Trayson Hicks Preview
Trayson Hicks keeps on going, even when times get hard. Watch Fayettetunes 7 PM CST on Cox 218, U-verse 99, OzarksGo 44, or streaming live on Twitch. You can also tune in to the YouTube premiere at 8 PM!
New Motto Preview
Don't miss New Motto next Wednesday, December 13th at 7 PM CST! You can watch Fayettetunes on Cox 218, OzarksGo 44, U-Verse 99, streaming live on Twitch, or join the YouTube premiere at 8 PM!
Crazy Folker Preview
Crazy Folker - creating jobs for musicians in these trying times. They also have some great squirrel recipies. Wedenesday, December 4th, 7 PM - Catch Fayettetunes on Cox 218, OzarksGo 44, U-Verse 99, and streaming live on Twitch.
Mothwind Preview
MOTHWIND floating towards a lamp near you, Wednesday November 13, 7 PM CST. Watch live on FPTV - Cox 218, OzarksGo 44, and U-Verse 99. We are also streaming on Twitch! Or you can check out the YouTube premiere at 8 PM.
Pillar Reef Preview
Check out Pillar Reef on Fayettetunes! New episode debuts Wednesday, October 16 at 7 PM CST. Watch live on Cox 218, OzarksGo 44, U-Verse 99, or on the FPTV Twitch page. The YouTube Premiere is at 8 PM.
RANT preview
Don't miss RANT, Wednesday, October 8, 7 PM CST. Catch it live on Cox 218, OzarksGo 44, and U-Verse 99. YouTube premiere at 8 PM!
CIty Grey Preview
City Grey premieres Wednesday, September 18th, 7 PM! Watch it live on Cox 218, OzarksGo 44, and U-Verse 99, or catch the YouTube premiere at 8 PM.
The Idioms Preview
The Idioms are ready to get all up in your face! Check it out Wednesday, September 11, at 7 PM. You can watch FPTV live on Cox 214, U-Verse 99, OzarksGo 44, and streaming on Twitch!
Cole Birmingham Trio Preview
Fayetteville guitarist Cole Birmingham returns to Fayettetunes alongside Chris Peters and Marco Wimer. Cole Birmingham Trio premieres on FPTV August 21, 7 PM on Cox 214, OzarksGo 44, and U-Verse 99. You can also catch FPTV streaming live on Twitch and the YouTube premiere at 8 PM CST.
Some Guy Named Robb Preview
Award-winning songwriter some guy named robb brings his acoustic stylings to Fayettetunes! Check it out at 7 PM CST on Cox 214, U-Verse 99, and OzarksGo 44. Or check out the YouTube premeire at 8!
𝗖𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗔𝗜𝗡 𝗦𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗨𝗦 lands at FPTV on Wednesday, July 24 at 7 PM. Watch live on Cox 214, OzarksGo 44, and U-Verse 99, or catch the YouTube premiere at 8 PM!
Billy Ruben and The Elevated Enzymes Preview
We discovered a mysterious, classified film cannister hidden within FPTV, labeled Billy Ruben and the Elevated Enzymes. We're not sure what it was doing there, but it sure sounds great! Check out the premiere Wednesday, July 17, 7 PM, on Cox 214, OzarksGo 44, U-Verse 99, and streaming live on Twitch. You can also catch the YouTube premiere at 8 PM.