Chef Saul Arteta’s passion for creativity transcends the kitchen world and aligns with music and arts. He is not only a chef but also a sound engineer, music producer, guitarist player, and graphic and drawing artist. Born in Valencia and educated in France, this 4 languages speaker breathes innovation, love for perfection and kindness in everything he does. For him a paella is more than a spanish
traditional dish: is a personal language in which he communicates his inner self with guests putting a piece of his own soul in every bite. He has traveled and cooked in different corners of the globe, becoming an amazing mix of the most traditional Spanish recipes from his native Valencia, the elegant European ways in which he immersed himself while living in Brussels and France, and the final and exotic touch learned in Thailand. Chef Saul Arteta has set up a new generation of paella chefs in the city, teaching them the secrets of his cooking methods. The new chefs learn step by step not only the technique but the spirit of the most famous Spanish dish: cooking the rice at its right punto, choosing the best and fresher products, the artistry behind every cut, the perfect choice of spices, and of course, how to use the big paella pans, the heart of this authentic Spanish flavor.