DAY #3 of BottleDrop Earth Day Give Week!!
Hi this is Lydiah!! Please help support my Girl Scout Troop by reading about and donating to our Bottle Drive That begins THIS Monday April 22 - Saturday May 4th!!
So far we have gathered and bagged over 165 blue bags this month!! The pic below is from this past weekend after our bottle drive pick up and sort session!
PS: My Mom will be reposting this everyday starting Monday till the end of the Drive!! Thank you from me and my troop!!
Hi We are Girl Scout Troop 40040 from Beaverton and most of us have been in Girl Scouts since 1st grade!
We are five, 8th Grade Cadette Girl Scouts, that are saving for our 9 day trip to Southern California this summer, before we begin High School in the Fall!
We have learnt a lot of basic life skills over the years that have helped us plan, budget and work to achieve our goals of community service projects, travel and more!!
This is an amazing opportunity for us to travel and explore. At this point in our fundraising we are trying to get the last of the financial means to cover the remainder of our trip.
During this trip we will be exploring southern California in the Los Angeles, Anaheim, and Hollywood areas. Your donation will help with our food and lodging costs as well as transportation and emergency funds required by Girls Scouts to travel.
You can use the link below to donate to us from your personal Green Bag Account or you can reach out to our leaders to donate bags of can to our troop. We are happy to arrange a pick of any bags you are willing to donate to our troop!
During April 22 through May 4th is "Earth Week Blue Bag Give Event" and any donations via your personal Green bag accounts or bags given that we receive, our troop will earn an additional 20% in funding!
So please consider donating during this time. Thank you so much!!
We appreciate any help you give us to make this dream trip happen!!
Thank you Girl Scout Troop #40040