Happy Mothers Day to all mothers...predinners Today is smothered porkchops,Turkeywings,bakechicken,stuff chicken breast,5cheesy baked mac,rice,cabbage,homemade dressing,sweet muffins n my chitlins on sale for $25dlrs today only... 7737040997 is # to purchase..line starts at 130
Todays menu my jerkchicken & steak tacos...7737040997 to place orders
Todays menu..meatloaf,smothered porkchops,cabbage,5cheesy baked mac,sweet muffins...also have chitlins ..contact 7737040997
Todays menu is smothered porkchops,5cheesy baked mac,white rice,cabbage,sweet muffins,chitlins...to reserve contact 7737040997
Todays menu my famous chitlins,smothered porkchops,potroast,rice,5cheesy baked mac,black eye peas,turnip&mustard greens,sweet muffins,homemade banana puddings...to purchase contact 7737040997
Todays menu is my homemade meatloaf,smothered porkchop covered in my homemade gravy,white rice,5cheesy baked mac,stringbeans&whitepotatoes with turkeymeat,chitlins,sweet muffins..to reserve contact me @ 7737040997