfy even a single person!
Know this and live accordingly
- Samyutta Nikaya

- 雜阿含經.相應部


【Luang Pu Key.Ganesha】

1. Ganesha, with an elephant head, a curved trunk, big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body, is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati.

Ganesha is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also worshiped as the god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth. And Ganesha is one of the five prime Hindu deities (the other four: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Durga).

2. As the god of wisdom and wealth, Ganesha blesses people not only for wisdom and wealth but also for affluent life, development in art, removal of obstacles, good fortune, safety, and dispelling of misfortune.

Ganesha is also honored as the god granting all wishes because of his humbleness, endless power, and the kind heart to listen to people's wishes.

3. Wear and sincerely pray to Ganesha amulets, and people will gain benefits including continuing progress, removal of obstacles, development in art and creation, good fortune, wealth, and affluent life. In a word, after wearing Ganesha amulets, you'll find great progresses in wealth, career, affluence, and charm.

4. This Ganesha amulet was made and consecrated by Luang Pu Key, a monk famous in the practice of luck-enhancing and luck-changing ceremonies. Welcome to purchase!

Year : BE 2550 (Year 2007)
Color : tricolor
Size : height 2cm, width 1.5cm
Material: metal
Temple: Wat Srilamyong
Blessed by: Luang Pu Key
Main effects: success, wisdom, wealth, safety, protection, affluence, fortune

【Luang Pu Key.Ganesha】-------->

【Ganesha Amulets】-------------->

★ How to purchase ★

1. Display site

2. Bank remittance:
Please contact customer service for account information.

3. Online credit card:
Please contact customer service.

★ Contact Us ★

BOBI Fortune Shrine
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242
Tel : +886(2) 77161030
Mobile : +886(9) 81817960
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168
Email:[email protected]


If desires are not uprooted, sorrows grow again.
- Dhammapada 338

- 法句經.偈338


Look not to the faults of others,
nor to their omissions and commissions.
But rather look to your own acts,
to what you have done and left undone.
- Dhammapada 50

- 法句經.偈50


Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning and losing aside.
- Dhammapada 201

- 法句經.偈201


By your own efforts.
Waken yourself, watch yourself.
And live joyfully.
You are the master.

- Buddha


If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.
- Dale Carnegie

- 戴爾‧卡內基


It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours.

It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
- Dhammapada 104

- 法句經.偈104


When you are worried, you are occupied; when you let go, you are free.



Master your senses,
What you taste and smell,
What you see, what you hear.
In all things be a master of what you do and say and think. Be free.

- Buddha


【11/7 - 11/11 Dharma Ceremony: Phra Phrom Birthday; White-Cloth Covering Rebirth Ceremony; Fortune-Telling】

Since the birthday of Phra Phrom (Four-Faced Buddha) falls on November 9th, the Dharma ceremony in November, hosted by three great monks of Wat Pariwat, Bangkok, will take the celebration of Phra Phrom birthday as the main theme, while the white-cloth covering rebirth ceremony and the fortune-telling are important subjects as well.

【Event Details】

● Birthday of Phra Phrom (Four-Faced Buddha)
1. Welcome to bring flowers or fruits to worship Phra Phrom on his birthday.
2. It is the best time to make wishes or return thanks to Phra Phrom on his birthday.

● Powerful Fortune Telling
1. Only 50 people each day could join the fortune-telling. Please register in advance.
2. Please provide offerings in cash or goods form to master with your own desire to enhance your field of merit.
3. The great monk is so strong in telling the fortune that after knowing people's name he could wholly understand their affairs and estimate their future.
4. There are only five minutes for each person to enquire for the fortune-teller monk. It's suggested to think ahead what you'd like to ask.
5. People hoping to ask more questions could register for a 20-minute appointment with the monk. A set of offerings should be provided.

● White-Cloth Covering Rebirth Ceremony
1. Only 15 people each day could join this ceremony.
2. Please provide offerings in cash or goods form to master with your own desire to enhance your field of merit.
3. It will take 30 minutes to 1 hour for each person participating in this ceremony.
4. People couldn't take part in this process without the suggestion of the fortune-telling monk.
5. Sometimes nothing seems to go right with you, and the reason might lie in the obstacles placed by your karmic creditors.
6. Through the process of white-cloth covering rebirth ceremony, your fortune will be enhanced, and merits could be transferred to your karmic creditors.
7. People surrounded by misfortune, lawsuits, villains, or those who had undertaken abortion for several times are especially recommended to take this process.
8. White-cloth covering rebirth ceremony will bring you benefits in dispelling troubles, turning misfortunes into fortunes, increasing your luck and wealth, and from then on experience a more smooth life.

● Blessing of Buddha amulets
All Buddha amulets could be repurified regardless of its original purchasing stores. BOBI Fortune Shrine welcomes you to bring along your own amulets so that the master could repurify and bless for the amulets to make its power stronger. The repurifying and blessing process could be done simultaneously by more than one master. (Recommended to repurify and bless once a month.)

● Charm and attraction stimulation of gold foil
Thai masters would personally stick the 4 pieces of gold foils blessed with mantra power on your forehead, cheeks, and chin, which respectively means the enhancement of influence and fame, charm and popularity, and wealth attraction. (Recommended to do this once a month as the power will not last forever.

● Sprinkle of holy water
Wipe off bad luck and misfortune. (Recommended to do it once a month to wipe off all bad fortune.)

● Tie wealth-grabbing hand-strap
Suitable for those people who want to enhance their wealth fortune. The hand-strap blessed with spell by master could increase the opportunity to make money and keep the earning. Not recommended for people who want to reap without sowing. (People with good financial ability could get rid of it. Keep your good deeds and wealth to the next life.)

● Priced Items:
1. Register for a 20-minute fortune-telling: a set of offerings should be provided.
2. White-Cloth Covering Rebirth Ceremony: a set of offerings should be provided. It take 1000 TWD per set of offering, in which include colorful candles, white flowers, a pot for luck-changing ceremony, and other items.
3. Gold foil: 50 TWD per sheet.
4. Hand-strap: 100 TWD per piece.

【Friendly Reminder from Lucky BOBI】

1. Ongoing powerful forces could improve all aspects of your fortunes.

Please bring your amulets, whether which were from Lucky BOBI or not, to our dharma ceremony which is held every month in order to receive blessing and purification of amulets by master.

Lucky BOBI does not charge for the above mentioned ritual. May the merits of our practice dedicated to all beings around ten spiritual realms, honor the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, and transfer to all kind-hearted worshipers. May all wishes come true.

Please provide offerings in cash or goods form to master with your own desire to enhance your field of merit. Thank you!

2. BOBI Fortune Shrine has limited space with less than 300 level ground. To avoid from long waiting, please feel free to register in advance.

3. Due to the few monks but the many worshipers, please be informed that from November 2013 there will be only 100 worshipers able to participate in events of the ceremony. We're really very sorry for the inconvenience.

4. Worshipers unable to join the events are still welcomed to pay homage to Emerald Buddha, Phra Buddha Chinnarat, Phra Phrom, Ganesha, and other Thai deities in BOBI Fortune Shrine, to accumulate your merits.

Wish Everyone Safe, Healthy, and Wealthy!

【BOBI Fortune Shrine】
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: +886(9)81817960 / +886(2)77161030
Email: [email protected]
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168


The past should not be followed after.
And the future not desired.
What is past is dead and gone;
And the future is yet to come.

- Buddha


Impermanent are all compounded things.
When one perceives this with true insight,
Then one becomes detached from suffering;
This is the path of purification.
- Dhammapada 277

- 法句經.偈277


【Jatukam - Guardian Deity of Wealth】

1. Jatukam amulet is so popular in Thailand for its powerful effects that has led to a trend of buying Jatukam amulets.
The price of the 1st-batch Jatukam amulets made in BE 2530 has leaped from 49 Thai bahts to 40 million Thai bahts exponentially.

"Jatukam Ramathep" is the combined name of "Jatukam" and "Ramathep", two guardian deities of the chedi in Wat Phra Mahathat Woramaha Viharn, Nakhon Si Thammarat.

Jatukam is the guardian of the whole world, while Ramathep is Vishnu's incarnation as a king.

People firmly believe the power of Jatukam Ramathep; a sentence says, "Jatukam Ramathep, so powerful as sun and moon, dispels the dark and revives the light."

2. Images commonly seen on a Jatukam amulet include:

a. eight moon-swallowing Phra Rahu: symbol of eight planets of the solar system --- Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus
b. wheel: symbol of circulation
c. 12 zodiacs: symbol of the 12-zodiac cities of Srivijaya
d. dotted circle: symbol of immense galaxies
e. Jatukam Rammathep: symbol of Earth. In astrology, Earth is th only planet with human, life, wisdom, art, and civilization, and other planets revolve around Earth in the center.

3. This Jatukam amulet is made in Wat Kaewjamfa. The front side image shows Jatukam, in the "Maharat Leela" posture, sits on Phra Rahu, meaning that Jatukam could dominate Phra Rahu.

On the back side, there are eight Phra Rahus, a luck-changing wheel, and a Phra Pidta Pangpakan.

Jatukam amulets will help turn misfortune into fortune, increase the fortune, protect from adversity, promote the business, attract wealth, enhance the charm, and bring an affluent life.

In addition, Phra Rahu will help the prevention of villains and disputes, while Phra Pidta Pangpakan could also help the prevention of villains and the enhancement of charm.

4. After wearing Jatukam amulets, people should do more good deeds so that all wishes could be fulfilled successfully. Welcome your purchase!

【Luang Phor Won.Jatukam Ramathep.】----------->

【More Jatukam Ramathep amulets 】----------->

★ How to purchase ★

1. Display site

2. Bank remittance:
Please contact customer service for account information.

3. Online credit card:
Please contact customer service.

★ Contact Us ★

BOBI Fortune Shrine
Address: 8F., No.308, Zhonggang Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242
Tel : +886(2) 77161030
Mobile : +886(9) 81817960
LINE/WeChat: luckybobi168
Email:[email protected]


8F. , No. 308, Zhonggang 新莊區中港路308號8樓

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00





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