RC Pylon Suppliers

RC Pylon Suppliers This page and website will be a place for listing products by companies/people supplying products to

In today's world of seemingly CNC everything, it can seem difficult to produce amateur made "things" worthy of compariso...

In today's world of seemingly CNC everything, it can seem difficult to produce amateur made "things" worthy of comparison to professionally made products for model airplanes, other hobbies, marketing materials, and other things that have often relegated would-be product makers to just not try and compete .. large laser cutting tables products amazing looking model airplane kits .. CNC industrial machining tools can produce incredible looking engines, metal, plastic, or whatever, parts that seem impossible for hobbyists .. many years ago I spent $1100+ for an HP DeskJet printer when I was marketing my music software and Makeover for Windows .. I had to use a print house with offset printing just for a 2 color package for Makeover .. yet I still got Makeover for Windows on the shelves at Egghead Software and CompUSA in the first half of the 1990's.

The "Maker" revolution is in full swing now .. I bought a Creality Ender 3 V2 Upgraded 3D Printer on October 16 of 2021 not long after I got home from the 3-month treatment for the bacterial infection in my back .. I had been watching videos during my treatment, and I saw a lot of limitations and a lot of people working hard to try to produce anything worthwhile .. at the time I had effectively zero 3D modeling skills .. and I didn't want to just print things other people had designed and provided models of .. I had my own ideas, but I had no real way of producing models I could 3D print of those things .. over the past few years, I've created long lists of things I wanted to do with 3D printing .. same goes for 3D machining of metal and plastic parts .. I had access to a nice metal lathe as a kid .. my father first had a Sears lathe, then a 10" Southbend lathe .. I turned heads for model airplane engines, made custom wheel hubs for HO Racing Slot Cars and other projects .. but we didn't have a milling machine .. my Creality Printer never got assembled and my Vevor vinyl cutter has never been plugged in .. but I have those tools and am finally ready to tackle some of the challenges to try to achieve some of my long-time model airplane and musical instrument making dreams.

In today's world, there are now hobbyist grade and hobbyist priced CNC mills, CNC laser engravers and laser cutters, and of course CNC 3D printers .. if you watch the videos, you see some people get good results by putting in significant effort .. in 3D printers, people fight with settings, materials, ornery hardware, and still get marginal results .. in a lot of cases, the results can be acceptable for non-professional production purposes.

I've been watching the videos and learning 3D modeling over the past few years .. I've spent significant time with Autodesk Fusion 360 and Blender for 3D modeling .. I've been using Microsoft Visio since the 1990's for drawing and diagramming, but my AutoCAD 2D skills were lacking and for the most parts, still are.

Some of these CNC tools I'm talking about feel more within my reach of actually producing useful things .. even with my spine issues, I can spend time in a nice gaming chair at my computer watching instructional videos and reading instructional materials on the web.

My pre-pandemic videos were mainly informational .. the pandemic times have people producing what we used to see as professional quality media .. I will never have the entertainment personality for entertainment videos unless information is the entertainment .. but I've been also working to learn to produce multiple camera videos so people can actually see what I'm doing .. I got nice compliments on my videos pre-pandemic, but still people often requested closeup video and still photos to complete the picture if you will.

I'm ready to try making videos on model airplane topics and musical instrument work again .. the surgery on my spine is expected to be in August or early September .. I'm going to be working on my projects including producing edited videos and not just snippets.

I'm also going to try to turn things list this long posting into Substack articles and put them on my web sites .. the only way I can improve and know if it is worthwhile is if I get feedback .. believe it or not, I'm not especially thin skinned .. please have a look and please comment and make suggestions.

You will be seeing tools and techniques I've had for a while and developed over time .. I'm always learning from others even when I'm sharing the things I do.

Here is one hobbyist grade tool I find very interesting .. if you've worked with hobbyist grade laser engravers and laser cutters, I would be very interested in what your experiences have been.

Two Trees TTS-20 Pro is a laser engraver and cutter with very small size of the module which produces one of the sharpest engraving lines with diode lasers o...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd8DI1AZM0wThis is a video of the Miller JM-2 freeware plane in Microsoft Flight Simulat...


This is a video of the Miller JM-2 freeware plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 .. I went to the link on Flightsim to (https://flightsim.to/file/8174/miller-jm-2) and it just says File Unavailable .. I've searched other sources and cannot find the plane file(s) for download

The guy that made the video appears to have no experience in full scale airplanes and obviously did no research on the real plane .. I could be wrong, but he doesn't know what the stall characteristics should be for this plane or one like it like Pushy Galore .. he doesn't have a clue what cross controlling on short final is

The JM-2 was designed for Formula One racing .. you can read more about it and find some additional resources at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller_JM-2

And see more about the modified record setting version called Pushy Galore at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller-Bohannon_JM-2_Special .. one link with a few photos is at https://www.eaa.org/eaa-museum/museum-collection/aircraft-collection-folder/1989-miller-bohannan-jm-2-special-pushy-galore---n189bb

Connect More!Join me live on Twitch at: https://www.twitch.tv/bill4leJoin the Discord at: https://discord.gg/n2fh9UvExclusive Full Flight Lessons & Videos Av...

This morning I noticed some user interface changes in the iPhone Facebook app .. I've seen some bugs already and notific...

This morning I noticed some user interface changes in the iPhone Facebook app .. I've seen some bugs already and notifications aren't happening across all instances of Facebook .. I've had to refresh pages that used to update in near real-time .. so if you see flakiness in Facebook or Facebook Messenger, it's probably not you, your phone, or computer .. as an owner and administrator of so many pages and groups, and with me now being much more back in gear in my software infrastructure, I usually see and have to deal with the changes a lot .. I like to write, but the stability of Facebook makes actually publishing a challenge at times .. my Spectrum Cable internet is close to the "one gig", aka 1Gbps, speed .. so it's not my internet or network .. I'm back to working on my internet failover as I'm pursing returning to a contract or permanent web and mobile job .. the last role at Bank of America was all backend except the stuff I created for testing .. my last role at Bank of America had me in a group run by an Indian immigrant with a team of almost all Indian immigrants and a few offshore .. he had something like 60-70 reports ,, from what I know .. 3 white Americans .. 2 black Americans .. 3 Asians .. that's DEI at BofA .. I now know what real discrimination feels like

Wilton Boudoin .. thank you for getting the Drill Bit Charts paid Pro Edition and posting a nice review .. I went back t...

Wilton Boudoin .. thank you for getting the Drill Bit Charts paid Pro Edition and posting a nice review .. I went back through the reviews and some of the feature requests are the same as my friend in the UK that works for British Airways requested .. I saw one for cone and cylinder dimensions for calculating board feet of lumber .. the code for cylinders is actually already in RC Calculators in the Engine Size calculator .. now that I'm actually getting things published, and all of my personal technology infrastructure back in gear, I should be able to push out new features without a lot of mental strain .. I'm looking forward to seeing your comments about RC Calculators Pro when you get a chance to install it and check out its features.

See my Apps & Websites page at https://donstegall.com/apps for what's currently available and stay tuned as a lot more is coming in both apps and web sites .. and finally I'll be publishing some of my own iPhone and iPad apps after I get a little more finished on some Android apps that are much easier to publish than on the Apple software stores.

My new desktop wallpaper .. if you want it, go to https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jelly_Belly_P_51_Mustang_at_Re...

My new desktop wallpaper .. if you want it, go to https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jelly_Belly_P_51_Mustang_at_Reno_2014_by_D_Ramey_Logan.jpg .. below the picture, you can select from various resolutions .. I really like this livery / scheme .. I've obtained reasonable resolution Jelly Belly individual images for projects I have in mind .. might do some decal and/or vinyl sets .. probably will for at least my own use .. I'm finding videos in obscure places as well .. I will have a repository for that stuff at some point .. I've been collecting and curating Midget Mustang assets as well .. Formula 1 versions and sport versions .. I had done a lot of that for the Cosmic Winds, and I find more CW stuff while looking for things like the MM

This video popped up at an appropriate time .. I bought a Creality Ender 3 V2 just after I got out of the hospitals in 2...

This video popped up at an appropriate time .. I bought a Creality Ender 3 V2 just after I got out of the hospitals in 2021 .. my mobility and lack of energy, plus hearing all of the stuff about the challenges of getting one to work well dissuaded me from ever getting it together .. plus I knew very little about 3D modeling and my main goal was to design and print the things I needed for model airplane work and guitar work .. so I never set it up.

Well I've made inroads on understanding 3D modeling both as artistic and engineering with parametric modeling and I'm ready to start trying to get the 3D printer together .. I have the energy to do tinkering if it's productive .. I like to document as I learn and there's already a massive amount of info about these printers out there, but I'm probably going to video record my experience .. I might be buying something ready to use in the near future if I can't get my Ender going well enough to do at least some trial printing.

The Ultimate Book of 3D Printing Tips and Tricks (FDM/FFF) - https://www.makersmuse.com/3dprintingtipsThe ender 3 has been a go to recommendation for the "be...

These look like a number of useful 3D printed tools and helpers for modelers, woodworkers, luthiers, and most anyone who...

These look like a number of useful 3D printed tools and helpers for modelers, woodworkers, luthiers, and most anyone who makes things with tools.

Gives me a lot of ideas for accessories for a drill press and even more tools for R/C modelers .. things like a holder for drilling props safely on a drill press or by hand.

I still don't have my Creality Ender 3 V2 3D printer together .. hoping to get that done this week.

My Autodesk Fusion 360 learning is coming along nicely now .. 3D CAD is a pretty steep learning curve and most of the instructors in the YouTube videos move too quickly and fail to tell the little essential things .. 3D modeling is complex in general, but I think it's worthwhile

Previously I covered a range of 3D printable workshop tools. Making that video was enjoyable and viewers seemed to like it too. In this sequel, I select anot...

A little more progress on my 3D modeling motor test stand mount project .. saw an error on this while posting

A little more progress on my 3D modeling motor test stand mount project .. saw an error on this while posting

The RCPylonSuppliers.com domain name is temporarily unavailable .. maintenance in progress .. a new version of the web s...

The RCPylonSuppliers.com domain name is temporarily unavailable .. maintenance in progress .. a new version of the web site is coming soon and the mobile apps are on the way for iPhone, iPad, Android as well for offline access

This link is actually safe if you need to get to it .. https://rcpylonsuppliers.azurewebsites.net/

  Pilots This is the place to locate the things you need for R/C Pylon Racing. This site will get updated often. Please check back soon. Suppliers This is the place to list your products that are pylon racing related. See the About page. Facebook Visit our page to find or promote your pylo...

This is something I started working on a month or so ago .. wasn't feeling great the last few weeks, likely due to a pre...

This is something I started working on a month or so ago .. wasn't feeling great the last few weeks, likely due to a prescription mistake by the pharmacy .. got the right meds that looked like they were supposed to on Tuesday night and I'm feeling better now .. so I was sitting and programming on the Android and web stuff while I didn't feel up to much physical activity.

This is one of seven unique pieces for a "thing" to be part of my electric motor testing arsenal .. all of the parts are all fully drawn up in 2D CAD .. ten pieces in total .. I'm using Visio Professional and AutoCAD LT 2025 for the 2D CAD .. the "thing" will be built up with plywood initially .. probably laser cut 1/4" birch plywood .. potentially aluminum eventually, but I think plywood will work fine for my use.

I've been learning Blender for a while, a year or more, and Fusion 360 on and off since around the end of last year .. both for 3D modeling .. Blender for more artistic animation stuff, and Fusion 360 for precise parametric 3D engineering modeling .. I haven't combined 2D and 3D design work from the standpoint of using 2D CAD drawings as the basis for 3D parts until the last couple of days.

I spent hours getting the "extrusion" done on this part .. The outer lines / edges were connected to each other .. except in one place .. I had a X of 2.3765" where I needed a 2.375" to meet the next line .. because the perimeter was not closed, I could not get the part extruded .. after a lot of searching and reading I found the hint I needed about the possible lack of continuity of the line segments .. after fixing that line joint, I was finally able to get the part extruded to the thickness needed.

I haven't made the progress I wanted to on the 2D CAD for a Mini-Max 1650R fuselage .. I wanted to get past the importing of DFS file in Fusion 360 before going too far.

I've had a Creality Ender 3 V2 3D printer since the fall of 2021 but it's still mostly in the box in parts .. I've watched videos on putting them together and modding them for better performance and accuracy .. part of not getting it together was my recovery from the bacterial infection in my spine .. part of it was that I didn't have the ability to create my own 3D models .. I'm getting there and I'm going to try to 3D print these parts .. I will try some carbon fiber reinforced PLA-CF filament if prints of regular PLA or PETG or whatever look promising .. stainless steel nozzles that are abrasion resistant are needed to print the PLA-CF .. I hope to be using the printer for proofing parts to be laser cut and for making molds or mold plugs for things like wheel pants, canopies, cowls, etc.

I shot video of cutting the Q500 cores in half using 3 cameras .. this is effectively unedited video showing all three v...

I shot video of cutting the Q500 cores in half using 3 cameras .. this is effectively unedited video showing all three video feeds.

I published it on my new DonStegallRCLiveAndRaw YouTube channel for informal video and live broadcasts .. more polished video will be on my new DonStegallRC channel.

In this essentially unedited video, I use a FeatherCut 28" bow with my homemade power supply and a jig I use for cutting foam to size before cutting the airfoil into the foam core blanks for Quickie 500 (Q500) planes that require a constant chord wing except for a few inches at the tips .. the purpose of this effort was cutting the full-length cores and shucks into halves that are effectively 24 inches long.

The headcam is jerky .. I move around quickly .. I'm working on getting better at transitions for multiple cameras .. getting my shop back in good functionality is my focus and the videos on this channel are for people seeking information and not entertainment .. my new DonStegallRC channel will have more produced videos and a lot of content is coming to that channel as well as this DonStegallRCLiveAndRaw channel .. I may publish an updated video with transitions and inset video.

In this essentially unedited video, I use a FeatherCut 28" bow with my homemade power supply and a jig I use for cutting foam to size before cutting the airf...

I did get a couple of Q500 cores cut in half .. the lengths aren't exactly equal .. doesn't matter if the cores and shuc...

I did get a couple of Q500 cores cut in half .. the lengths aren't exactly equal .. doesn't matter if the cores and shucks are glued together and then sheeted full span .. but not acceptable for my general customers .. I've got to measure things and see if I can remember how I did it in the past .. if the halves are sheeted separately and glued together without trimming them to equal lengths, the seam won't be in the center .. that's not acceptable in my world.

I'm doing printed labels for people that need a little help with orientation .. I've done some Q40 wing projects with the labeling system I developed, and it does reduce the orientation aggravation.

I should be back to cutting Q500 cores full speed within a day or two

I shot 3 camera video and am going to try to produce a limited edited video .. I talked about some other things that may be of interest to those in the pylon racing community.

I've had a couple of rough weeks .. I couldn't do the 2nd and 3rd iron infusions .. I got a little burst of energy after...

I've had a couple of rough weeks .. I couldn't do the 2nd and 3rd iron infusions .. I got a little burst of energy after the abdominal pain subsided after the first, but I tasted metal too much and it made eating a real challenge.

I did make some progress in the main workshop upstairs and in the house .. I returned the EGO 2156SP electric self-propelled push mower .. it was too much while I was weak and with a hard 30 day return at Lowe's, I took it back .. the return process at Lowe's was a nightmare and I'm still waiting on the money to be returned on my credit card .. I returned it last Tuesday .. I'M NEVER BUYING ANYTHING AT Lowe's Home Improvement again unless I can't source it elsewhere .. Home Depot and Amazon get my business .. I know some people have a problem with Amazon, but there are many small vendors like me that sell on Amazon and the logistics make it possible to have quick delivery and actually be a little profitable.

I got into the shop this morning and got the wing sheeting table mostly cleared and have the Q500 blank cutting jig ready .. I'll have the core cutting table cleared and ready today or tomorrow.

I have never had a predominantly blue plane .. this makes me want that to change

I have never had a predominantly blue plane .. this makes me want that to change

It's a wonderful life for Jimmy Stewart's newly restored Mustang, now ensconced in the Dakota Territory Air Museum in Minot, North Dakota.

This image was taken by a phone recording video as part of me recording my setup experience with an EGO electric self-pr...

This image was taken by a phone recording video as part of me recording my setup experience with an EGO electric self-propelled push mower on Tuesday morning .. it was sometime between 4 and 5 am as I was trying to get it going and a quick test before the rain got her .. started raining by 9-10 am Tuesday and I got a total run time of around 5 minutes on it .. hoping to be able to start using it this weekend o next week if the weather improves .. story to come: "Significantly Disabled Old Man Tries To Mow Yard With Electric Mower". 😮😜😮🤣😎

This video shows how to enable Android Developer mode on the Spektrum IX14 transmitter .. now that I'm back to flying an...

This video shows how to enable Android Developer mode on the Spektrum IX14 transmitter .. now that I'm back to flying and still doing heavy duty software development, it's time for me to get an IX transmitter so I can make my existing and new apps available the IX transmitters .. real fun for a software and aviation nut like me 😎

Use a free app called ScrCpy (Screen Copy) to display your iX14 screen on a computer and use the computer's keyboard and mouse to edit the settings in your i...

Since I'm going to have to remove the misaligned SPEkTRUM AR637TA receiver from my Night Timber X ( #1), I decided to ge...

Since I'm going to have to remove the misaligned SPEkTRUM AR637TA receiver from my Night Timber X ( #1), I decided to get an AR8360T receiver .. at the minimum I can use the 8 channel in other planes .. none of my current Spektrum 8 and 9 channel receivers have telemetry or AS3X/SAFE in them

With the extra channels I can set up advanced things like crow mixing .. I saw Brian Phillips having to mess with the elevator mixing when using flaps .. I had an Ultra Stick set up with fully independent flaps and ailerons on 4 servos like the Night Timber X has .. with crow, the ailerons are raised while the flaps are down .. it allows for really slowing down quickly

Either the receiver in #1 is not programmed properly or the Avian 60 amp ESC isn't .. I can't get the motor to reverse with radio control .. and if I turn the transmitter off, the motor starts spinning .. could be fail safe isn't set up or working properly or the ESC isn't programmed properly

I don't do transmitter programming of ESC's unless I have no other option .. I always use a programming card, programming box, or highly preferred computer link

I have the SPEkTRUM SMART ESC Programmer V2 .. to get it hooked up to the ESC in the Timber, I'm going to have to take the nose off and extract the ESC .. I'll put a lead on it so I can change the ESC programming from the radio cavity with the wing off

I have a second Night Timber X scheduled to arrive on Monday .. complimentary of Amazon for delivering #1 with the beat up box .. as a power Amazon buyer and as an Amazon seller, sometimes I get a little extra consideration

Rick Bellelo and Chris Harris .. since you guys know this plane, any and all comments and suggestions are appreciated

My Spektrum DX9 has not had a firmware upgrade since sometime in 2018 .. it is currently on AirWave 1.08.05 .. the curre...

My Spektrum DX9 has not had a firmware upgrade since sometime in 2018 .. it is currently on AirWave 1.08.05 .. the current version of AirWave is 2.09 .. it's way behind and not even close to supporting current Spektrum technologies .. I must update the AirWave firmware to be able to start to use the newer technologies like the Smart ESC and battery telemetry .. I had noticed that the telemetry from the UMX Night V***r appeared to be missing information that I expected to see .. before updating the DX9, I need to have my models in it fully backed up .. I don't want to take unnecessary chances of losing that info even though a number of the models are no longer in service or will be .. things like my Club 40 Racing setups for the Sky Raider Mach II and LA Racer 40 were well refined with things like differential aileron mixing to correct barrel rolling and making flying a good pylon course easier .. I don't like "remaidening" planes and since I've effectively been away from flying R/C for 4+ years, I don't need unnecessary effort being required .. and I have test stand rigs set up as well for things gas engines with servo controlled choke, optical shutoffs, telemetry, etc.

It's my next task before moving forward on setting up the Night Timber X, Night Radian, and a UMX Pitts S-1B.


Since the Night Timber X I just got has the misalignment issue with the preinstalled Spektrum AR637TA AS3X & SAFE programming locked receiver, I will need to take it out and remount it .. I will either update the firmware or get a standard AR637T receiver as a replacement .. I will be getting a number of planes ready to fly that will be getting 6 channel receivers .. I still have some never flown Spektrum receivers, but I can certainly use another 6 channel receiver with AS3X and SAFE .. with the AR637TA being able to be unlocked, I can swap to the stock AR637T and use the TA for reference and for another plane .. the other Night Timber should be here within a week and with the rowdy weather with high winds and rain, I'm just going to take a little time getting familiar with the newer Spektrum radio features and the Spektrum SMART battery and ESC technologies .. I probably need to update my Spektrum DX9 AirWave software .. I already had the USB programming cable, so I can update receivers with current firmware and unlock the AR637TA receivers if or when needed.

I'm watching the programming and setup videos in this playlist and they are very well done.

It's great to be getting back to some real modeling again.

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

I think most people have encountered scammers online by now .. it's not going to get any better .. AI is the only real h...

I think most people have encountered scammers online by now .. it's not going to get any better .. AI is the only real hope .. there are common routines, but they constantly refine as they scam on more and more people .. they literally have scripts

I've learned a lot of the routines, but like most things, it's best to learn from others

there is a sub-reddit called r/scambait where people contribute the scammers they've uncovered .. I only use reddit for a few things and I don't contribute .. not even sure I have an account where I can

I probably should as I've encountered at least one since Sunday .. seems to be a large scale, long term, extremely comprehensive scam. I'm actually going to post about it as it involves aviation and some of my friends are mutual friends of thr scammer .. I'm already in contact with the Facebook investigation team

I had another that originated on Facebook Dating that asked me to communicate on WhatsApp .. about 99% sure it's a scammer .. will know by tomorrow

here is one funny one I just saw on Reddit tonight

the link goes directly to it, but if you don't want to hit Reddit, the images are attached

I find it so funny when they ask you or tell you to stop messaging them


I think I'm going to buy into the Horizon Hobby easy R/C thing .. they have a variety of BNF planes I would like to try ...

I think I'm going to buy into the Horizon Hobby easy R/C thing .. they have a variety of BNF planes I would like to try .. so I might get some of the Spektrum Smart batteries .. I see the USB powered S100 charger and this https://amzn.to/3uIH6pu S155 AC powered charger .. I don't think I currently have a USB source over 60W that can be used for charging .. if you have the S100, does it get the job done or do I need the S155 ???

Features: Advanced, user-friendly Smart G2 charging technology that fits into any hobby budget Delivers 55W of charging power Includes selectable IC3® and IC5® charging ports — no separate adapters required Charges AND balances Smart G2 batteries with one simple IC3® or IC5® connection — no ...

This is the RC Pylon Suppliers app running on my iPhone .. I have the app version of the web site running as a hybrid na...

This is the RC Pylon Suppliers app running on my iPhone .. I have the app version of the web site running as a hybrid native app on Android as well as iPhone/iPad, plus macOS and Windows .. I've added "vendor" pages for Dan Kane and Karl Harrod .. I'll be doing that for all vendors and vendors will be able to add their own content including photos and videos .. these will effectively be app hosted vendor micro websites .. I'm dealing with some issues on the iPhone/iPad apps with the splash screens and icons, and on Android to a degree .. I hope to publish the initial Android app in the next week or so .. I'll publish the iOS app when I conquer the issue with changing a default purple splash screen background on iOS in .NET Blazor MAUI.

After an extended illness, I'm now doing a lot better, and I now have a the https://RCPylonSuppliers.com web site back o...

After an extended illness, I'm now doing a lot better, and I now have a the https://RCPylonSuppliers.com web site back online using new technology .. if you produce products of interest to the R/C pylon racing community, please contact me about adding a link to your web site or other information source like pages or groups, or creating a page on this web site for information about your products .. all listings are free .. see the About and Contact pages

Pilots This is the place to locate the things you need for R/C Pylon Racing. This site will get updated often. Please check back soon. Suppliers This is the place to list your products that are pylon racing related. See the About page. Facebook Visit our page to find or promote your pylo....


This is just a test message .. I've been working a lot on my new web infrastructure and have the new generation RCPylonSuppliers.com web site online .. at least temporarily

The new Awesome HobbyZ web site is currently unavailable

Hi Friends,I need your help.I think I've finally gotten something accomplished that I did not know when I would get it d...

Hi Friends,

I need your help.

I think I've finally gotten something accomplished that I did not know when I would get it done and working .. I have re-published one of my web sites and have gotten security working on it .. I hope .. The https://rcpylonsuppliers.com web site is showing in this posting properly .. That's a very good sign since Facebook validates it.

Please follow this link on your various devices and browsers and see if you get a security warning .. If you do, don't advance to the site .. but if you get to the site without a warning, please let me know.

I need to fix the menu on small devices so that it disappears after a selection. That is trivial as I've done it on other sites.

I've updated the Vendors page. If you have products for pylon racing, go to the About page for information about getting listed.

This is a major step forward in bringing my web sites back online. I had taken them down just before I was admitted to the hospital in March. So after 6 months of absence, they will be back online soon after this site is validated.

Thank You,


This is the place to locate the things you need for R/C Pylon Racing. This site will constantly get updated. Please check back often.


Charlotte, NC


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