Gala Prep Day 1
Watch us on Day 1 of our Scholarship Gala setup!
TODAY is the annual "WLKI Pie Auction" fundraiser supporting the "Cops for Kids" annual event. Cops for Kids is the night where HUNDREDS of families are blessed by local law enforcement, public safety, and first responders who get to take kids shopping for necessities (and a few Christmas gifts) before the holidays. This effort provides much needed support and relief to some families who will then not have to worry about buying coats, pants, shirts, boots, shoes, etc. for Christmas. It is truly a BLESSING the Steuben County community provides each year.
This year, Trine University, Trine University - T. Furth Center for Performing Arts Thunder Athletics, @Bon Apetitt Trine University, and the Trine Bookstore (Follett) have put together a THUNDEROUS pie/ultimate fan package to be auctioned off. Last year, our pie package went for over $2,000!!!! Let’s see what it can go for this year….IT’S FOR THE KIDS!!! The bidding starts at 0600 hours on and you can bid from anywhere....if you ar eout of town and owuld like me to pick up your items tomorrow, just let me know.
• Dutch apple pie baked by Bon Appetit at Trine University
• Triple berry pie baked by Bon Appetit at Trine University
• Four (4) FREE LUNCH certificates for Whitney Commons (at Trine University)
• Two (2) passes for 24/25 M/W Basketball season
• Two (2) 25/26 Trine Athletics passes (excludes hockey)
• Nike Trine Basketball backpack
• Two (2) Trine comfy blankets
• Trine Lacrosse shirts/sweatshirt
• Trine hats
o Two (2) Trine “trucker hats”
o One (1) Trine Football hat
• Men’s Soccer t-shirt
• Two (2) Trine Athletics Thunder Club shirts
• Three Trine Baseball shirts
• Two (2) Trine winter stocking caps
• Two (2) Trine metal water bottles
• Trine stickers and coasters
• Four (4) tickets to a Trine Hockey game during the 24/25 season at Thunder Ice Arena
• Four (4) tickets to the “Disney Frozen Sing-Along Celebration” at the T. Furth Center on
Chuck doing Chuck things
#trinehomecoming #makingthingshappen
We had so much fun at the pep rally on Friday!
Tailgate for Talent Career Fair!
Over 140 employers participated! Trine boost a 99% job placement rate for our graduates!!
Happy Constitution Day! Are you register to vote??
Animal Planet Day!!
We had so much fun hosting the YMCA of Steuben County during their Animal Planet week for games, dancing & a petting zoo! Many thanks to Joy Journey Farms for teaching us about their farms animals!