Just chillin with the chickens…Chewy & Bob enjoying an off day. 💙🦙💙#alpacas
Pigs got to enjoy some watermelon this morning!🍉🐷 #kunekunepigs
Our newest little kitty, Stacy has taken up with the chickens. Yesterday I saw her out sitting by them. Last night when I went to close the chicken coop up she was in there with them. Then this morning she’s found her way into their house watching them get out to start their day. Guess she is going to be our chicken kitty. 🩷🐈🐔 #chickencoop #barnkitty #farmlife
Cow 🐮 train was a hit yesterday at NAFCO Family Day! Lots of kids & even adults got to ride. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor event! #cowtrain #outdoorevents #cullmanalabama #mobilepettingzoo #mobilepettingfarm #webringthefun #birthdaypartyideas #corporateevents #northalabama
Sneak peak of #jeffreymachinebirmingham Family Picnic this afternoon. They had the most awesome event planned for all their employees today & tonight! Thanks so much for inviting us to come bring our farm animals & cow train! #cullmanalabama #mobilepettingfarm #farmanimals #jeffreymachine (Will post more tomorrow I’m exhausted) Please tag us with all your pictures!
I tease about Bob being our lazy one cause he usually sits on the job about 1/2 through an event. Bob was center of attention yesterday with all these kids sitting around him feeding him grass. He loved all the attention! #laidbackalpaca #alpacalove #alpaca #pettherapy #farmanimals #chewyandbob
Baby is moving!
Buttercup still hasn’t had that baby yet. We’re watching & waiting. Watch the baby move in the video!! Could be any day. What yall think? Girl or boy? I’ve got to start picking names out! 💗💙
Darrin called me outside yesterday afternoon like something was wrong. Ole Bob was standing there like he was a kid at the splash pad! 💦💦Not sure how he did it but he turned the water spigot on at the backside of our house. I had sprayed him, Chewy & the pigs down with water hose earlier in the day. Guess he thought he would help me out and do it himself! 😂😂😂 He was guilty all right…as he stood there dripping wet. These animals are hilarious. Never a dull moment. Anyone else ever have an alpaca turn the water on? 💧#alpacalove #alpacalife #northalabama #funnyanimals #farmlife
Garden update & picking some veggies this morning!! #gardenseason #freshveggies #cucumbers #zucchini #squash #cullmanalabama #summervegetables #farmlife
Incubated some chick & guinea eggs. So far 10 babies! #babychick #guineachick #farmlife #cullmanalabama