Uptown & Humboldt turns 5 today! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
On Monday, January 6, 2020, we had our first food truck lunch service near Downtown Denver. Funny story: on our way there, we didn’t realize we needed a latch on our fridge, so all our sauces fell out and made a complete mess.🥲
We arrived at the office, quickly cleaned up the mess with the power of the sani bucket (lol), and then opened our service window for the very first time.
Our food was so well received by everyone in the office, and we couldn’t believe this was finally happening. It was truly a dream come true. After service, we headed back to the commissary to clean the truck, not knowing what our next gig would be. We wanted to celebrate our first day, so in true Colorado fashion, we decided to have a pint at — a brewery that would become our second gig the very next day. The rest, as they say, is history.
Uptown & Humboldt was born from our love for street food, travel, culture, and community. Thank you to everyone who continues to support our vision.
We’re incredibly grateful for all the lessons, growth, opportunities, memories, and relationships we’ve built along the way. It’s a great feeling knowing that the best is yet to come. We love you. 💚💛
Gio & Hayden
P.S. check our stories to see all the locations where we will be celebrating with the food truck this week!