Well HJ family...that's a wrap! We are now officially CLOSED. We are no longer offering any floral services. There were plans of a mobile unit or pop ups, funeral work and small weddings.....and that might still be an option. However, for the moment, I have other important tasks on a very full plate. So no floral services are available currently, but any events I do decide to attend will be announced on the Hattie Jane's FB page!
Hattie Janes Hat Bar is still alive, but has had a remodel! Hat's are still available at this time, I have several on sale that need to go asap! I have 3 new ones in progress, and I'm out of room people, lol! Help a girl out! I will be posting the new hat set up soon! Yall are gonna love it, so stay tuned!
HJ&Co will be our rebrand to encompass all the fun that is coming! So if you see our name change don't be alarmed, I told you all I wasn't done yet, things are just gonna look different! It will take time to transition so please share a little grace with me! I have so much fun headed yalls way!
Most importantly, I want to take this time to say thank you to several people for the support shown to Hattie Jane's Floral Boutique as we close this chapter in our book! First, the amazing downtown community in Colorado City for welcoming me and making me feel at home in such a neat area! Next fellow business owners all over the county and from other towns were so supportive, and great at answering questions and giving the best of advice at a moments notice when I would panic with an unknown! Then The community of Colorado City, Loraine, And Westbrook and all the surrounding areas who purchased flowers, allowing me to create for your special events! Customers and friends, and customers who became friends, who came by to visit, see what project i was up to or what event was coming up next! People who attended our events and laughed and learned right along with us! All of this made this all such an amazing journey. I learned so much. I laughed alot, I learned more than I ever expected, I had great days, and rough days, and days inbetween, and i cried more times than i can count....sometimes all of this came in the same day! I stayed awake 30+ hours, napped on the couch at the shop numerous times when my body wouldn't go anymore, learned your families important moments, made friends I never knew I needed, made mistakes, learned the hard way, and most importantly I healed a part my heart each time a smile was on the other end of recieving an arrangement from my shop! I have spent much of life looking for my "thing" what was I "good at", and it turns out all along there are many arts of all different mediums, and gestures of many kinds that that will fulfill that for me now, it just took a girl who hated flowers to become a florist for me to realize what my thing was! It's seeing joy in someone's eyes when they recieve something I poured my soul into!
Most importantly thanks to my family for the support they gave that made mountains move for me each time I asked for help. My amazing husband took each step along the way with me from beginning to this wierd middle we are in currently. His support has been unwavering, and kept me going on days I felt I had nothing left to give, he is the most amazing opinion guy on flowers, top notch repair guy, speedy last minute builder of impossible things, delivery driver, product pick up service, bank run for change guy, you name it he has done it! He has been my rock and I can never thank him enough for that. My kids, they have showed up for opening, and ribbon cutting, and after hours events to set up, tear down, serve, model, teach, reach things I could not, move things I could lift, and teach me social media! They have taught me how to do the monetary services of running a business, and given me ideas and pointers and lessons on fb/insta/tiktok ! They remind me not to slack! 🤪 They moved me in, helped rearranged weekly, and moved me out. My kids cheered on mom and made me so proud of the adults they are growing to be! My parents and inlaws. These 4 have picked up brooms, and paint brushes, and drills, and put in labor to support my crazy dreams. They became insanely good at eying great deals on unique vases and items to use as vases that were out of the ordinary, which is the base of my style...different!!! My Dad helped build my walk in cooler, and countless other projects! He also was my first sell of $10.00 which is framed with my license! My father in law went all the way to Ft Worth to get me a helium tank when not a one was to be found anywhere near or anywhere close to affordable during the shortage. He also took my Mother in Law to sales to find me vases. My mother in law became a master at finding me the most unique vases I have ever seen. I am eclectic and love to use new, used, vintage, antique, metal, plastic, you name it.....i like different and she always understood the assignment and helped me find the coolest of the cool! My mom is always my biggest cheerleader. She joined me in events i offered, attending several classes where I got to teach her for a change which was so fun! She blessed our community with a good ol fashioned quilt turning where she shared knowledge and stories of quilts and the art of it while sharing over 70 quilts over 2 days at an event at the shop! It was so cool!
I had the support, unwavering support, of a very small circle of amazing friends who have changed my life. I can't thank each of you enough for the support you each have given me. I am who I am because I found such a friend in each of you, you know who you are. Love you big!
Thanks for all the joy, the laughs, the hugs, and the support....but I'm far from done! Stay tuned! God bless each and everyone one of you, may the world you live in be kind to you as you give kindness out, trusting your ING! Be kind, grow your mind, enjoy your life! Thanks will never be enough, but for now....THANKS A MILLION YALL!