A gift they can experience!
Do you have photographer friends? Fellow creatives? Families? Couples who can really use a romantic photoshoot at the set of valentine at our studio?
Oh what about mom and daughter duo for mothers day pictures this year?
Bisma K Studio is a petite, all white, modern creative space. We offer fully decorated themes, traditional and not so traditional. You can book the space for a photoshoot with your photographer, book it and help us find you a photographer, book it because you just want a space to create content in, book it to host your mini photography sessions in, book it to host your small workshop in. I mean, endless possibilities.
Our next traditional and non-traditional sets at the studio coming up are Valentines & Galentines.
Babe Kave: Galentine Theme Nest
January 17 - January 28
Beau Kiss: Valentine Theme Nest
January 29 - February 10
Gift card purchases can be applied to any set throughout the year!!!