Dear friends, would you be so kind as to share the below information for me and or let me know if you or someone you know has a need for DJ, karaoke, or trivia night services. With the weather getting better and people starting to plan more events, I’d like to get my name out there and get booked whenever and wherever I can. Thank you so much! 
To: Whom It May Concern
RE: Karaoke/DJ Services
My name is Joseph Shay.
I wanted to discuss with you the possibility of hiring me for DJ, Karaoke, and trivia night services. I am a licensed business through the State of Washington, and have all of my own gear for any of those services. The only thing I require from the places that I work for is Wi-Fi in order to operate my karaoke program. My cell phone number is 360-590-0023 and below is the link to my business page.
I started out doing karaoke, and DJ work as a side hobby, and found that I love it so much that I decided to turn my passion it into a full Time business a few months ago. I’m reaching out to bars, restaurants, other venues and individuals that may be interested in my services and I would be very grateful for an opportunity to speak with you regarding this.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
—-Joseph Shay
Traveling DJ, Karaoke Host and Podcaster. Open for bookings for all types of weddings and parties.