🌺🌤 OBSESSED! Hydrangea 'Invincibelle Ruby' is a STUNNER! Grows 3-4 feet tall and wide. Would be gorgeous as a low hedge or filling great big planter pots by the driveway entrance. Big flush of blooms in summer will see a second act of blooms in fall. Naturalizes well. Prune in late winter.
#hydrangealove fairfieldcounty #gardendesigner #landscapedesign #homedesignideas #plantsmakepeoplehappy
Merry Design Elves making merry potted gifts for everyone in town!
#greenwichct #merrychristmas #christmas2020
#poinsettias #holidaydecor #holidayseason
Tired of looking at tired winter pots? Refresh your outdoor entrances and patio pots with fresh & hardy shrubs. Then add in some early spring bloomers like Pansies and Narcissus when their season begins in mid-March. Stephen is using Pieris japonica 'Compacta', Leucothoe axillaris, Erica vulgaris, Cytisus 'All Gold', Chamaecyparis thyoids 'Little Jamie', and Juniperus horizontalis 'Bar Harbor' to create a design that has great color contrast and bold texture.
#spring2020 #outdoorgardening #wintergarden #greenwichct #plantscape #plantgeeks #patioplants #outdoorplanters #planters
DIY - Yes, a whole Christmas tree, because it’s that easy!! Ft. @lichenandpine
#christmasdecor #christmastree #christmastreedecorating #florist #gardencenter #greenwichct #203local #plantgeek #fairfieldcounty
Happy Halloween! Who do you think won our costume contest??
#ctgarden #halloweenfun #halloween2019 #costumecontest #greenwichct #gardengeeks
They say today is supposed to feel like 105 degrees out. We don’t blame you for wanting to jump in this fountain 😅
#gardengoals #indoorgarden #outdoorgarden #plantparents #greenwichct #gardendesign #floraldesign #florist #gardencenter #greenwichflorist #greenwichct #fountain #hotday #greenwichmoms #summer #greenwich_moms
@unumdesign #unumfam
Ever wonder how succulents get planted?? Stay tuned for our workshops so you can make one of your own OR grab all you need to start a succulent family right here at McArdles 🙌🏼
Tagged by @hashtaggedapp
#garden #gardening #gardens #mygarden #urbangarden #instagarden #gardener #organicgardening #secretgarden #gardendesign #urbangardening #levymcgarden #botanicalgardens #gardenparty #CoventGarden #gardenlife #botanicalgarden #macrogardener #nature #miamigardens #indoorgarden #succulents
#rosegarden #succulentgarden #gardensbythebay #urbangardenersrepublic #instagardenlovers #gardenlove #succulentcollector #homegarden
Shop one-on-one with a designer, pick a vessel, pick out your favorite colors and plants, and let us do the rest! #1 Comment from clients who watch us plant is, “You make it look so easy!” From planning to planting, McArdle’s makes it easy. #plantpotting #plantlady #plantdiy #diy #flowerpotting #flowers #florist #gardener
Fresh Cuts of the Day💐
The spread is a knockout!😵
Tweedia, callicarpa, acacia, asclepsias, euphorbia, and the grand king protea are just a few of the unique varieties we don't see very often here in the shop. And boy are they going fast!
#fresh #cut #flowers #flowersoftheday #foliage #favorite #new #unique #varieties #spread #flowerphotography #video #flora #satisfyingvideos #color #bouquet #arrangement #floraldesign #shop #greenwichct #fairfieldcounty #autumn #fall
Fully Stocked and Loaded - Fresh Cuts of the Day💐
#floweroftheday #fresh #cut #flowers #blooming #arrangements #flowers #floraldesign #full #stocked #variety #flowervideo #video #color #greenwichct #fairfieldcounty #september