My Mr Finn is a special boy. He is often in dire need of attention. #mymomsdog #sillydog #needydog #dauchshund #babyboy #dogonthebackofthecouch #allysgardenflowers
Ally's indoor garden update! #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoorvegetablegarden #growingfood #growingvegetables #plants #kale #basil #arugula #cilantro #strawberry #foliage #badcat #allysgardenflowers
Wow. #grandcanyon #grandcanyonnationalpark #natureisbeautiful #natureisawesome #wow #amazing #jawdropping #allysgardenflowers
Oh Shepard 🤣 #dauchshund #dauchshundsofinstagram #summer #keepingcool #waterdog #watergun #squirtgun #playingwithdog #waterfun #crazydog #allysgardenflowers
Attack of the killer kitty. #cat #catsarefunny #monstercat #funny #godzilla #fairyvillage #allysgardenflowers
Ally's indoor garden update. #indoorgarden #growingplants #growingvegetables #growingherbs #growingfood #plantsarelife #plantsmakepeoplehappy #allysgardenflowers
About a year ago some ignorant vet told me that we would probably have to talk about Raine's "quality of life" soon. She had an infection and wasn't eating for them and was acting super lethargic. I basically told her to f*** off and we brought her home. I know my dog and I knew she'd be Ok with some love. Raine is a drama queen and was simply done with their sh*t. We took her home and semi force fed her with a dropper until she was strong enough and now this little bitch is smoking all the other dogs on walks. She may be old but she ain't done yet. #dauchshund #littledog #girldog #olddog #dramaqueen #daddysgirl #runlittlegirl #notdoneyet #babygirl #trustyourgut #dauchshunddrama #allysgardenflowers
Ally's Garden update! #upsidedown #indoorgarden #herbs #growingherbs #growingvegetables #indoorfarming #plants #plantsarefriends #plantsaremagic #plantsarelife #allysgardenflowers
Ally's garden update! #indoorgarden #youdontneedayard #plants #plantsarefriends #plantsaremagic #plantsarelife #indoorfarming #growingvegetables #foliage #growingfood #allysgardenflowers
Plant of the week! Shepard is a fan. #plantsarelife #plants #herb #basil #basilplant #indoorplants #indoorgarden #freshherbs #basilsmellsamazing #tastesasgoodasitlooks #growingherbs #herbsaremedicine #allysgardenflowers
Ally's indoor garden update! #indoorgarden #garden #plants #plantsarelife #lifeischange #plantsmakepeoplehappy #seedlings #veggies #foliage #trialanderror #allysgardenflowers
Ally's indoor garden update! #indoorgarden #plants #plantsofinstagram #garden #indoorplants #indoorgarden #plantsarefriends #plantsaremagic #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsarelife #growingthings #propagation #allysgardenflowers
Plant of the week volume 2: Cali the cactus. #plants #cactus #iloveplants #plantsmakemehappy #resilientplants #indoorgarden #allysgardenflowers
When Giddy decides that it's dinner time but I'm in the middle of painting, also it's about an hour early. Brat thinks he runs this house. #dog #smalldog #demandingdog #bratdog #hethinkshesincharge #sillyboy #workingfromhome #littleprince #allysgardenflowers
Ally's indoor garden update! #indoorgarden #garden #plants #iloveplants #plantsarelife #plantsmakepeoplehappy #growing #growingfood #growingflowers #growingplants #allysgardenflowers