Tagalongs Play Place Fairfield

Tagalongs Play Place Fairfield Tagalongs is a fun friendly play facility in Northern New Jersey, open seven days week.Children indoor play facility,mommy and me classes, parties

Permanently closed.

Feel free to share our tragic story.....

Tagalongs was not lost due to Covid (the short version):

Tagalongs Play Place in Fairfield New Jersey (our second location) opened in November of 2019. When the lease was signed in May of 2019 I demanded an exclusivity clause as I had already been informed a national chain had been looking at the property but couldn’t make a deal with the landlord.
After months and months of work we finally opened, but were closed in March due to Covid.
Every month I reached out to the landlord as I feared this would be a long term issue.
The landlord agreed in writing to spread the money owed over the remaining 9 years of the lease from when we could open and be profitable again.
The landlord and his staff constantly gave me a hard time about everything, including fees they claimed I owed but can prove I don’t. His bookkeeper charged rent and applied my first months payment when rent wasn’t due. There were also issues of invoices with the exact same invoice number but different balances. Regardless, they were and are still wrong. I’ve paid. Our delayed opening was due to them painting sprinkler heads black leaving us so we could not open.
I do not live very close to Fairfield and have not had much reason to be there during the pandemic. It’s just been too sad to see.
A few weeks ago I went to our location to pick up mail, and what do I see but a sign on the property next door (which is going to be attached to our current property) that this national kids franchise is coming soon. At the same time the landlord reaches out giving me a hard time about the rent again. Mind you the deal we made about the rent was in July 2020.
I contacted a lawyer due to the exclusivity clause and a demand letter was sent on our behalf that we could not compete with a national franchise, we still can’t be open because of the executive order, and we need to pay off all the debt from our equipment which is personally guaranteed by me.
Within a few days I am slammed with a civil court action for not only eviction but the remainder of the lease payments for over 9 years (well over a million dollars). His excuse for what he did with the exclusivity clause was that he signed their lease under a separate LLC that he owns, which just happens to be registered to the exact P.O. Box in Brooklyn as the LLC my lease is under.
With this a lot more information comes to light. The landlord did our build out with no permit by lying to the town, which is a major problem. He agreed to providing in our lease ada compliant bathrooms (but they aren’t). The list goes on and on.....
Being the personal guarantor on leases and
Loans is a very big deal. Don’t pay, they go over all your personal and business assets.
We can’t move the equipment out of the unit because of the loans (we need permission which we can’t get), we must vacate as everyday it gets worse, and we have no money.
We have a great case against what was done to us, but due to him filing first we are the defendants, and this could be tied up in litigation for years. Sadly years we don’t have. Bill collectors want their money!
I am a single mom, I am disabled with MS, and soon I will have nothing. No home, no businesses, nothing!
For the record, Tagalongs is not the only business in that shopping center behind on rent from covid (but the only business with an agreement in writing), Tagalongs is the only business being evicted, and Tagalongs is the only woman owed business that was not grandfathered in when our landlord bought the building.
The deal with the national chain was made before covid. So regardless what we did this was inevitable.
I have had offers to help pay for attorney fees, but it’s too late. He wants us out NOW!

I’m finally telling the story because it’s the truth! A truth that people should know. A place for all children will be taken over by a place that does not care about spectrum disorders, they do not care about overstimulation. Tagalongs was one of a kind, and now it’s gone.


Tagalongs in Fairfield is closed permanently. If you see us there it is not because we are opening, it is to move our belongings out.
Thank you for the 4 great months we had with you.


As it appears play places are beginning to open. We are still interested in talking to serious buyers for the Fairfield location.
As a licensed therapist counseling has increased significantly. Because of this the Fairfield location is for sale.
Please only serious inquiries.
If you are interested please email us at [email protected]
We do check the email frequently.

Thank you and stay well.


************Permanent Closure*********
Tagalongs Fairfield location will be closing permanently. Unfortunately, the arrangement we had made with our landlord is no longer an option.

Please keep in mind I lost my business because of covid. This is not easy for me or my daughter. Please don’t make jokes in the thread. There is nothing funny about losing everything you worked for.


Thanks to the landlords at both of our locations understanding and working with us, Tagalongs will be reopening indoors once we are given the go ahead from the New Jersey government that reopening is safe for all 😀
In the mean time, stay safe and healthy!
We look forward to seeing all of our little friends very soon😀


Hello Everyone,
First I want to say THANK YOU for all the comments, shares, donations, messages.....
We are going to attempt a few more ways to save Tagalongs but we could use some more help....I know were sounding greedy now 😳
If you could share pictures that you would be ok with possibly going viral of times at either location we would like to make a movie. I know it’s a long shot, but hey there’s nothing more to lose.
I will be spending time gathering all the photos and putting them to music along with some of the amazing comments that have been left to include in our GoFundMe, while likely crying.
Thank you all again! I am blessed to have so many wonderful families cheering us on and trying to help us pull through ❤️. You have made giving up a lot more difficult to do❤️.


This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. I’m not even sure how to put it into words.
I have no definite answers yet, but after running every scenario in my head, talking to lawyers, accountants, bill collectors, landlords, vendors, and pretty much reaching out for help from everywhere, I do not think at this point I will be able to save Tagalongs. Unfortunately, owning a business with no known opening date makes this all more complicated. Payments that we were allowed to defer are all now due, because we will likely be one of the last types of businesses to be open one would think we would get some extra time, but it does not work that way.
I’m very emotional about even having to possibly make this decision, as many of you, I have some wonderful memories at Tagalongs. Customers who have become more like family, and children I’ve watched grow up over the past few years.
Sadly, being a solely single mom with a medical condition on top of it, I have to think about my daughter first and how the emotional rollercoaster is taking a toll on my health and on her. She’s only 6.
I don’t know how I’m going to handle any of this, it’s hard to be a good mom and a therapist while I’m struggling with so many emotions watching a business I built to make a change turn into a ghost town.
I know in a previous post I said I’m a fighter, but I believe I may have finally lost a battle. I was the person many of you know who when told I can’t, I had to prove everyone wrong, but this is a situation like no other, where I have no say in what happens or have options. Trust me I’ve listened to Micks speech to Rocky more times during this pandemic than my entire life.
I want to thank everyone who donated, and shared the GoFundMe.
I wish things were different, I hoped just one person who understood Tagalongs would fight with all of us who wanted Tagalongs to pull through because of our purpose, but unfortunately it just didn’t happen.
It’s with a heavy hard I have to say I don’t have the answers to save the business. Maybe this will change, but with so many unknowns I do not think this will be possible.
As posted earlier party refunds are being worked out.
Please understand that I was the sole owner of both locations and this is a very difficult time. It’s almost like losing a loved one. Please allow me to grieve my loss, and allow me some time to breath and figure out what to do next.
Thank you,


Hello friends,
I know a lot of rumors are going around about us filing bankruptcy, but I assure you that is not true. To those who know me well, you know I don’t give up very easy. I’m not just OCD about cleanliness, I’m a fighter (in a good way).
We are starting to get some answers. We will have updates for everyone very soon. We just don’t want to give false information, but once we are sure we will keep everyone in the loop.
To those who have donated, shared our go fund me, reached out checking on my daughter and I, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please know we are not only fighting for Tagalongs, we are going to do what is right for our customers and have been fighting for you as well. It’s unfortunate that all of these things take time, as many small businesses are struggling.
Please stay safe and well.
We will be giving more information very soon.

Save Tagalongs Play Place organized by Carrie Haight

We understand if you cannot donate, but sharing helps. We don’t expect to raise our goal amount, although it would be very helpful.
Our goal with this go fund me is to raise awareness that play places such as Tagalongs are not like others. We are sensory friendly EVERY DAY! The goal of Tagalongs has always been and continues to be to bring children with or without spectrum disorders together. Because of Tagalongs children who may not have had the ability to interact for long periods of time with other children now can!
Please share! Please donate if you can, as once we are given the okay to open we don’t want to hesitate due to funding not coming through in time.
Through sharing this post we are reaching others who can possibly make a difference.

With love and appreciation,

Tagalongs is a family friendly play place with locations in Lake Hopatcong and Fairfield New … Carrie Haight needs your support for Save Tagalongs Play Place


We know many of our friends are looking for answers, and nothing feels worse than not having them.
We know hearing “please be patient” is frustrating, as we are told the same thing daily.
Please know once we have even a small answer we will be reaching out to all families who could not have their parties or have memberships.
We want to be certain of what the plan is so we can share with all of you.
Again, “please be patient” is frustrating, and we know it.
If we could give better answers we would.
We appreciate everyone’s patience and promise calls to all those who have been waiting for nearly 3 months.
Please continue to stay well, and we hope to be able to see you all soon.
It is very difficult to even enter either of our locations and not hear the laughter and happiness of our little friends without a great deal of sadness.
Tagalongs will be back, and we are excited to have the opportunity to continue to grow as a play place for every child.

With love and appreciation,


Dear Customers,
Like everyone I do not have answers. I do not know when we will be able to re-open, I like many of you fear the unknown, the economy, educating my child while trying to show a “poker face”, in addition to social distancing and also having to be extra cautious due to a very compromised immune system, amongst a ton of other thoughts.
I have not returned many messages, as it is difficult enough to live what we are all living through, in addition to receiving emails and voicemails with demands and being yelled at for something I don’t have answers for right now, all while having no income, not being able to provide jobs, and just the overall fear of the unknown.
To those who do not own small businesses and see that there is government aid for us, it is not as easy as it appears and it is not something that happens over night.
I again ask for your patience as myself and others try to figure out not only our businesses, but our lives one day at a time.
Once we have some answers, as promised we will call everyone who has or will have to miss a birthday party or extend memberships for those who lost weeks, but right now we need to stay focused on being kind and keeping those who are sick or who have lost loved ones in our thoughts.

Thank you to those who are being so patient. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone at this difficult time.


😀🌈In Italy pictures of Rainbows are being hung in windows and on doors saying “Andrà tutto bene” meaning EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT.......
We would like to share the message here in the USA and TAGALONGS.
Please post drawings of your rainbow, and we will print them out and place them in the Tagalongs windows.
We know this is very tough for everyone but,Andrà tutto bene!😀🌈


Dear Valued Tagalongs Guests and Friends,
We at Tagalongs know that there is much fear and concern regarding the Covid-19 Virus. We, along with our guests are left with uncertainty and challenges that were not expected.
Due to the rapid global spread of Covid-19, Tagalongs Play Place (both locations) will be closed for the remainder of March.
The health and safety of our guests and friends, as well as our staff is paramount at such a difficult time, although we recognize the frustration and anxiety that accompany this.
Tagalongs is staying abreast of all Federal and State updates, and will do whatever we can to be sure that our customers, friends, and staff are free from harm when visiting us to play or for Birthday parties.
At this time, we have placed all parties on hold, and will be happy to reschedule or offer a membership in place of a party once this unpredictable virus has subsided. Although, we understand disappointment about having to celebrate at a later time, it is for safety purposes. For the time being, we are not accepting any new bookings or rescheduling current bookings until we are confident about opening back up.
For those with memberships that fall during the time frame we are closed, we will be happy to extend your memberships for the time you have lost due to our temporary closure.
It is our hope that this pandemic which has deeply impacted all of us individually, as well as businesses big and small will soon pass, and we will be soon be able to return to normalcy.
Your kindness and patience is much appreciated, as everyone is trying to figure this all out one day at a time.
Please be safe and healthy,
Your Friends at Tagalongs Play place


I will be making calls throughout the day to discuss parties and other messages.
Everyone is a priority, but I ask for your patience as there are over 100 emails to answer and quite a few families who need to be called.

Thank You,


**********Coronavirus Closing*********

Due to the unpredictable spreading of the coronavirus, TAGALONGS will be closed from Monday 3/16-Friday 3/27. During this time we will be having Tagalongs deep cleaned and fully sanitized.
If you have a party booked for next weekend and you have not heard from us regarding rescheduling please call 973-241-3507 during regular business hours.

We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding. It is difficult to have to close for this time, but everyone’s health and safety are most important.

Thank you,
TAGALONGS Management


Dear TAGALONGS friends and family,
We are taking the Coronavirus very seriously. We have cleaning and sanitizing procedures in place to ensure that Tagalongs is as clean and sanitized as possible.
If you have a party booked, but would like to reschedule, we understand, and would be happy to assist you with rescheduling your celebration.
We are monitoring the coronavirus diligently, and will follow all CDC rules.
We ask if you or your child are feeling ill that you visit us at another time.
Any changes to our regular hours will be posted and families will be notified.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please stay well!



Please remember that EVERYONE MUST wear socks in the playroom. This is for sanitary reasons. We strive to stay clean for the children who play.
Also, shoe covers are only for those with absolute medical need. We will no longer provide shoe covers unless necessary.


This Sunday 3/1 our Fairfield location will be closing at 4:30 for a private event.


Tricky tray and donation requests:
Unfortunately, due to the extremely high volume of requests for donations, TAGALONGS has opted only to make donations to sick children and families who have suffered a tragedy. Although we wish we could donate to every request, it is just not possible. Between both locations we have received over 2 thousand requests. We want to be fair and it would not be fair to only pick certain schools or organizations.
We are very sorry, but it is just not possible for us to accommodate every request or to respond to every request.
We wish everyone the best in your fundraising 😀


We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but TAGALONGS Fairfield will be closing at 4 pm today for maintenance updates and deep cleaning.

Thank you.


Just a friendly reminder that we will be closing at 4:30 tomorrow (Sunday)
For a private party.

This is our last early closing for a few weeks😀


This coming Sunday we will be closing at 4:30 for a private event.



After being diagnosed with MS and having her miracle-child, single , Carrie Haight, opened up Tagalongs Play Place Fairfield, a place where children with sensory issues could play without being overstimulated ❤️


Share your pics with us and follow us on Instagram


Just a reminder we close at 4:45 this Sunday due to a private party.

Thank you!
Have a great weekend😀


461 Route 46 West
Fairfield, NJ


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