Shadiah’z Kukyala
Makeup & Veil: @barce_collective
Sydah’z Nikkah
Makeup & Veil: @barce_collective
Sydah’z Nikkah
Makeup & Veil @barce_collective
To our beautiful Bride 👰 Nahya
Congratulationz upon your Introduction
California Plaza
2nd Floor, 2F.24
Tel/ WhatsApp: 0704056990/0773720855
For makeup, veils, veil styling and designing, veil accessories, henna body art, Gomesiz, decor and many more bridal packages
To our beautiful Bride 👰 Sheebah
Congratulationz upon your Introduction
California Plaza
2nd Floor, 2F.24
Tel/ WhatsApp: 0704056990/0773720855
For makeup, veils, veil styling and designing, veil accessories, henna body art, Gomesiz, decor and many more bridal packages
To our beautiful Bride 👰 Shamim
Congratulationz upon your Kukyala
California Plaza
2nd Floor, 2F.24
Tel/ WhatsApp: 0704056990/0773720855
For makeup, veils, veil styling and designing, veil accessories, henna body art, Gomesiz, decor and many more bridal packages
To our beautiful Bride 👰 Shamim
Congratulationz upon your Kukyala
California Plaza
2nd Floor, 2F.24
Tel/ WhatsApp: 0704056990/0773720855
For makeup, veils, veil styling and designing, veil accessories, henna body art, Gomesiz, decor and many more bridal packages
To our beautiful Bride 👰 Zeinab
Congratulationz upon your Intro
California Plaza
2nd Floor, 2F.24
Tel/ WhatsApp: 0704056990/0773720855
For makeup, veils, veil styling and designing, veil accessories, henna body art, Gomesiz, decor and many more bridal packages
To our beautiful Bride 👰 Sheebah
Congratulationz upon your Nikkah
California Plaza
2nd Floor, 2F.24
Tel/ WhatsApp: 0704056990/0773720855
For makeup, veils, veil styling and designing, veil accessories, henna body art, Gomesiz, decor and many more bridal packages
Indoor decor set by us
California Plaza
2nd Floor, 2F.24
Tel/ WhatsApp: 0704056990/0773720855
For makeup, veils, veil styling and designing, veil accessories, henna body art, Gomesiz, decor and many more bridal packages