Congratulations to our RANCH division {HI-POINT} winners at this year's show! All hi-point winners took home a Molly's Custom Silver belt buckle and reserve went home with a custom embroidered halter. 🏆
{Small Fry}
Champion: Ryder Skouby & Spark In My Heart
Reserve: Riley Hauk & Honestly Awesome
{Walk Trot 18&Under}
Champion: Jada Casto & Little Outlaw Jac
Reserve: Jillian Stephens & PR Zip Me Deck
{Youth 13&Under}
Champion: Taylen Sbabo & Shootin For A Legacy
Reserve: Cooper Skouby & Spark In My Heart
{Youth 14-18}
Champion: Hunter Skouby & Whiz All Juiced Up
Reserve: Lindsey Lester & Gunners Last Dance
Champion: Jason Samuels & Collen Cats Spot
Reserve: Mary Blochberger & Justin Plain Spooky
Congratulations to our all-around division {HI-POINT} winners at this year's show! All hi-point winners took home a Molly's Custom Silver belt buckle and reserve went home with a custom embroidered halter. 🏆
{EWD Independent}
Champion: Robert Castellitto & Willy Fine Wine
Reserve: Nicolas Sutto & Tinys Annie
Champion: Rose Alfaro & Promise Us Paradise
Reserve: Lucy Powls & Certified Lazy
{Small Fry}
Champion: Zoey Wetherell & These Assets R Hot
Reserve: Riley Hauk & Honestly Awesome
{Walk Trot 18&Under}
Champion: Jessalyn Eisenmann & The Sugar Machine
Reserve: Olivia Werdehausen & Finely Chilling
{Youth 13&Under}
Champion: Faith Engemann & As You Wish
Reserve: Abigail Prenger & SRB Justa Toucho Glamour
{Youth 14-18}
Champion: Porter Lewis & Mamas Boy
Reserve: Bayleigh Wood & Certainly Hot N Spicy
{Walk/Trot 19&Over}
Champion: Melinda Botkin & All Ironed Out
Reserve: Mary Stassi & Gettin The Goods
Champion: Janet Deckman & Hello Lazy
Reserve: Jessica Hiemstra-Hargrove & Zips Hot Investment
18 in the ranch conformation mares! 🐴
In now! 18 in the $500 added JACKPOT ranch rail class! 💰💵
This evening’s exhibitor party sponsored by MQHA, AQHA & the Friends of Todd Garland. 🍕🍕
The stick horse barrel race is always a highlight of our show. Way to go cowgirls and cowboy! 🐴
Congratulations to Olivia Werdehausen our Champion stick horse barrel racer! 🐴
Check out this outstanding Halter Geldings class from this morning with over 30 entries! 🐴