Mae-ELeeZ Farm & Homestead

Mae-ELeeZ Farm & Homestead Family farm and homestead seeking to provide family fun and self sufficiency by getting back to the I love God, my family and this life He gave me.

I am a Wife, Mother, Bombdiggidy Busha and WO-man with hyper-attention and a WILDerness imagination, who put her family on a farm/homestead where everyday is an adventure as I STRUGGLE to be all I believe I am or strive to be. Join me on our journey as I find my way towards being self-sustainable a little bit each day... cultivating all kinds of characters and character. THIS...IS...THE...WAY...WE

...LIVE and THIS...IS...HOW...WE...DO! Family Entertainment, I don't write this stuff, I just write it down, or boogie down, or lay it down, cut it down, put it down. Mae-ELeeZ Farm & Homestead IS

Mae-EL-Lee's Farm & Homestead is the birthplace of:
DtheZ Services (temporary labor/clerical services);
Kingdom Creatures Pony Rental ("Bringing a lil bit of country from our house to yours); and
TempleTon-ics ("Keep your temple well with TempleTon-ics");
The STAR (the STudio bARn where stars are seen AND heard")

FANCY almost always FREE! Woot Woot, yeehaw!"


Learn with us! No previous experience required. New Field Study in OCTOBER in TENNESSEE
More info [email protected]

Heather Templeton

Heather Templeton

"You can't f*ck with a male cat, he is literally a p***y with a p***s."
Hezizm 2023
from the Z-nut Gallery
By: Heather Templeton
*sorry for the re-post, had to fix a word in the pic"

"You can't f*ck with a male cat, he is literally a p***y with a p***s."Hezizm 2023from the Z-nut GalleryBy:  Heather Tem...

"You can't f*ck with a male cat, he is literally a p***y with a p***s."
Hezizm 2023
from the Z-nut Gallery
By: Heather Templeton
*sorry for the re-post, had to fix a word in the pic"


Whew! Moved about 50 sunflower sprouts today. Had my hands, knees and feet all in the dirt! YEEEEEEAS! Thank you Jesus for earthing and making me a "dirty" girl! I've waited all year for moments like this.

I'm not a DIAMOND in the ROUGHI'm a STONE in the STIXHezizm 2023from theZ-Nut Galleryby Heather TempletonMarch, 2023    ...

I'm not a DIAMOND in the ROUGH
I'm a STONE in the STIX
Hezizm 2023
from the
Z-Nut Gallery
by Heather Templeton
March, 2023

FAIT ACCOMPLI Definition & Legal Meaning (Blacks Law Dictionary)Making a situation that is irreversible and other people...

Definition & Legal Meaning (Blacks Law Dictionary)
Making a situation that is irreversible and other people have to live with.

fait accompli to the masses
systematically institutionalized or
institutionalized systems
They give no free passes
no second chances
gotta make a case just to keep kids in classes
and we accept its rotten fruit
as if it were the sabbath
at the end of the night
you know your not right
even if I'm wrong
Wings of God on my back
help me rise above it
and keep my name intact
even when you sling mud in it
it's not
Justice within injustice
Just us with injustice
Gotta be both FIGHT and FLIGHT
and BUCK the system(s) like a wild stallion.

Hezizm 2.22.23 - Fait Accompli
From the Z-Nut Gallery
By: Heather Templeton

Miller Pie LifeHezizm 2016from the Z-Nut GalleryBy: Heather Templeton

Miller Pie Life
Hezizm 2016
from the Z-Nut Gallery
By: Heather Templeton

YES!  ALL BUYproducts from Mae-ELeeZ Farm & Homestead are made and sold under the Michigan Cottage Law which means they ...

YES! ALL BUYproducts from Mae-ELeeZ Farm & Homestead are made and sold under the Michigan Cottage Law which means they are made in an UNLICENSED/RESIDENTIAL HOME KITCHEN! Love that I live in the Mitten (Michigan)!

Everything about Michigan Cottage Food Laws, to allow individuals to make homemade products and offer them for commercial sale.

Garden Prep (2023) Time!  , love this catalog - SO EXCITED!

Garden Prep (2023) Time! , love this catalog - SO EXCITED!

Women don't wear MASKSWomen wear ALL the HATSandMULTI-TASK        02/13/23

Women don't wear MASKS
Women wear ALL the HATS



Get a few chickens if you can…


From the Z-Nut Gallery
By: Heather Templeton

Hezizm - 2022From the Z-Nut GalleryBy:  Heather Templeton

Hezizm - 2022
From the Z-Nut Gallery
By: Heather Templeton



Adding elderberries to tea, or taking them by the spoonful as syrup, are tasty ways to keep our immune systems supported during the winter season.

It’s easy to make one's own potent elderberry infusion, more about that in our free video lesson here:

Or perhaps you’d like to create this tea mix.
Berry Delight: A deeply colorful drink full of vitamin C and bioflavonoids (it's from our book Foraging & Feasting).

Mix the following dried berries: ¼ handful rose hips, ¼ handful elderberries, 1½ handfuls raspberries, 1 handful blueberries, 1 handful blackberries and a pinch schizandra berries.

Place one handful of the herb mixture (gently crushed right before use) in a quart-size glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Slowly pour in boiling water until jar is full. Cap tightly and let steep for 3–4 hours. Drink up to 3 cups throughout the day.

Yields 4 batches, about 4 1/3 quarts of infusion. Note that this tea will not taste like the “naturally flavored,” highly aromatic berry teas found commercially, but will produce a more complex yet subtler flavor, reflecting real berries.

The Elder, a native American bush, scientifically called Sambucus canadensis, produces these nutritious, mildly acidic, mineral-flavored berries.

To help with id harvest and use here is the elderberry page from our book Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook (and also featured in the calendar) by Dina Falconi, illustrated by Wendy Hollender. More about our book on our site here:

Have you been consuming elderberries lately, and if yes, how so?

PS Do you wish to forage for potent food and create your own herbal medicine? If yes, I invite you to check out my online course Wild Food Health Boosters & Herbal Remedies at



How well do you know Echinacea?🌿

"If you taste a potent Echinacea product, or simply bite into the fresh plant (flowers, roots, stems, or leaves), you’ll experience the 'Echinacea zing.'

Its acrid taste is numbing on the throat and tongue while having a dispersive action throughout the body. Echinacea is therefore stimulating in nature. It stimulates immune system function, it promotes the flow of lymph to address swollen glands, and it even stimulates saliva." -Rosalee de la Forêt

Want to learn more about the gifts of Echinacea?

Check out HerbMentor:

HerbMentor is our subscription-based, online herbal learning community that's full of herb profiles, how-to videos, and self-paced courses.

Right now you can join HerbMentor for just $1✨

[Image description: a closeup photograph of a patch of Echinacea growing. There are several pink Echinacea flowers in bloom.]

Heather Templeton

Heather Templeton

when i find that one person… 🥰💗

calling him in ✨



Did you know that some w**ds we are always worried about in our yards and Gardens are actually good for you, and can be delicious if prepared properly? Be sure to identify the w**ds correctly (The ones described here are easy to spot.) Avoid harvesting from anyplace you suspect pollution — such as from vehicle exhaust, lawn pesticide or doggy business. And remember that edible does not mean allergen-free. Here are 9 good ones:

Dandelion is one of the healthiest and most versatile vegetables on the planet. The entire plant is edible. The leaves are like vitamin pills, containing generous amounts of vitamins A, C and K — far more than those garden tomatoes, in fact — along with calcium, iron, manganese, and potassium.

The leaves are most tender, and tastiest, when they are young. This happens in the spring but also all summer along as the plant tries to rebound after being cut or pulled. You can add them to soup in great abundance. Or you can prepare them Italian style by sautéing with a little olive oil, salt, garlic and some hot red pepper.

You can eat the bright, open flower heads in a lightly fried batter. You can also make a simple wine with the flowers by fermenting them with raisins and yeast. If you are slightly adventurous, you can roast the dandelion root, grind it, and brew it like coffee. It's an acquired taste. You might want to have some sugar on hand.

If you've ever lived in the city, you have seen good ol' Portulaca olearacea, or common purslane. The stuff grows in cracks in the sidewalk. Aside from being surprisingly tasty for a crack dweller, purslane tops the list of plants with omega-3 fatty acids, the type of healthy fat found in salmon.
If you dislike the bitter taste of dandelion greens, you still might like the lemony taste of purslane. The stems, leaves and flowers are all edible; and they can be eaten raw on salads — as they are prepared worldwide — or lightly sautéed.

You should keep a few things in mind, though, before your harvest. Watch out for spurge, a similar-looking sidewalk-crack dweller. Spurge is much thinner than purslane, and it contains a milky sap, so you can easily differentiate it. Also, your mother might have warned you about eating things off the sidewalk; so instead, look for purslane growing in your garden, or consider transplanting it to your garden from a sidewalk.

Also, note the some folks incorrectly call purslane "pigw**d," but that's a different w**d — edible but not as tasty.

Lamb's-quarters are like spinach, except they are healthier, tastier and easier to grow. Lamb's-quarters, also called goosefoot, usually need more than a sidewalk crack to grow in, unlike dandelion or purslane. Nevertheless, they can be found throughout the urban landscape, wherever there is a little dirt.

The best part of the lamb's-quarters are the leaves, which are slightly velvety with a fine white powder on their undersides. Discard any dead or diseased leaves, which are usually the older ones on the bottom of the plant. The leaves and younger stems can be quickly boiled or sautéed, and they taste like a cross between spinach and Swiss chard with a slight nutty after-taste.

Maybe that taste combination doesn't appeal to you, but lamb's-quarters are ridiculously healthy. A one-cup serving will give you 10 times the daily-recommended dose of vitamin K; three times the vitamin A; more than enough vitamin C; and half your daily dose of calcium and magnesium.

Plantain, like dandelion, is a healthy, hardy w**d as ubiquitous in the city as broken glass. You know what it looks like, but you might not have known the name.
Part of the confusion is that plantain shares its name with something utterly different, the banana-like plantain, whose etymology is a mix of Spanish and native Caribbean. The so-called w**d plantain, or Plantago major, was cultivated in pre-Columbus Europe; and indeed Native Americans called it "the white man's footprint," because it seemed to follow European settlers.

Plantain has a nutritional profile similar to dandelion — that is, loaded with iron and other important vitamins and minerals. The leaves are tastiest when small and tender, usually in the spring but whenever new shoots appear after being cut back by a lawnmower. Bigger leaves are edible but bitter and fibrous.

The shoots of the broadleaf plantain, when green and tender and no longer than about four inches, can be described as a poor-man's fiddlehead, with a nutty, asparagus-like taste. Pan-fry in olive oil for just a few seconds to bring out this taste. The longer, browner shoots are also tasty prepared the same way, but the inner stem is too fibrous. You'll need to place the shoot in your mouth, clench with your teeth, and quickly pull out the stem. What you're eating are the plantain seeds.

The leaves of the equally ubiquitous narrow-leaf plantain, or Plantago lanceolata, also are edible when young. The shoot is "edible" only with quotation marks. You can eat the seeds should you have the patience to collect hundreds of plants for the handful of seeds you'd harvest. With time being money, it's likely not worth it.

One of the not-so-ugly w**ds worth pulling and keeping is chickw**d. Identified by purple stems, fuzzy green leaves, and starry white flower petals, this w**d is a fantastic source of vitamins A, D, B complex, and C. It also contains minerals like iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium. Chickw**d (Stellaria media) has a cornsilk-like flavor when eaten raw, and tastes similar to spinach when it is cooked. [1]

Chickw**d nourishes the lymph and glandular systems, and can heal cysts, fevers, and inflammation. It can help neutralize acid and help with yeast overgrowth and fatty deposits, too.
Additionally, chickw**d can be finely chopped and applied externally to irritated skin. Steep the plant in ¼ cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, and chickw**d provides benefits similar to dandelion root. Speaking of dandelion…

Other than the occasional four-leafed clover hunt, this common lawn w**d goes mostly unnoticed, even though it is becoming popular as a lawn replacement altogether. Clover is an important food for honeybees and bumblebees, and clover leaves and flowers can be used to add variety to human meals as well. Small amounts of raw clover leaves can be chopped into salads, or can be sauteed and added to dishes for a green accent, and the flowers of both red and white clover can be eaten raw or cooked, or dried for tea.

Mallow, or malva, is also known as cheesew**d, due to the shape of its seed pods, and can be found in many lawns or garden beds across the US. The leaves and the seed pods (also called the 'fruit') are both edible, either raw or cooked, and like many greens, are often more tender and palatable when smaller and less mature. The older leaves can be used like any other cooked green after steaming, boiling, or sauteing them.

The leaves of the wild amaranth, also known as pigw**d, are another great addition to any dish that calls for leafy greens, and while the younger leaves are softer and tastier, the older leaves can also be cooked like spinach. The seeds of the wild amaranth can be gathered and cooked just like store-bought amaranth, either as a cooked whole grain or as a ground meal, and while it does take a bit of time to gather enough to add to a meal, they can be a a good source of free protein.

It sounds like a cruel joke, but stinging nettles — should you be able to handle them without getting a painful rash from the tiny, acid-filled needles — are delicious cooked or prepared as a tea.

You may have brushed by these in the woods or even in your garden, not knowing what hit you, having been trained all your life to identify poison ivy and nothing else. The tiny needles fortunately fall off when steamed or boiled. The trick is merely using garden gloves to get the nettles into a bag.

Nettles tastes a little like spinach, only more flavorful and more healthful. They are loaded with essential minerals you won't find together outside a multivitamin bottle, and these include iodine, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, silica and sulfur. Nettles also have more protein than most plants.

You can eat the leaves and then drink the water as tea, with or without sugar, hot or cold. If you are adventurous — or, you can collect entire plants to dry in your basement. The needles will eventually fall off, and you can save the dried leaves for tea all winter long. Info by Christopher Wanjek

Credit for the Great Identification photo goes to Cook's Illustrated Magazine.

Please visit our THE SEED GUY website when you get the chance. We have 9 of our Heirloom Seed Packages, and all of our Individual Varieties in Stock Now, Non GMO, still hand counted and packaged, like the old days, so you get the best germination, fresh from the New Fall 2022 Harvest, and **BLACK FRIDAY** Pricing Now.

You can also Call Us 7 days a week, and up to 10:00 pm each night, at 918-352-8800 if you would like to Order By Phone.

If you LIKE US on our page, you will be on our list for more great Gardening Articles, new Heirloom Seed Offers, and healthy Juice Recipes Thank you, and God Bless You and Your Family.



Heather Templeton

Heather Templeton

Winter edible w**d:

Cronewort (Artemisia vulgaris)
The little leaves of my friend cronewort (AKA mugwort), minced, will add a savory, slightly bitter bite to our salad. Just a few will do the trick. Yes, you can still make a cronewort vinegar, with leaves or roots and leaves, if you can find young growth, which is generally easy.



Let the Sunshine in ☀️



Cold outside, warm inside.. no fossil fuel involved.
Let's change the architectural paradigm. Sustainability is possible if we want it.
Reclaim housing, come and learn to build with us:


Beautiful dining room - check out the ceiling


This Bertsch Utah log cabin from Simply Log Cabins, in the United Kingdom, is the perfect little backyard addition, or the perfect little cabin for a forest retreat. Many people love the option of having a cabin of their own that feels like a home away from home. The comfortable place where one can....


A truly charming rustic cabin! You can step back in time in this 1800s cozy cabin on four acres located in Rock Hill, South Carolina, United States.




Christmas Crafting!  Love this!

Christmas Crafting! Love this!

Pretty cool idea! And a neat trick!


Our book "Survival Secrets:The Beginners Guide To Thriving In Emergency Situations "is free from November 1 to November 5, get a copy for FREE at

FARMacy meds!

FARMacy meds!

Get your flu shots!  Woot woot YeeHAW! Heather Templeton

Get your flu shots! Woot woot YeeHAW! Heather Templeton




Spend a night with us..
We have nightly rentals that you can book on our website or via AirBnB
Winter is best so you witness the power of thermomass.. our buildings are buried and insulated so you do not need any kind of heating or being hooked to the grid to keep comfortable during extremely cold weather.

We are eager to welcoming you.


Now here's a tree house!



Belleville, MI



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