Family Life

Family Life Impacting lives with the message of hope through radio, performing arts and Biblical counseling.

With multiple internet music streams and over 60 radio signals across New York and Pennsylvania, Family Life has a heart to encourage listeners with quality radio programs, Christian teaching, and news from a Biblical worldview. Family Life also stretches beyond the radio network, bringing Christian entertainment and ministry to various venues. See your favorite artists in concert, or enjoy plays

and musicals that uplift the heart and mind. We offer counseling for families as well as group counseling training. And for ministry leaders, Family Life offers training events, along with instructive resources, to help equip the Church.

God wrote the rules of nature into our little planet, creating wind, waves, weather, and seasons that change all the tim...

God wrote the rules of nature into our little planet, creating wind, waves, weather, and seasons that change all the time. Over the millennia, man has done his best to explain how the world works using science. But the more you dig into the intricacies of what God has made, the more you begin to realize just how brilliant the Designer of the cosmos is. The world is cursed by sin and death, it’s true… but it doesn’t take more than a few glances to understand that it was made, and for a purpose. The intricate and masterful creation declares that there must be a Creator, and one day, He will establish a new Heaven and a new Earth.

From whose womb did the ice come forth, and who has given birth to the frost of heaven? - Job 38:29

When you see snow this Christmas season, think of this verse. Though your sins were like scarlet, God sent His one and o...

When you see snow this Christmas season, think of this verse. Though your sins were like scarlet, God sent His one and only Son to rescue you. Though your mistakes glare like crimson, whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. Jesus was born in a manger so that He could make your sins white as snow, and He was beaten, stripped, and crucified to make you like wool. Can you or I ever appreciate Him enough?

Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. - Isaiah 1:18

How often do we humble human beings try to get God to play by our rules? Have you ever treated God like a genie who is o...

How often do we humble human beings try to get God to play by our rules? Have you ever treated God like a genie who is obligated to answer your prayers and make your life fair? Job felt entitled to God’s mercy and blessing; after all, if anyone deserved special treatment, it was him. But although the Lord loved Job, as He loves all His creations, He didn’t owe Job a dime, because the world doesn’t revolve around Job or you. God holds the entire world and all of nature in His hands, and He can do with it what He pleases… which is what makes the cross of Christ the most selfless act in all eternity. That a Creator, whose creation rebelled against Him, would be born as a man and die for what He had made.

From its chamber comes the whirlwind, and cold from the scattering winds. By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen fast.
- Job 37:9-10

Love and respect for other people, even if you don’t know them or like them, is what keeps the world going. It’s what ke...

Love and respect for other people, even if you don’t know them or like them, is what keeps the world going. It’s what keeps families together, friendships alive, and it’s what turns enemies into friends. If you and I can’t forgive one another over earthly quarrels, why would you ask for Christ to forgive you for an entire lifetime? The commandments God gave His people… do not lie, do not steal, do not covet… you naturally abide by them when you love the people in your life. And it’s not about who deserves what; at the end of the day, we all deserve the same thing. Instead, it’s about taking the love, mercy, and forgiveness Jesus showed you, and paying it forward to others.

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:14

What is right, and what is wrong? Who decides what’s moral or immoral? If you take God out of the picture, as most of th...

What is right, and what is wrong? Who decides what’s moral or immoral? If you take God out of the picture, as most of the world does, there is no lawgiver to determine what is objectively good or evil. Morals would be an invention of mankind, varying from culture to culture, which would mean there is no gold-standard of right and wrong. Every action would be equally valid, and equally meaningless. This is the perspective that many in our world today hold, but the Living God makes it clear: woe to those who call evil good and good evil. It's a mixed-up world out there, but everyone has a conscience that informs them deep down of what’s right and wrong, and on the day of judgement, no one will have an excuse.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
- Isaiah 5:20

It's been 20 years that Casting Crowns has been bringing the hope of Jesus to audiences around the world! Now, you can s...

It's been 20 years that Casting Crowns has been bringing the hope of Jesus to audiences around the world! Now, you can see the movie that chronicles the journey. Win tickets to see Home By Sunday on Thursday, 11/30 at 7pm in Buffalo, NY. Just comment with your favorite Casting Crowns song!

Studying your Bible is imperative, because what could be a more important read than God’s book? This verse from 2 Timoth...

Studying your Bible is imperative, because what could be a more important read than God’s book? This verse from 2 Timothy drives that point home. And yet, many Christians largely ignore Old Testament in their Bible reading and skip straight to the New Testament. But when this verse was written by the apostle Paul, the New Testament didn’t yet exist; the “Scripture” that Paul spoke so highly of was all the writings from Genesis to Malachi, which together set the stage for everything that would come in the time of Jesus. The story of how God would save the world didn’t start in Matthew, but instead in the earliest pages of history. If you want to know Jesus better, you must look at the whole picture.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

There are a lot of questions about the original world God designed. If there was no death and no sin, could accidents st...

There are a lot of questions about the original world God designed. If there was no death and no sin, could accidents still happen? Did all animals eat plants? Did Adam and Eve get sunburns? However it worked, God said it was good: earth was a paradise where all of His creations would live in peace. That paradise was cursed by death, decay, and sin, but through Christ we’ll be in paradise again one day, just like the thief on the cross. You were born into an unfair world as a sinner, deserving death, but because you were made in His image, the free gift of God is yours if you accept Him and believe in the Son whom He sent.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Romans 6:23

We are a mixed bag; sometimes we do good, and sometimes we do evil. Our spirit, dedicated to Christ, wants to follow His...

We are a mixed bag; sometimes we do good, and sometimes we do evil. Our spirit, dedicated to Christ, wants to follow His commandments and be a light in a dark world, but our selfish human nature wants to do the exact opposite. We will never able to do enough good to cancel out the sin in our lives, because what’s happened, happened, and we will most certainly mistakes again. But we can fight every day to outdo evil with good. There’s evil in the world, but God created us for good works. Be who He created you to be and do the things He created you to do.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. - Romans 12:21


Last summer, Kim & Joe Peters from Hands and Feet of Panama stopped by the Family Life booth at Kingdom Bound. We gave them a stack of frisbees to take back to the kids they work with. Just try to watch without smiling! It's pure joy!!!

Peter emphasized how important it is for Christians to be unified by earnest love. Earnest love isn’t surface-level; it’...

Peter emphasized how important it is for Christians to be unified by earnest love. Earnest love isn’t surface-level; it’s genuine and selfless, not seeking to gain anything, but to give instead. It’s doing good to your enemies, forgiving those who haven’t apologized, and reconciling with those who don’t deserve it. That kind of love was exemplified best by Christ, who even as He was being crucified, prayed that His tormentors would receive grace. Don’t simply be polite or pretend to be nice just to get by. Love the people in your life earnestly, echoing the love Jesus had for those whom He owed nothing.

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. - 1 Peter 4:8

Thanks be to God for everything that we have! For this country, for our families, our friends, and the food He has put o...

Thanks be to God for everything that we have! For this country, for our families, our friends, and the food He has put on the table. Thank Him for this last year of life, with all its ups and downs that even now are being woven into God’s story. But most of all, be thankful for the inexpressible gift of Jesus Christ: God’s ultimate gift to mankind, which bought you freedom from guilt and shame, and eternal paradise with the One who loves you. When the Lord made you, He made you in His image, and the same breath of life that He breathed into Adam is in your lungs today. It was His love for you that held Christ on that cross, so that we could eat and drink and laugh at His table forever.

Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! - 2 Corinthians 9:15

The good things in the world… a warm house, a warm family, and warm food… they are all gifts. God meant for us to enjoy ...

The good things in the world… a warm house, a warm family, and warm food… they are all gifts. God meant for us to enjoy them, and be thankful for them, because good things were a part of His original design for the world. But Paul urged all followers of Christ to be thankful even when the going gets tough. After all, this life is a vapor… it’ll pass before you know it, and then a new Heaven and a new earth awaits! Enjoy all the time that God has given you, and all the gifts He has blessed you with, whether you have just one thing to be thankful for, or a hundred.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Without Jesus, there is no hope for life after death, or a relationship with God. If Christ didn’t rise from the dead, n...

Without Jesus, there is no hope for life after death, or a relationship with God. If Christ didn’t rise from the dead, neither will you, which makes life nothing more than a cruel joke. But that stone was rolled away, and the tomb was empty; there is a paradise waiting for you, and a Savior who bled and died to get you there. So whatever you choose to do with the life that He’s given you, live it for Christ. Love the Lord your God, do good to your neighbors and your enemies, and in all things give thanks to the One who put the breath in your lungs.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Colossians 3:17

God made today, and today will look different for every single person on the planet. It’ll be a wonderful day for one pe...

God made today, and today will look different for every single person on the planet. It’ll be a wonderful day for one person, and a less-than-wonderful day for someone else; but God made it, and as much as life may change day by day, He never does. The Lord holds all of time in His hands, including the day you’re experiencing now. Make the most of it, finding joy in the good days and bearing the hard ones patiently. God meant for you to enjoy the good days, and while hardship is a part of life, He uses both equally to strengthen your faith and chisel your character.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24

We're so excited to celebrate our Savior this Christmas season! Be listening to Family Life starting Friday for Christma...

We're so excited to celebrate our Savior this Christmas season! Be listening to Family Life starting Friday for Christmas music! We'll be all-Christmas all weekend.

From November 27th through December 8th, we’ll be mixing Christmas music in with our regular encouraging Christian music, to ease you into the season. There will be all-Christmas music every evening and weekend, for your baking, decorating and celebrating!

Then, from December 9th through 22nd, you’ll hear all-Christmas music, leading up to the 72-Hour Christmas Music Festival December 23rd through 25th.

December 26th through 31st, we’ll be mixing some Christmas songs in again, as we ease out of the season. The annual Top 30 Countdown will air twice on New Year’s Eve Day, and then 2024 kicks off with a Day of Praise on January 1st.

Jesus is coming back, and when He does, I don’t want to be caught off guard. I want to be someone who lives to make the ...

Jesus is coming back, and when He does, I don’t want to be caught off guard. I want to be someone who lives to make the Lord proud, and who hears the words “Well done, good and faithful servant,” when I get to Heaven’s gates. Dedicate your mind and your life to One who matters more than anything else in the world; live with integrity, and when faced with temptation, stay upright. Christ gave His followers clear instructions when He left this world, and I hope He finds all of us following them when He makes His glorious return.

May integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for you. - Psalm 25:21

The first step to becoming great is to realize that you aren’t, and you never will be without His help. All people are b...

The first step to becoming great is to realize that you aren’t, and you never will be without His help. All people are born broken, with no ability to save ourselves or sneak into Heaven on our own. You and I rely completely on God to show us what’s right and wrong, save us from our sins, and transform us from criminals into new creations… and it takes humility to recognize that. Pride tells you that you can make yourself a better person, earn the Lord’s paradise, and become a new creation using your own efforts. But humility reminds you that you are a very small and lowly human being, serving a powerful, loving, and almighty God. A God who leads the humble and teaches them His way.

He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble in His way. - Psalm 25:9

We need God’s mercy all the time. Even as a freed, forgiven, and saved child of God, we mess up all the time, often stum...

We need God’s mercy all the time. Even as a freed, forgiven, and saved child of God, we mess up all the time, often stumbling over the same old mistakes. Mercy isn’t something we deserve, but it’s something we ask for anyway, because the Lord’s love is steadfast and His grace is limitless. His Son was crucified for our mistakes, and we will not take advantage of His agony, sinning without remorse because “God’s got it covered.” But when we stumble… and you will… He is ready to forgive you and restore you if you in return are ready to repent and lay your faults at His feet.

Remember your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old. - Psalm 25:6

The wise can always become wiser and increase in knowledge; there is always something you can learn from scripture, even...

The wise can always become wiser and increase in knowledge; there is always something you can learn from scripture, even if you’ve studied it your entire life. God is the God of salvation, who sent His only Son to pay your debts and rescue you from eternal fire. Besides Him, there is no hope for you and me. So, shouldn’t we listen to what He has to say? Shouldn’t we read about the life, death, and teachings of Jesus, again and again? I pray that God would lead you in His truth and teach you, and that you would meditate on Him all day long.

Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. - Psalm 25:5

What more can a human being offer the Almighty than their soul? Is money, time or effort a better thing to give God? He ...

What more can a human being offer the Almighty than their soul? Is money, time or effort a better thing to give God? He made all of those things, gave them to you, and can just as easily take them away. What God asks of you isn’t simply your tithe money, or church attendance, or regular Bible reading. What He wants is you. He loves you, so much so that He died for you, and closest you can get to repaying Christ for His sacrifice is to give over your soul… the one that He bought with His blood. Give your life to the Lord; hop out of the driver’s seat, give Him the keys, and let Him start writing your life story.

To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. - Psalm 25:1


We Are Messengers says Friday's concert in Rochester was one of their all time favorites! Thanks for being the BEST listeners ever. We are so thankful for YOU!!!

Today, we salute those who have served our nation, protecting our freedom! God bless America.

Today, we salute those who have served our nation, protecting our freedom! God bless America.

It’s very hard to reconcile suffering and persecution of God’s people here on earth. Doesn’t the Almighty God see what H...

It’s very hard to reconcile suffering and persecution of God’s people here on earth. Doesn’t the Almighty God see what His people are going through, in foreign countries and right here in our own? What is happening to Christians now is what was happening to the early church, too. Paul emphasized that the suffering, the pain and the persecution you endure in this life isn’t even worth comparing to the good and splendor waiting in Heaven. If you endure, God will reward you with more than you can possibly imagine.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18

What are you doing tomorrow night? It’s your last chance to see the Where The Joy Is Tour in WNY! We Are Messengers, Coc...

What are you doing tomorrow night? It’s your last chance to see the Where The Joy Is Tour in WNY! We Are Messengers, Cochren & Co. and Ben Fuller!
Friday, 11/10 at 7pm
Roberts Wesleyan University
Rochester, NY
Tickets on sale NOW at and will be available at the door.

Have you ever been rejected, made fun of, or not taken seriously because of your faith? Have you witnessed what’s happen...

Have you ever been rejected, made fun of, or not taken seriously because of your faith? Have you witnessed what’s happening to Christians in foreign countries around the world? It’s enough to make anybody furious; but you aren’t just anybody, not anymore. If you’ve depended on God for salvation, you understand that the people persecuting others need saving, too. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who persecute you.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Romans 12:14

You and I have both prayed at some point that God would make our lives easier and yet, the leaders of the early church c...

You and I have both prayed at some point that God would make our lives easier and yet, the leaders of the early church celebrated when they suffered for Christ’s sake! When they were beaten, whipped, scorned, and thrown in prison for their faith, they rejoiced, because they remembered what Jesus had told them. When the world despises and mistreats you because of Him, your rewards in Heaven will be multiplied abundantly.

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Matthew 5:11

Let's see your "I voted!" sticker!

Let's see your "I voted!" sticker!

The Jews hated Him, spat at Him, and traded Him for a murderer. Christ was crucified by the people He loved… but it was ...

The Jews hated Him, spat at Him, and traded Him for a murderer. Christ was crucified by the people He loved… but it was love that held Him there. If the world spits on you, remember that it spat on Jesus too, and hold on for the same reason He did. If you bravely keep your eyes on Christ, there is a Kingdom awaiting you that will put the bad and good things of Earth to shame.

If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. John 15:18

The world that persecuted and scorned Jesus is still trying to stomp out His influence today. We don’t want to be told t...

The world that persecuted and scorned Jesus is still trying to stomp out His influence today. We don’t want to be told that God judges our sins, no one wants to leave their crooked lifestyle and follow Christ, and certainly no one wants to believe that there will be punishment for those who don’t. The truth is Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him.

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Timothy 3:12

Don’t miss out!!! All ticket tiers, including VIP, for tonight’s concert in North Syracuse are still available at the do...

Don’t miss out!!! All ticket tiers, including VIP, for tonight’s concert in North Syracuse are still available at the door. Already have GA tickets and wishing you had VIP? Upgrade at the door! Tickets and info at


Did you hear the announcement this morning on Rise Up? CeCe Winans is coming to Kingdom Bound and you can win tickets from Family Life!

We will have no enemies in Heaven; the truth is, you don’t have enemies on this earth either. Not a single earthly gripe...

We will have no enemies in Heaven; the truth is, you don’t have enemies on this earth either. Not a single earthly gripe or disagreement is going to matter in the grand scheme of eternity. The only thing that does matter is where you spend eternity. During this short life God has given you, fight everyday to fill seats at His table, introducing people to the friend you have in Jesus and telling them the good news: Christ died for sinners, wanderers, and enemies, and He died for them too. On this planet, you and I have no enemies… only sheep that have yet to be brought into the flock.

Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. - Luke 15:7

Would you have the will to forgive your enemies, even at their worst? Human nature tells you to repay evil with evil and...

Would you have the will to forgive your enemies, even at their worst? Human nature tells you to repay evil with evil and hate with rage. God commands that you do the opposite, and there couldn’t be a more extreme example than the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There are millions of unsaved people on this planet, and they don’t even know what they’re missing out on for eternity. Forgive them, and never stop sharing Christ’s love with those who need it, both with your words and by example. After all, at one point in time, you needed mercy as much as they did.

And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. - Luke 23:34

Loving others means showing them respect, both when you’re with them and when you’re not. Speaking badly about someone a...

Loving others means showing them respect, both when you’re with them and when you’re not. Speaking badly about someone and then wrapping it up with “but I love them, they’re great,” isn’t constructive criticism, it’s gossip. There’s a fine line between addressing a problem with the help of others and “speaking evil” for the enjoyment of it. Jesus loved His enemies in life and in death; He wasn’t afraid to call out evil when He saw it, but He was also the perfect Son of God, and if anyone had a right to point out sin, it was Him.

…Speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. - Titus 3:2

Were you not born with a sin nature like everyone else? Have you never made a bad decision, or done something that offen...

Were you not born with a sin nature like everyone else? Have you never made a bad decision, or done something that offended people? If you’re going to judge someone else for what they’ve done, you’d better be ready to take a critical look at yourself. The truth is that none of us deserve to go to Heaven, or to have a relationship with God for that matter. If you do understand that He loves you, that’s more than most people can say… so instead of reminding your enemies of how broken they are, remind yourself that Christ died for broken things, and treat them how you would want to be treated.

Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. - Romans 2:1

Jesus didn’t say “love your enemies, unless they’re hard to be around,” or “love your enemies, unless they don’t have th...

Jesus didn’t say “love your enemies, unless they’re hard to be around,” or “love your enemies, unless they don’t have the same opinions as you.” He never said “love your enemies, unless they’re different, because that would be inconvenient.” His straightforward command was to love your enemies even when they curse you, hurt you, and hate you. Even when showing courtesy and respect to them seems like a lost cause. The truth is, they’re sinners just like you, and if it weren’t for Christ loving HIS enemies, you wouldn’t have a place in the Kingdom.

But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. - Luke 6:27-28

Get ready for an unforgettable experience at We Are Messenger's Where the Joy Is Tour! Use code: GLORY at checkout befor...

Get ready for an unforgettable experience at We Are Messenger's Where the Joy Is Tour! Use code: GLORY at checkout before 8am Monday to save $5 on each ticket. Hurry, don't miss out! 😍✨
Tickets available at

You may be the closest thing to Christ that a stranger ever encounters. You never know what impact you will have on peop...

You may be the closest thing to Christ that a stranger ever encounters. You never know what impact you will have on people, which is why every follower of Jesus, and especially those who teach, should be more like Him. A servant of God should be honorable and wise, but never in their own sight. They should be humble about themselves, and patient towards others, remembering that we all fall short of the glory of God. Whether a Sunday school teacher, bible study leader, or a pastor, it’s the job of teachers and ministers to love God with all their heart, and to love their neighbor as themselves.

For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain. - Titus 1:7


7634 Campbell Creek Road
Bath, NY


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