I love snapdragons. Not only are they a 'cut and
come again' flower (keep blooming as long as you keep cutting), they are so easy to propagate. All you do is snip off their heads and remove the lower leaves, dip in some rooting hormone, and place in some moist potting soil. Bonus if you put them in a warm area to root. The remaining plant that you cut from will branch from where you "pinched", creating two stems where there was only one before (see last clip). Within a week these snaps had new shoots where the cut was made. I love the resiliency of plants. And now I have double the blooms on the existing plants, while doubling my stock of each variety. Amazing!
Behind the scenes and a day late on #marchintospring2023 topic of ‘behind the scenes’. One of the joys of taking care of seedings- the smell of fertilizers. I use a liquid fish fertilizer that is diluted for the baby plants but still smells terrible. 🤢
What I do for the love of flowers… 🤪
#seedstarting #fishfertilizer #lotsoflaundrytodo #dualpurposeutilityroom #seedstartingroom #babyplants #seedlings #seedlingsneedagoodstart #seedtoflower #flowerfarmer #bouquetsubscriptions #springflowers #nightingaleflowerfarm
I was digging through old video to find garden tour footage for today’s #marchintospring2023 topic ‘garden tour’ but found this gem instead and while it’s not a tour, you can see some plants right? The audio from my youngest daughter just kills me. She is so funny. This was her wannabe YouTuber phase from 2021. Make sure to watch until the end.
#mompower #beebalm #pollinatormagnet #hummingbirdmoth #hummingbirdmoths #pollinatorgarden #supportpollinatorssupportfarmers #chemicalfreegardening #japanesebeetlessuck #summergarden #weddingfarmerflorist #weddingflowerfarmerflorist #minnesotabride #minneapolis #champlinmn #daytonmn #anokamn #anoka #maplegrovemn #ramseymn #brooklynparkmn #nightingaleflowerfarm
The spring garden. I’m so ready for it. We’ve had the 6th highest snowfall on record for our area of 71 inches this winter. I found this video I did in my stories last year on March 18th and the snow had already melted. I was out peeking around in the gardens, checking on what’s growing, how the shrubs and roses look after another long winter.
Spring brings me an excitement and joy that is hard to describe. It’s like coming up for air after being underwater for too long. It holds so much promise and hope in its path. And I am here for it.
Anyone else love spring? Or just completely over winter?!
#minnesotawinters #springiscoming #springgardens #springgardening #perennialgarden #perennialgardens #anokamn #champlinmn #maplegrovemn #brooklynparkmn #daytonmn #minnesotabride #nightingaleflowerfarm
On any given summer morning, free from my day job, you can find me out with a mug of coffee, probably pj’s, wandering freely and happily through the gardens and flowers. My favorite thing to do is just observe and take notice. Of the pollinators, the birds, the sounds of early morning, the sun as it rises in the sky. I could spend the entire day just being free to wander aimlessly this way. It fills my soul. I cannot wait for winter to fade away and to see color and feel warmth again.
Do you feel the same way? What feeds your soul?
#nightingaleflowerfarm #mngrownflowers #mnflowerfarmer #mnflowerfarmerflorist #gardeningfeedsthesoul #beonewithnature #pollinatorhabitat #beesandbutterflies #zinnias
The story from neighbors is that the lot was previously owned by an elderly woman and her adult son who worked construction, would get
drunk and drive his bobcat around the yard and bury asphalt and concrete chunks. When l say chunks, I mean TONS of it. We've dug so much out of the ground, broken it up with sledgehammers, and hauled it off in wheelbarrows to be disposed of off site. Five
years of sweat, literal blood, and tears (and back
aches) to make this land usable and farmable. We did not know any of this when we bought this house. Fast forward 5 years and l'm so proud of the hard work we've put in to make the space usable and beautiful. I do not have any special equipment - just my hands,
some shovels, a wheelbarrow, a sledgehammer, and as of a year ago, a tiller.
This progress doesn't happen overnight. But it can happen if you are committed, have a vision, and decide to put the hard work in.
Go for your dreams. No matter how big or small.
What is your dream for 2023?
It felt so good to get my hands dirty today! I’m itching to start more but I need to be patient. I’m like a kid in a candy shop. Which is why I turn to seed catalogs in times like this. Amiright??!?!?!
The obsession is real.
#seedstarting #startingseedsindoors #zone4b #lisianthusseeds #eucalyptusseeds #seedobsessed #seedsowing #sowingseeds #soilblocks #soilblocker #teamsoilblocks #nightingaleflowerfarm #futureweddingflowers #weddingflowerfarmer
What a difference two years can make! I’ve
grown so much, learned SO much, and am
constantly challenging myself to push the
boundaries of my comfort zone and do new
things. Do all the things.
💐I want to do more weddings this year. I really enjoy the creative outlet and focus that offers.
💐l am changing the way my summer subscriptions look to be more manageable with my work schedule. Last summer was challenging (in a not-so-great way) because it left little time for my family with my new job, the schedule, and the weekly subscriptions. I’m not sure exactly how it’s going to look, but I believe l will be offering just the summer
subscription and the dahlia subscription, and drop the monthly options. The summer bouquets will be every other week over an extended 12 week period (2 in June, 2 in July, 2 in August). Be on the lookout for more info soon. They will be posted to the website when I have the details figured out.
💐There are a few spots left for the spring subscription- get yours before they are gone!
💐Wreaths are selling out fast but there are a
few left. Please visit my site to check out the the beauties still available.
🪴I’Il be starting lisianthus and eucalyptus this
week in soil blocks so catch me over in stories
getting my hands dirty. I can’t wait. I’m starting
to get the garden itch after some time off!
As always, thanks for following along, supporting my passion, and let’s show 2023 who’s boss!
#flowerfarmerflorist #mngrownflowers #flowergoals #weddingflorals
#minneapolisweddings #minnesotabride
#minneapolisweddingflorist #bouquetsubscriptions #floralobsession #nightingaleflowerfarm
The first bouquets for subscribers went out today! I’m beyond happy with how they turned out despite the heat wave we’ve had the past couple days. Gotta love AC and refrigerators!
#nightingaleflowerfarm #mngrownflowers #mnflowerfarmer #flowercsa #flowersubscription #locallygrownflowers #sustainablegrownflowers #peonies #salvia #queenanneslace #columbineflower #beautifulbouquets #iloveflowers #flowersmakepeoplehappy #mockorangeblossom #ilovemysubscribers #flowerarrangingisfun #heatwave
Oh sweet mother of hot sauce it’s hot outside today. High of 96 degrees with a heat advisory in effect. I’m wearing sunscreen, chugging water, and taking breaks. I’m still not going to complain because my flowers are lovin’ this heat wave. Today I’m planting successions of gladioli and some fillers, laying more compost, and weeding.
What are you up to today? Staying cool?
#mnsummer #heatwave #flowersloveheat #theshowmustgoon #mnheatwave #waterwaterwater #flowerfarmerflorist #nightingaleflowerfarm #workinghardfortheflowers #dreamplando #mnflowers #localisbetter #sustainableflowers #supportlocalfarmers #flowersmakeeverythingbetter
I used to hate bees. I was scared to death and would run screaming if one got near me. (This might have something to do with my brother catching them in a jar when we were little, shaking them up, and letting them go in my face 😒. I promise, he’s a good guy now).
I’ve grown to love these little guys and their cute fuzzy butts hanging out in my flowers. I love finding them asleep in a flower, like they got drunk off the nectar, their legs covered in pollen. I will always stop to watch them fly from flower to flower, crawling and wiggling around, seemingly happy as can be.
I’m not certified organic, but I’m as close as I can get. I don’t use any herbicide or pesticides, only natural and organic products and fertilizers. All for the pollinators, the earth, my family, myself, and future generations.
What is your relationship with the bees?
#savethepollinators #pollinators🐝 #organicgarden #instaflowers #homegrown #organicgardening #flowerlove #thehappygardeninglife #plantsmakepeoplehappy #gardenlife #beelove #pollinatorsandflowers #flowerlovers #gardenlove #gardenersofinstagram #flowerlover #choosehappiness #flowerfarmer #flowerfarmerflorist #nightingaleflowerfarm #batchelorbuttons #springflowers #perennials #fuzzybeebutts #beesneedlovetoo #saynotopesticides #saynotochemicalsandpesticides #naturalgardeningpractices #farmwithoutharm #farmwithoutchemicals
I got the new beds tilled today! And my forearms are mad at me now. It was a task on my list that I needed to get done and now that I have, I’m relieved. Soon I’ll be planting! I have a few days of work at the hospital and then I’ll be back at it.
I’ve been absent from posting lately. My dad is very ill in the ICU at the U of M. It’s been a hard week and even harder not being able to see him. But he’s being well taken care of, I know that. The nurses and doctors there are amazing! Today’s hard work was a much needed distraction from a feeling of helplessness. Felt good to get it done.
💐Bouquet subscriptions are still available on my website! Mother’s Day is coming up! (hint hint 😉).
#flowerfarmer #mnflowerfarmer #mnflowers #mhealthfairviewmedicalicu #icunursesrock #mothersdaygift #bouquetsubscription #nightingaleflowerfarm