…to everyone that came by the event yesterday and to all the vendors that made this event possible!
We can’t get over how perfect the day was - between the beautiful weather, the delicious food, the yummy drinks and all the pampering and self-care - the day was just perfect!
We hope to do an event like this in the future - tell us in the comments below, what your favorite part of the event was: 👇🏻
Gather Event Venue | 507 Clark Street, Canton, MO 63435
To book our venue for your own event:
Call/text: 217.430.0146
Book Online:
Use this snowy day to plan your future event at Gather Event Venue, Canton, MO!
The calendar for 2024 is already starting to fill up quickly. Get in touch with us for the date and time you’d like to have your event, to be sure you get Gather secured!
Gather Event Venue | 507 Clark Street, Canton, MO 63435
To book:
Call/text 217.430.0146
Book Online
Facebook & Instsgram DMs are accepted too!
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