What else can you ask for other than a perfect sunny summer day, beautiful pastel hues, stunning view of Lake Coeur d’Alene, and a totally in love couple! A Specialized and Sophisticated Wedding never goes out of style. #coeurdalenewedding #weddingplanner #pnwwedding #destinationwedding #lakewedding
A Specialized and Sophisticated Wedding never goes out of style, and may even be ahead of its time. Looking back to one of our favorite ceremony’s in the round that was over 5 years ago. Still a gorgeous classic that holds wedding inspiration for many upcoming weddings.
We worked tirelessly with this bride and groom to help them achieve this grand vision in their head and turn it into a reality.
Each wedding party couple danced down the aisle (to Maroon5 Love Somebody) towards the Crystal Acrylic Chuppah filled with hundreds of hand folded paper origami cranes. The flower girls tossed origami cranes instead of rose petals. Crystal Acrylic Chiavari chairs were set up in sections to create a star design all facing the center alter. Bright vibrant yellow hues were continuously used throughout everything we did. With a mix of old world traditions and new contemporary designs, we still look back and just adore this wedding.
An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes will be granted one wish and good luck. So it’s no surprise that in more recent times couples have adopted this lovely tradition and adapted it for their wedding decor. We had almost 2,000 origami cranes for this wedding during the ceremony and reception.
Venue: Millennium Gate Historic Museum Atlanta Georgia
Planning & Coordination: SAS Weddings & Celebrations
Photos: Nancy Jo McDonald
Decor: Legendary Events
#outdoorwedding #outdoorceremony #ceremony #weddingceremony #ceremonyinspiration #ceremonyintheround #wedding #weddinginspiration #atlanta #atlantawedding #weddingplanner #millenniumgatemuseum #origami #origamicrane #origamicranewedding #destinationwedding
A little more about Sarah:
I love Glitter, Confetti, and anything that Sparkles!
Champagne and Prosecco are my drinks of choice … always! 🥂
I began my career by way of hotels & local flower shops. Starting off in floral gave me an edge on the design aspect of a wedding right from the beginning. And having knowledge of how hotels fill their space and the inner workings of the banquet department was priceless when navigating food & beverage contracts and managing room blocks. From there I found my way into Country Clubs where I was tasked with not only member events but selling the space to non-members for weddings and private events.
375 is highest number of events I have produced in a single calendar year. This included small breakfast board meetings, multi-day golf tournaments, garden parties, grand Southern Weddings, and everything in between.
I’ve been in the Floral, Hotel, and Live Events Industry since 1994. Way before Facebook and Pinterest. I even had a pager back then! 🤣 📟 I still create a paper binder for each wedding client no matter the fancy wedding planning software we use. I just can’t shake my roots.
My creative wedding clients is where I find the most joy, personal satisfaction, and the drive that keeps me going.
I like to say that I produce Real Weddings for Real Couples. Taking an idea and turning it into a reality that they can enjoy with their friends & family. Soaking up all the memories that one day provides them while SAS takes care of behind the scenes.
My dream job: I have it!
#Weddingplanner #weddinginspiration #destinationwedding #hello #aboutme #wedding #bride #groom
Truly humbled and honored to receive the Best of North Idaho Wedding Planning Firm award for the 4th year in a row.
I’m kinda in shock. Why?
Well to be quite honest it’s been a difficult few years … not just the challenges of a global pandemic running rampant and ridiculous staffing shortages etc. But challenges that made me question my abilities. Compound that with seeing all the perfectness of social media being posted constantly and well I shut down. I didn’t know what to say or post anymore, frankly I didn’t have a voice nor did I think I had a voice worth listening to.
Where did this come from? I’ve spent the last year in a half seeking that answer. The consistent answer for me came down to this.
The bad, unrealistic, problematic, critical clients and vendors get all the attention. How do I address this without becoming “bad” myself. Planning and Coordination is such a subjective role. It’s not as tangible as producing a product as we are producing more of a feeling. Our time and energy is just sucked into a vacuum of “being not good enough” while our wonderful grateful clients/vendors take the back seat.
They take the back seat because “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” and yet a “bad” client or vendor to me might be perfect for another planner. Along with personality and priorities that are different with each client. Our side of the industry is far more fluid and subjective than others. As planners we take on the responsibility for the entire wedding, all the vendors, and the overall outcome of the wedding.
Think about it … really digest these facts. There are 8760 hours in a year, average life expectancy is 77 years in the US so that’s 674,520 hours in a lifetime.
We spend between 430-650 hours planning 1 wedding celebration that typically lasts for 12 hours.
I’m no math expert but 12 hours out of 674,520 hours in a lifetime is a fraction of a fraction of a percent in time. But is it???
Those hours are memori
Say HI to my Bestie!
6 years ago Stacy and I were friends but she hadn’t ever worked and wedding and I was in a pinch… she jumped in with both feet and worked her tail off.
Her amazing work ethic and super fun personality was a hit with all my clients and she’s been on the team ever since. Gosh I just don’t know what I would do without her anymore. (Both personally and professionally) She’s always there when I need her both near and far. And she’s always willing to travel with me too!
Thanks for being my rock!
#weddingday #weddingexit #weddingplanner #weddingassistant #friendsforever #friendsfirst #cantdoitwithoutateam #noiinteam #bestie #weddingwork #behindthescenes
A Specialized and Sophisticated Wedding never goes out of style!
#weddingday #sasweddings #weddingplanner #atlantawedding
So many perfectly pretty images I post on socials … as I should right?
That is my job.
It’s been a while since I posted about just me. And here’s some real life action photos of some behind the scenes at a wedding where we just couldn’t catch a break.
The image of my son with the “ummm now what” look on his face really says it all 🤣
But back to me… I’m Sarah Day the founder and creator behind SAS Weddings & Celebrations. I accidentally became a wedding planner over 25 years ago before it was really a thing. And to put it in perspective, before Facebook & Pinterest!
We got rain out, flooded, did shots at the alter, and even I had a tequila shot with the bride at the end of night. A little different than my celebratory champagne.
Nothing too glamorous to see here other than hundreds of hours of planning the span of 2 years (thank you Covid) falling apart all around me. And when I look back it’s one of my favorite weddings with some of my favorite humans.
The love and laughter they all shared not only got them through the day but has brought so much joy to all of our lives then and now.
Having the ability to have my son by my side at weddings and events has become a privilege as he grows into his own adulting with a wife and baby. (Yes I’m a grandma now!)
The pure joy I feel at the end of night with a hug from a grateful client is truly what I strive for. When it all goes perfect or it all goes wrong. Either way we are in the trenches together and I won’t ever leave your side.
#weddingplanner #thelifeofaweddingplanner #weddingday #weddingstories
Sh*T Happens
One of my favorite couples ever, who not only got caught up in the postponements of 2020 but had an unexpected torrential down pour perfectly timed with “walking down the aisle”.
We knew there was a slight chance of rain in the afternoon and discussed it as a team with the couple, parents, photographers, and venue. It was decided that a little rain would be fun and make for great photos.
Uh they weren’t wrong!
What started as a slight drizzle quickly turned into a complete downpour. As the guests all scurried inside to “wait it out” a drain pipe broke on the hillside and proceeded to flood the entire entrance and a water broke though the ceiling and started to flood the inside of the venue as well. Buckets everywhere!!!
“Plan D” (at this point with 2 years of planning) was a wedding inside complete with tequila shots at the alter.
You would think this would be enough for 1 day but with the added heat and humidity of a late August day the cake decided to melt and fall over too. It’s like we just couldn’t catch a break.
It’s customary for me drink champagne at a wedding to celebrate the culmination of all the planning coming to life and my work done. But… this was the first time I’ve ever done a shot at a wedding and with my beautiful bride.
It was a wedding for the record books! Everyone had the best time ever. Danced like no one was watching and loved every minute of it.
Video Description: photos taken by Jerome Pollos and SAS Celebrations of a rainy wedding day.
SAS Staff: my Son and daughter-in-law. I was soooo happy to have them help and share in these crazy memories with me.
P. S. Rain on your wedding day is #lucky we have special jars to save the rain water and give to our clients.
#weddingfail #weddingday #rainywedding #weddingplanner #pnwwedding #outdoorwedding #dancelikenooneiswatching #dontsweatthesmallstuff #weather
If you know me then you know I love a good shoe.
#shoes #weddingshoes
A Specialized and Sophisticated Wedding (and fabulous shoes) never go out of style!
A Specialized and Sophisticated Wedding never goes out of Style!
Especially with bold colors mixed with greenery. Maybe even a bit of trend setter with hues of Pantone’s Color of the Year, Viva Magenta 18.
Love your colors and let them shine!