Amanda Reich Photography

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Amanda Reich Photography I want to capture your family enjoying life and where you are in it. I love that people trust me to capture stages in life. It's priceless!

Whether it be a brand new baby that has just been welcomed into the world, a melt my heart little face, the beginning of a life together and the list goes on and on. I love that every person will have the memory of a photograph to share with special people in their lives down the road. It's something that can never be recaptured.


Happy August! I hope you have had a summer that played out exactly like you needed it to whether it was doing nothing except laying around and enjoying relaxing or going and doing all the things you could.

I’ve had several contact me before summer and more recently regarding getting on my calendar. I plan to start working down the list in the next few days and next week.

I also may have an option for mini sessions possibly end of this month or beginning of Sept. If you are interested in those reach out.

This season of weather has been crazy and I feel like that’s been a recording I should have every year these days. Hopefully there’s some cooler weather and gorgeous sunshine in our future this fall!

All that to say, let me know if you aren’t on my list and want to be or have questions.

As always! Take the pictures or find someone to do it. There are so many photographers locally these days. Time isn’t guaranteed and you’ll regret what you don’t have!

I've been gone for awhile from here. Haven't exactly figured out how I want to continue to use social media for business...

I've been gone for awhile from here. Haven't exactly figured out how I want to continue to use social media for business, but for now I will pop in from time to time with just some random sessions that keep life exciting and fun and remind me why I love what I do.

I have had a season of seniors since the beginning of the year mixed in with families and a couple of babies. Thought I would share from January until now since they are the ones celebrated right now.

Seniors are reminders of a fresh start. They are leaving one phase and about to take the knowledge and go learn and adapt in a whole new phase. There's some with hopes and dreams in this group. Some have some fears and a little anticipation of what they are getting themselves into. There's all walks of life with all exciting focus on the future. Some want to go the medical route. One goes off to play football. Some are headed far away and some are staying closer to home, but far enough to do their own thing. Some have chosen engineering. Some dentistry. Some have chosen to stay here and get basics before they take on the next phase. Some have chosen to start a trade or a career right out of high school. One is a college graduate ready to take on some more. (Gig'em)

Each of these has a future. Each of these gets to decide how they will better this world. Each of these are great humans with the potential to be anything with guts to go after it and the hope to believe in themselves. There's nothing more than getting to watch people grow up and come into their own. The biggest thing I can give you is believe in yourself and live a life that represents who you want to be. There will be people that make you doubt that along the way, but knowing who you are and what you represent doesn't shake if you stand on solid ground. You can do great things and be a difference maker!

This school year is coming to a close, but the excitement is just getting started around the corner. Be the best you!

Mr. F...Facebook let me know it's been quite awhile since I posted anything, There's been a lot of picture taking and no...

Mr. F...

Facebook let me know it's been quite awhile since I posted anything, There's been a lot of picture taking and not a lot of posting. I am trying to get back to why I do what I do. It's not about the likes and posts. It's about capturing families where they are so they have memories. It's the gift of watching them love each other and filling up my heart while doing so. It's so easy to get into the whole I need to do what they are doing and I need to keep up with them and it's exhausting. I get caught up in it sometimes and I am working to do better. I love what I do and this is why I do it for as long as God has me here. To see sweet blessings in all ages of life and to capture moments that become treasures for families.

This sweet blessing is no different. He had a rough go of it early on, but I was so blessed when mom finally let me know we can get these in. He filled up my heart with snuggles. He was a snuggler! I am always willing to take on some snuggles and reminders of how sweet a new blessing can be.

Mr. F, you have a sister and so many others that think you are pretty special!

It's been awhile since I have done bw on here. There's something about the simplicity of bw that I will forever love. Th...

It's been awhile since I have done bw on here. There's something about the simplicity of bw that I will forever love.

This family is so incredibly special to watch and now there's another one to to love. I truly love every stage and there's something special about every stage. Newborns are new, fresh, protected and just need snuggles and basic needs. They grow and those needs change, but those snuggles no matter how old we are will always be part of needs.

Thankful for every season, but this season i am extra thankful even when it can get hard. This gift is special. The opportunity to capture moments is a gift I will never take for granted. I don't know the days ahead or how long I will continue to get to do this, but it's moments like this that make me stop and be extra grateful for what I get to do. Thanks guys for bringing me into your world to capture these moments. This is my project today, this weekend is to get caught up and my heart needs these little moments.

There's joy in sunshine and smiles. Today I needed this! It was a gorgeous day and a perfect spot.  I love that we did t...

There's joy in sunshine and smiles. Today I needed this! It was a gorgeous day and a perfect spot. I love that we did these where we did. A place that has people that love their people. A place that is full of memories and special occasions. It's a place that has grown C in a lot of ways. I love I had the honors. I have been photographing C for 15 plus years I think we figured out and in all stages of life after graduation. He's grown up and become one incredible daddy to C and now is loving the world and all it entails of learning to do life with someone beside him and another sweet little in the mix. Thanks for choosing me C to capture you guys at this stage and thanks for being you and loving C like you do!

One last opportunity just in case any more are interested or didn’t see this.

One last opportunity just in case any more are interested or didn’t see this.

It’s Pink Friday and all these new things that have come to pass to strum up business and give back intimidate me. I can’t keep up so I just haven’t as much as my heart wants to.

One thing that has been so heavy on my heart for quite awhile is giving to other small businesses while doing mine. I’m thankful and I know it takes a tribe.

This season I have chosen for every $200 gift certificate sold today, you receive a $20 gift card to a small business of your choice. If pictures are on your radar then this is a great opportunity to give back to small businesses, get a gift certificate for future pictures or for a Christmas or birthday idea and also get something for yourself while doing it. Whether it’s me or someone else, pictures are a treasure in life. We are each in a season and it’s gone before you know it. Make it count!

It’s Pink Friday and all these new things that have come to pass to strum up business and give back intimidate me. I can...

It’s Pink Friday and all these new things that have come to pass to strum up business and give back intimidate me. I can’t keep up so I just haven’t as much as my heart wants to.

One thing that has been so heavy on my heart for quite awhile is giving to other small businesses while doing mine. I’m thankful and I know it takes a tribe.

This season I have chosen for every $200 gift certificate sold today, you receive a $20 gift card to a small business of your choice. If pictures are on your radar then this is a great opportunity to give back to small businesses, get a gift certificate for future pictures or for a Christmas or birthday idea and also get something for yourself while doing it. Whether it’s me or someone else, pictures are a treasure in life. We are each in a season and it’s gone before you know it. Make it count!

I've spent the day playing catch up and not even close, but need to show this ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. This swee...

I've spent the day playing catch up and not even close, but need to show this ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. This sweet family and the queen D will be welcoming another sweet blessing. C is precious with this sweet baby bump!

If you know this mom, her heart has always wanted love and to be a mom. To see them both unfold is a heart filler. When babies are little and life is crazy it's a lot and she's figuring it out with her partner in crime and D is gonna be one lucky little cutie as she learns the life of a brother right along with her people.

Kids grow up and they do it quickly. This guy and I first met in his years of preschool. He doesn't remember of course. ...

Kids grow up and they do it quickly. This guy and I first met in his years of preschool. He doesn't remember of course. Then his sister and him headed into elementary where my kiddo went so I got to watch them grow up there. Blink, and this serious guy is about to take on the world.

You can learn a lot about people taking pictures. When it's one on one, you learn even more. Talking to his mom and him, K is pretty quiet and low key. He's literal. He prefers the life of flying under the radar. His love of the rocket program and the band are the things that interest him. He's been known to wear a cat shirt or 2 to school. He's looking forward to the building of the rocket for this year and the knowledge of using the info from the past to be better and do better and then the excitement of shooting it off this summer. I love when i know kiddos doing that because it makes it even more fun to follow the process.

I asked K what he thinks his best quality is and I have to say, I want to be like him when I grow up. It's a trait that gets you far. He doesn't let others opinion dictate who he is or what he wants to go after. He has confidence in what he wants and who he is. He said, I care, but I am not going to let it worry me. (That's paraphrasing.) Wise words kiddo! I pray you always take on life that way.

K, enjoy these days as the favorite and anticipate the excitement of choosing your next destination and the fun that's to come. And I love that you realize that education that is to come is a gift you look forward to. And for the record, if you choose that burnt orange school out of the others I will still cheer you on and be a big supporter of this's going to be hard though. :)

One of several I look forward to every year! They are special! They are precious and to watch these sweet little turkeys...

One of several I look forward to every year! They are special! They are precious and to watch these sweet little turkeys be parented and loved by their mom and dad still makes me want to be better as a parent.

It's always special how people come into your life. It all started with a boykin and his trainer. That trainer has a spe...

It's always special how people come into your life. It all started with a boykin and his trainer. That trainer has a special place in their life and ours too. It led to pictures and now I love this crew trusted me to be a part of capturing them again!

Life is crazy, but when you have 3 littles that all go different directions and 2 hard working parents that are doing all they can to keep life going it's special to see them get together and make time to capture their family in the middle of all of it. Pictures are treasures and time flies when life is busy. When you are living the crazy it's hard to see what each other are doing to survive. I watched this momma do momma things and then have her kiddos remind her of that and I watched dad support mom in her wants. It's team work doing this parenting thing and in the end, we captured a family that love each other and a little girl that may have needed just a tad of bribery to get these done. We all need a little bribery sometimes. Me included! ;)

P and S, you are doing better than you think you are!

This session was a rush Sunday before the cold weather and rain hit, but it stayed sunny and beautiful long enough to ge...

This session was a rush Sunday before the cold weather and rain hit, but it stayed sunny and beautiful long enough to get these in thankfully.

I love memories. This family was chatting about all the locations we've captured their family at over the years. I love they remember certain things better than me. That's why you do what you do. The moments, the fails and the laughs because of it, the love that's shared and the reminders that it's worth the crazy to capture your family.

Facebook tells me it's been a hot minute since I posted and I need to go back and figure out where I stopped. Life has b...

Facebook tells me it's been a hot minute since I posted and I need to go back and figure out where I stopped. Life has been crazy.

There were several from this session I love, but when I took this one J said this one is going to be my favorite and i have to agree. I tried to try a new spot that would give this crew something different, but then I saw it and had to do it.

I love this crew! It's a guarantee good time and lots of laughs and these days I will take it all. Thanks for being you H and loving your boys so well and thanks to your guys for always bringing the things to smile about even when they don't want to be there.

There was rain and then there was rain and then there was more rain. Then came the mosquitos. It's like they know when p...

There was rain and then there was rain and then there was more rain. Then came the mosquitos. It's like they know when picture and fair season is. We've needed rain for so long and we are making up for it now.

This crew we already had to reschedule once for weather, but we weren't going to let damp ground and mosquitos stop us this time. Family pictures did not disappoint. Have i told you how much I love meeting people and then them showing up over and over so I get to see their babies grow up. I look forward to it every year? This precious crew is no different. Watching them have fun with just one was special and now watching them enjoy life with 2 is different, but even more sweet. These girls are lucky and I am here for it!

Reschedule after reschedule looked like we were going to have a gorgeous day and then the sun hid,  but this crew still ...

Reschedule after reschedule looked like we were going to have a gorgeous day and then the sun hid, but this crew still brought it.

This guy impacted a lot of lives in his years at BISD before he left the teaching world. He like so many others have moved on, but the impact they left is still influencing those he coached and mentored. Behind a great teacher and coach is usually a big piece of who they are in a supportive way. This precious lady is just that. The little time I got to watch her mom and wife, you can tell she is just that. She leans in when there are struggles. She pulls away when they need to adventure and the two of them parent along beside each other. These kiddos are lucky to have parents that care about them and want to instill the best so they make good humans in the future.

A session can brighten my day in so many ways. Sunday was a hard day for me, but when we scheduled these pictures way back and it's the date that worked for them, I said lets do it. It's what fills my cup. Instead of focusing on missing my mom, I got to focus on watching a family giggle, love and be them. I got to capture them together and in hopes they'll have these pictures to look back on and treasure. You are never ready for what life can bring, but I can tell you first hand, good pictures matter and it's why I do what I do.

Thanks for trusting me B crew and thanks for being you!

Mr. J... This precious little guy is turning 1 and the one request was water. If you know his daddy, fishing is a lot of...

Mr. J... This precious little guy is turning 1 and the one request was water. If you know his daddy, fishing is a lot of what his life consisted of pre life of a daddy. I know it still does and I am glad we were able to make it happen.

Talking to mom and dad, books are J's favorite. Mom's mom was so good about reading to them growing up and she's passed it along. He instantly got still and content when the books came out. I love to see it. As someone that struggles to enjoy reading I love to see others instilling that at a young age in their littles.

I love that I got to meet this little dude and see mom and dad love on him together. It's fun to see families and how they interact with their littles. J is one lucky dude and something tells me there will be a fishing pole in his hands real soon if he's anything like dad and his dad.

Happy 1 buddy!! You are a light!

Too many to choose from, but a quick one that makes me smile this evening after wondering if the rain was going to ruin ...

Too many to choose from, but a quick one that makes me smile this evening after wondering if the rain was going to ruin tonight.

Wrapping up this precious family session, ready to send it out and preparing for a weekend of pictures. We need this rai...

Wrapping up this precious family session, ready to send it out and preparing for a weekend of pictures. We need this rain so desperately, but it would be great if I could turn it off and on. I'll just smile at this crew in anticipation of what's ahead.

It's almost Friday and I realized working on these I from last weekend that I forgot to post a sneak peek. I have been t...

It's almost Friday and I realized working on these I from last weekend that I forgot to post a sneak peek. I have been tied up with another session all week editing and am finally working on wrapping these up.

Oh sweet S. It was just yesterday that we were photographing your maternity pictures in the bright, early morning hours at the beach and now you are going to be a big sister so very soon.

This sweet girl has to be one of the most adorably precious littles. I can't wait to meet her brother. Her mom and dad dote on her and I know with a little adjustment, she's going to be so much the same with the newest addition. To watch people grow their family and love each other is one of the most precious things to see. Thanks M family for trusting me again to capture your sweet moments! I can't wait to meet brother!

Oh HB...Who knew that this little blue eyed, blonde haired little boy that would grow up would become a kiddo I adored w...

Oh HB...

Who knew that this little blue eyed, blonde haired little boy that would grow up would become a kiddo I adored when I started to photograph him at 3 yrs old. Then his momma would become one of my favorite people. Life is crazy how it plays out.

HB is kind. His family is one of the most important things in his life. He adores his truck. He is a great friend and isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He has an amazing support system and if you know him, you are going to laugh. His humor is top notch. It's hereditary and I love it! And that makes me smile over and over.

I hope you never forget the strengths that I see in you. They are a gift you give others, H. You have been gifted and that's not something to take lightly. Use those gifts and keep shining your light so those around you see it. And I know that humor isn't going anywhere. Oh the things I can't wait to see you do ahead!

Miss C...It's been so good to be back to doing what I love. I feel honored this beauty gave me a chance. We met on the b...

Miss C...It's been so good to be back to doing what I love. I feel honored this beauty gave me a chance. We met on the beach during the weekend which I try to avoid, but with volleyball in full swing, you do what you gotta do. I can finally feel a small glimpse of cooler weather coming.

Speaking of volleyball, this girl is active and taking on her senior year in the sport. You'll find her on the court contributing to try to win at a game she's stayed committed to over these years. Some have come and gone, but she's stuck it out to finish her senior year doing what she started out to do. Finish strong C!

Her favorite memory is when a racoon fell from the ceiling in the coaches office. Um, I hear stories all the time, but this was a first. It makes me giggle when I ask that question because you never know what's coming next. I know there's been many pet stories of animals in the ceilings, but this one was yet another.

I have gotten to know C over the years because of mutual people that are special in my life over time and I see some great things in her. It's my point every session to tell people the good I see. When I have watched C, I see a devoted, honest, dedicated lady. I asked her daddy what he loves and he said her smile. She has a great smile that's precious to me. When she giggles, her eyes light up. C, keep sharing your precious smile and continue to be devoted to what you believe in! Can't wait to see you again!

On this day there was rain all around us and for once my heart was being pulled in 2 different directions. I wanted rain...

On this day there was rain all around us and for once my heart was being pulled in 2 different directions. I wanted rain desperately, but I was ready to get back to doing what I love too.

I got the gift of photographing this sweet crew were a family of 4. It's been fun to see them grow and change through the years as they add more to their crew, build their dream home and figure out what this parenting thing is all about together.

There is joy in watching siblings have fun together. This session was no different. We got posed pictures, but my heart got filled capturing the in between too. That's my favorites to get! The ones that capture their little personalities, giggles and a whole lot of love.

Thanks K crew for trusting me over the years and allowing me to capture the little parts of it!

I'm back! This season is here and I feel a little bit of a hint of cooler weather trying to come visit. H and I were tal...

I'm back! This season is here and I feel a little bit of a hint of cooler weather trying to come visit.

H and I were talking about the gift of small towns. His love is football and this season he's really excited about what's to come. The joys of Friday night lights, full stands, the band playing and the tackle of pads as they scramble to get to the end zone with whistles blowing. It's good for the soul! There's just something that makes the excitement of it all "homey" to me. The gift of small town is Friday nights stop because that's where everybody the game.

This guy and I am sure his teammates have goals and they are ready to conquer and succeed. To watch this guy grow up he's come out of his shell more and more with me over the years. His mom tried to convince me he is suppose to be a quiet one in school, but he's a mess of jokes and laughter when we take pictures and I love it. He looks so much like his daddy and yet I see so much of the jokester side like his momma. H, you are made for big things and all those great qualities will get you there. ;)

H, you have great people in your corner and I can't wait to see and hear how this season plays out! Keep grinding!

I hear so many excuses all the time for reasons pictures don't happen. Pictures aren't easy sometimes with big groups, w...

I hear so many excuses all the time for reasons pictures don't happen.

Pictures aren't easy sometimes with big groups, with crazy life and with active kids and parents. If it's not scheduled, it never happens. Make the time! Tomorrow they'll be big and tomorrow you'll wish you had sooner.

This sweet momma contacted me several years back and then life happened. Then midsummer contacted me again and said we have to get this done, but I am so uneasy about all of this. It's normal. Moms want it to all flow and be perfect. For everybody to look happy and like we enjoy each other and haven't just had a knock down in the parking lot. It's common and I am one of those moms too. I assure you that it's worth it. I showed up to this session and the wind was crazy which always adds an additional adjustment, but with heat, wind and life these guys rocked it and I think mom was happy with the outcome.

This week, I was reminded the importance of pictures. They matter! You matter! Your people with you matter! I am so thankful that K got her crew together, rallied her help and we made it happen. I'm thankful you know the importance of doing this! This crew were the best! We managed to get in family pictures and a session for last year senior and this year in their place that they spend the most time together doing life. These are the days to remember because tomorrow, it can look different in a blink. Thanks for letting me be a part of capturing your family! Thanks for letting me into your world and congrats on such exciting times as you celebrate so much these years of life!

I get attached. There, I said it. I get attached to the people I photograph. I get attached more than they do and that c...

I get attached. There, I said it. I get attached to the people I photograph. I get attached more than they do and that can be hard sometimes, but whether it's a season, an event or through life, I get attached. I want to see these precious little humans that start so little as they come into this world grow, change and lose their front teeth and prepare for kindergarten this week.




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