October 27, 1987 saw the popular team of Strike Force, Rick Martel and Tito Santana, defeat the Hart Foundation to win the WWF World tag team championships. Martel forced Jim Neidhart to submit to the Boston Crab for the win.
Martel and Santana were teamed up after Tom Zenk’s sudden departure from the company, as he and Martel had been rumored for a title run as the Can-Am Connection. Strike Force had a feud with the Islanders prior to the title win, and would hold the belts for five months until WrestleMania IV when they lost them to Demolition.
Strike Force would be sidelined indefinitely after a kayfabe injury to Martel by Demolition, in actuality Martel took six months off to care for his wife who was gravely ill. Upon his return, the duo would split after a loss to Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson at WrestleMania V and feud for a short time after, as Martel adopted his new heel “Model” gimmick. Always thought these guys were a great tag team, those days were a tag team renaissance for the WWF. ~ Nance