Haunted House
Ready for the haunted house?? We’re here to 5pm. Tickets are available at the door. Cash or credit.
Dunkin Donuts
We like to thank Dunkin to provide us with the necessity of sugar and sweets Dunkin'
We’re here. You can come and pickup your tickets until 4 pm at the El Paso Convention Center.
Message from Chavo Guerrero Jr
Hometown wrestler, Chavo Guerrero Jr, wants you to know he is excited to come to El Paso Horrorfest and meet all his fans!
#elpaso #horrorfest #elpasohorrorfest
Walter Phelan message
Dr. Satan himself wants to let you know how excited he is to be meeting all his fans at El Paso Horrorfest! He will be signing exclusively at the SuperHeroes in Training booths V97-V100.
Tickets are on sale now at www.elpasohorrorfest.com and military discounts are available. The first 250 people in the door each day will receive a FREE Friday the 13th Jason Vorhees style hockey mask.
#elpaso #horrorfest #elpasohorrorfest #walterphelan #drsatan #superheroesintraining
El Paso Horrorfest 2025 ad
Keep an eye on KFOX for our El Paso Horrorfest 2025 commercial. I think it turned out pretty cool.
#elpaso #horrorfest #elpasohorrorfest
FREE Jason Masks for the first 250 people each day. They are top quality masks in a variety of designs and colors
Get your tickets now for El Paso Horror Fest. Military Discount available, Payment Plans available for Vendors and attendees. First 500 attendees receive a FREE Jason Mask. So what are you waiting for. http://www.elpasohorrorfest.com February 22-23, 2025 in the El Paso Convention Center
Christine Elise reveal
You guys are just too good at this guessing game. I thought for sure the silhouette with the hat on would throw you off the scent, but it didn't. Christine Elise is a featured guest at El Paso Horrorfest 2025. Tickets are available at www.elpasohorrorfest.com and military discounts are available.
**that should say elpasohorrorfest.com at the end, not elpasocomiccon.com
#elpaso #horrorfest #elpasohorrorfest #christineelise #chucky #brideofchucky
Guess the Guest
Got a "Guess the Guest" for ya! Let's see just how good you really are at guessing. Tickets are available at www.elpasohorrorfest.com and military discounts are available.
#elpaso #horrorfest #elpasohorrorfest
Mike Aloisi reveal
This one was a little more difficult, but El Paso Horrorfest would like to welcome bestselling author Mike Aloisi as a featured guest! Check out his bio page for all his details.
Tickets are on sale now at elpasohorrorfest.com and military discounts are available.
#elpaso #horrorfest #elpasohorrorfest #mikealoisi
Guest Announcement
We have a late addition to the Horrorfest line-up. I am gonna be really impressed if y'all can guess this one. Tickets are available at www.elpasohorrorfest.com and military discounts are available.
#elpaso #horrorfest #elpasohorrorfest