We are hiring another part time barista! Must be experienced and reliability is extremely important. We are growing!
Training starts ASAP. Must be available early mornings Monday-Friday but work is not promised as it is sporadic and a gig job. Decent hourly pay plus tips. Short shifts. Paid breaks and paid lunch break if shift is longer than 5 hours (rare), paid sick leave, all the free drinks you want during your shift and one or two to go if you’d like🙂 We reimburse you for any and all parking fees if applicable.
Must be willing to commute to a different city and spot each shift mainly Seattle and Bellevue but also surrounding areas. Travel pay if farther travel.
Criminal background check and zero tolerance for any types of drugs.
FUN JOB!!! Great team!!!
Our goal is to create smiles one cup at a time so we are looking for someone that shares that same goal, is upbeat, and cheerful kind demeanor.
Email a resume to: [email protected]