Before we can offer you gorgeous farm fresh bouquets, we gotta do the dirty work. 💩🌱💚
Though March is too early for bouquets, lots of magic is happening at your local flower farm! Check out the current Behind the Scenes at your local flower farm to see what happens “Before the Bloom.”🌱
➡️ Swipe to see ranunculus babes on their way for May blooms! We even skipped a few steps to be more efficient this season and they are looking awesome! Love it when a risk pays off.🔥 These babies just got a whole lot easier to grow by the thousands. I’m already looking forward to applying this knowledge to next year’s crop before this one’s bloomed! 🤓🌸🌸🌸
Thanks to team work, we also have a brand new field ready to grow Thanksgiving Heirloom Bouquets.🍁🦃
Cheers to the not-so-pretty “Before the Bloom” stages of life. 💩🎉
Life isn’t all pretty blooms.🌸 A lot of messy, dirty hard work goes into success.💩
For us, that means spreading a lot of literal sh💩t in the form of Black Gold, aka fresh compost. 💛💩
Celebrate the growing pains. 🌱
Embrace the slow moments of waiting. 🕰️
Practice patience and learn the lessons.📝
The end result isn’t where the magic happens - trust and celebrate the process Before the Bloom, whatever that may look like in your life. 💩🌱🌸🔥🎬
What Black Gold are you spreading Before the Bloom? 💩🌸🎬
(Ok maybe I took that flower farm analogy too far. You get the point. 🎬😂)
#indiana #indy #indianapolis #flowerfarm #behindthescenes #bts #garden #gardening #dirtywork #flowerfarmer