12_18_12 Brockton High School Advanced Concert Band closes their portion of the annual Christmas Concert with In the Christmas Mood. Arrangement by J. Wassoon
12_18_12 Brockton High School Advanced Concert Band opens the annual Christmas Concert with The Christmas Curtain Raiser by R. Hastings
12_18_12 Brockton High School Advanced Concert Band performs Russian Christmas Music by Alfred Reed during the annual Christmas Concert
21-Nov-12 Bridgewater Raynham Marching Band
We appreciate those times when the opposition brings their marching band to our games. We don't get to see many other bands coming to our field. We thank BRRHS for presenting their halftime show during the Thanksgiving Day game today. I hope that you all enjoy the video
21-Nov-12 Brockton High School Marching Band
For well over 100 years, high school football has been a tradition here in Massachusetts on Thanksgiving morning. Today's game pitted Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School against the playoff bound Brockton Boxers. Brockton wins this game handily for the first time in 3 years by a score of 27-14. The halftime show was dedicated to Dr. Szach who will be retiring in December.
The first post was an .avi file and it would not play on most Apple devices. I hope this .mp4 file is more Apple friendly. A few changes from the show posted in October. And even more fun.
An updated video of the Brockton High School Marching Band 2012 Halftime Show. A few changes since the last time this was posted. SOOO much fun!!! Great job kids...
Brockton High School Marching Band Halftime Show 2012 Edition
Added a little dancing to this years show. You kids were terrific. Great Great job...
12_14_11 BHS Band The Water Is Wide
The Brockton High School Advanced Concert Band performs The Water Is Wide at the Holiday Concert on December 14, 2011
12_14_11 BHS Concert Choir Christmas Can Can
The Brockton High School Concert Choir performs Christmas Can Can during the Holiday Concert on December 14, 2011
Christmas Can Can
The BHS Concert Choir Performing Christmas Can Can at the 2011 Holiday Concert
December 14, 2011