It's been awhile. I am still here doing what I love, but not posting as often. I caught up some with some posts around Christmas and am back to post a few more just to show I am still here. ;)
Seniors... They are gearing up for their last semester of high school years. Parents are realizing this is the end of this stage and the new one is fast approaching. The anticipation and excitement I felt in one hand at this age and the uneasiness in another. The gift this generation has of social media and being able to see from their bed what a collage campus looks like and a lot of the ends and outs is something they don't realize is a gift. Some are still completely clueless of what they want to do and others have it all planned out. Wherever you are, it's ok. I have had some of the best seniors to photograph (along with their 4 legged buddies sometimes) over the years and this years are no different. I 've had the gift of photographing siblings of some and some are giving me the chance for the first time. That's an honor. Whether it's flying airplanes, teaching, nursing, welding, engineering...you have a gift to bring to what you choose. You made the choice to go the direction you did for a reason and you bring something special wherever you end up. Don't forget you have some great qualities. If you need me to remind you, come find me because I will!
Families.....it's one of my favorites to see them bond, grow up, change, add to. It's also a reality that sometimes, you lose some. It's the biggest gift you can give someone. Shameless plug, but gift cards are one of the best gifts to give a family or a parent. You'll never have enough pictures and you'll never regret the ones you have. I speak from experience both personally and watching others be so thankful. People change and time gets away. Kids grow up. People get added to the original core. Make it happen! It's a gift you give yourself without even knowing it sometimes.
Thanks for trusting me all these years and in the future too. I don't get on here much to post and I will try to be more consistent, but also realize that this is not what fills my cup. It's the happy families that I get to spend time with, but then come back year after year say they are still so thankful.