So EPW and Mr Moore, along with Mike Blakenship, PhD, had a few surprises last night in Martin Ky, at Red, White, and Brawl!! Of course, Ms Rachel Vanderbilt was there to do Mr Moore’s bidding as always!! 🙄🙄
But the new, EPW Heavyweight Championship Belt made its debut last night. We all know, Brutus is definitely the number one contender! Like it or not, I will work tirelessly, without fail, to see that gold around his waist!
The rest of the locker room needs to quit whining now! As you also know, Brutus, has very few losses!
Yes, Kerry Morton, pulled off a cheap win last night, with the help of the referee! He seemed more star struck by Kerry, than actually paying 100% to the match! His distractions costed Brutus the match!! Then here comes Corey Sparks, from behind, I might add, to add to the distraction, attacking my other client Tyler Logan, as he was a sore loser, and couldn’t take his defeat like a man!!
Be it known, I, Mr 5 ⭐️, along with Brutus are coming for the belt, shine it up for us boys!! As it’s gonna look good on Brutus’s waist!!