A magical time with the Ghostbusters for the Allen Park parade and Christmas tree lighting.
Warren Trailhead at Joe Louis Greenway Partnership
I accidentally caught a video of the Aurora.
I was trying to take a picture of it, but could see it so good with my eyes that I stopped trying.
I was on the phone with my mom at the time trying to see if she was somewhere she'd be able to see them at, all the while looking around at the beauty above me (and accidentally recording).
The Corona was just above us and somewhat to the south, so the lights completely filled the sky in almost every direction. It was my second time seeing them and this one was much more visual than the first.
Ever since he was born I've refused to listen to the people that say "they grow up so fast", "blink and you miss it", "time flies."
Your subconscious picks up on those things. Yes, time is moving and yes looking back can feel so close and so far away all at once, but don't send these little curses out into the world.
A little bit of "Magical Thinking" is to consider how your words can create your reality. In Magic its called "Abracadabra", or "I create as I speak."
Cast good spells for yourself and others. You're doing a bit better today than yesterday, you're being more present, you've got this.
Time is moving great. Time is an illusion.
#MagicalThinking #SteveTheAmazing #Mentalist #Magician
Had a lovely Detroit summer. Looking forward to whatever we consider "Fall" to be now. 82 degrees every day still??
#Summer #Detroit #parenting
"Part Circus, Part DMV"
What is it like auditioning for America's Got Talent as a Magician and Mentalist in Detroit?
New blog up at SteveTheAmazing.com
It was surreal like a dream and cool to see the behind the scenes of making just PART of the show, but it had it's challenges as well. Check out the blog if you're interested.
All the Mentalists will want my new product, the Gal Gadot popcorn bucket pendulum.
#Magic #Mentalism #GalGadot
My son is trying to get on a Dunkin' commercial.
What thing in life makes you want to shout your love of it to a group of strangers?
This routine is like FIREWORKS. If you've seen it before, you know. And if you haven't, book me for a show!
#Magician #Mentalist #Detroit #Michigan #Cleveland #AGT #detroitsmentalist #mindreader
Big League Brews is an attitude all its own. Thank you for having me perform some Magic and Mind Reading (as well as risking $100 at one point!)
If something is going on Downriver, it's probably going on bigger and better at BLB's.
I thought about editing this with cool music or something, but the reactions from the group are just Amazing!
#DetroitsMentalist #magician #mentalist #corporatemagician #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #michiganmagician