Adorn Catering You Should Eat Your Medicine

Adorn Catering You Should Eat Your Medicine This page is a event party planning page to help you locate every thing you need to host the best event ever!!!


It breaks my heart that so many people are dying from complications of diabetes! Wake up!

Someone sent this to me an my spirit so agrees! Good Morning                         Gal.5:22 But the fruit of the Spiri...

Someone sent this to me an my spirit so agrees! Good Morning

But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith,
I am so amazed that, God with His infinite wisdom, All knowing knowledge, and unmatched power, Loves a wretch like me!! Yes I know we are heirs to the King, a royal priest hood, children of the most High, and the very ones Jesus died for. But I know me.. I know when my flesh is challenged, how it rises to the occasion in my defense, unless I immediately crucify it. I know where my weaknesses lay, and how easy it is to slip and slide down a path that only leads to pain, suffering, and loss. I was bought with a "High Price", and I don't think God got a bargain. Why does, The Creator, of everything care about a worm like me? Why did The Son of The Almighty, allow Himself to be scourged and beaten, when I was the one holding the whip?? Why did Jesus say nothing, but only had compassion, when I jammed the crown of thorns on His head, while mocking and taunting Him? Why did JESUS suffer such an Unbelievable, Excruciating Death for me, when I was the one who nailed Him to the Cross?? Why did Jesus allow me the privilege, to watch Him die, when I was casting lots for His Robe?? The Two Words to answer this, for our redemption, are "GOD'S LOVE"!! So the value that we ALL must have, is a value worth dying for. Even though the devil tells me, I am nothing and tries to continually deceive me into listening to his lies, I need to keep focused on, what the cost was, to redeem me. It is imperative for me to constantly remind my self,of the price, my Father paid, for the Eternal Salvation that I now have in Him. Luke 9:23,24 Jesus said "...IF any man/woman will come after me, let him DENY himself, and Taking up his cross "DAILY," and follow me." The vital, key word here, is "DAILY". We have to Daily remind ourselves of The Cost of The Cross!! Amen? Amen!

360 Photo Booth

360 Photo Booth

Still trying to see if I can continue the low, low. budget! So far so good! Chicken Rice an vegetables w/ cheese quesadi...

Still trying to see if I can continue the low, low. budget! So far so good! Chicken Rice an vegetables w/ cheese quesadilla, and a cup of coffee for breakfast! fruit plate for snack. chef salad for lunch and a. Dinner is still up in the air! Can I stay under 50 dollars for the week is the question. So far so good!

Meet Angel, he aspire to be a future police officer!  He design this beautiful cup! United Way of Greater Stark County w...

Meet Angel, he aspire to be a future police officer! He design this beautiful cup! United Way of Greater Stark County wraps the necessary resources and support around kids helping them achieve their dreams and become the individuals they aspire to be.. How amazing is that!


Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.


Jesus in you could Love Gomer!!!
If there’s one thing I am grateful about, it is God’s unconditional love for me. Whenever I think of everything I’ve done wrong, I feel extremely unworthy but when I come boldly into the throne of grace, I am as good as new, without blemish, loved beyond all flaws, forgiven and cherished. Hosea….

Body-based awareness simply means listening to your body and paying attention to its sensations. As easy as it might sou...

Body-based awareness simply means listening to your body and paying attention to its sensations. As easy as it might sound, we often don't notice our physical reactions to stressful moments because our focus is typically on the cause of our stress, not how it impacts us. For me when I'm under stress I get joint pain headaches and arthritis. Some of the causes are I eat poorly when I'm stressed 😩. Relief comes when I realize it and get back to better eating! 🍽️ leaving carbs and wheat and sugar alone works wonders for me!!!! By Author!!!


In Daniel 6, Daniel is raised to high office by his royal master Darius the Mede. Daniel's jealous rivals trick Darius into issuing a decree that for thirty days no prayers should be addressed to any god or man but Darius himself; anyone who disobeys this edict is to be thrown to the lions. God through Daniel obedience shows Darius that he is The true God ! Even to the point of death! Man should put no other God before him! Trusting God should always be our objective no matter what. The power wasn't in the veggie, the true power was in obedience in the true God alone! Amen an Amen.!


Do you live in the Akron-Canton area? Well then say "Hello" to your new favorite locally-grown food that can be added to any meal for extra nutrition & taste!


Quick • Easy • Nutritious


Try a free sample class today.


How to Make Ginger Tea (from scratch)
A quick and easy way to make ginger tea with fresh ginger, lemon, and honey to warm up during the chillier months.

❤️ Must say something to keep getting my recipes ❤️


* Fresh ginger root
* Lemon (slices or juice)
* Honey
* Water (preferably filtered)

Out with the old, an in with the new! May your new year be a blessing to you! Have a Happy New Year!

Out with the old, an in with the new! May your new year be a blessing to you! Have a Happy New Year!


mbg Functional Nutrition Training

Celery is a strongly alkaline food that helps to counteract acidosis, purify the bloodstream, aid in digestion, prevent ...

Celery is a strongly alkaline food that helps to counteract acidosis, purify the bloodstream, aid in digestion, prevent migraines, relax the nerves, reduce blood pressure, and clear up skin problems. Celery contains compounds called coumarins which are known to enhance the activity of certain white blood cells and support the vascular system. Celery’s rich organic sodium content has the ability to dislodge calcium deposits from the joints and holds them in solution until they can be eliminated safely from the kidneys. Celery is a well known natural diuretic and has ample ability to flush toxins out of the body. Celery also has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it an essential food for those who suffer from auto-immune illnesses. It also contains significant amounts of calcium and silicon which can aid in the repair of damaged ligaments and bones. Celery is rich in vitamin A, magnesium, and iron which all help to nourish the blood and aid those suffering from rheumatism, high blood pressure, arthritis, and anemia. Fresh celery juice is one of the most powerful and healing juices one can drink. Just 16 oz of fresh celery juice a day can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week.


While it's tempting to save food for later, these are foods people should not store in the refrigerator.



Akron, OH





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