Alexandria Photo Booth Rental - Booth 360
Almost forgot - Yeah we have a new thing!!
November is Adoption Awareness Month. mnADOPT puts on a kick-off event for all the families that have or who are interested in adopting at the Minnesota Zoo. This was our 4th year where we were granted the privilege and honor of servicing this event.
The only thing different this year is that we had no idea we would be on WCCO-TV | CBS Minnesota news!! ( in the background doing what we do best and that's making people smile)
Always an awesome time and a blessing to be able to hang out with so many families and see so many familiar faces. Some of the little ones are no longer little ones!!
For more info please please please visit
12,000 kids this year but many others are waiting for you, your friends or anyone you may know that might be interested
so again please visit
Video = WCCO-TV | CBS Minnesota 10pm news November 3, 2019
Congrats Class Of 2019 - Rental Special
Leer Title - Hole #1 - Leech Lake Frost Fest 2018
BRRR, It's crazy cold out. But why fight it when you can Embrace it!
Frozen Lake Golf Anyone?
Swing on out to Leech Lake Frostfest 2019 and stop by at hole #1 to take your pic - Courtesy of LEER Title Services
Click here for details -