Happy Advent and Merry Christmas.
The Christmas tree, a holiday staple in homes and establishments, holds a significance that goes beyond its decorative appeal. With a rich history and deep Christian symbolism, it has become one of the most iconic symbols of Christmas.
1. The Lights
The vibrant lights adorning the tree carry a symbolism that goes beyond mere decoration. The Book of Blessings encourages believers to see in this tree "full of light, Christ, the light of the world, who with His birth leads us to God, who dwells in inaccessible light."
2. The Star
Traditionally a star is placed at the top of the Christmas tree, symbolizing the guiding star that led the Magi to Bethlehem, where they encountered the Holy Family. According to the Gospel of Matthew, this star hovered over the birthplace of the Savior, directing the Magi towards Him.
3. The Gifts
The gifts placed beneath the Christmas tree symbolize the offerings presented by the Magi to the infant Christ as an act of worship: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
4. Ornaments
According to missionaries in Nordic regions, Christian decorations on the tree included apples and sweets hung from its branches, symbolizing "gifts." Over time, these elements have transformed into ornaments and decorative baubles that still retain the essence of offerings and blessings.