**sweet story alert**
I was out yesterday at AT&T store and this little boy came in and sat down next me. He had a handful of Pokémon cards his Gram just bought for him. He was so proud! I asked him about his Pokémon cards, which was his favorite and he just lit up and started talking about each one. I told him my sons loved Pokémon when they were little boys too. He asked to see pictures of my little boys and I showed him. He said “they are little me though”. I told him no they are all grown up now. He liked their hair and asked if I was a cool mom bc I let them have their hair long😂 I said of course.
We got into talking about how many cards my boys had and I taught him how to look up the value of each card and he had 1 worth about 175.00. We had a little math talk based on what he spent on the cards and how much they were worth so then we discussed what his profit would be and I showed him on his calculator how to figure that out. Little entrepreneur 💕
He had a phone, just an old one that works on WiFi only. After we had talked for about 15 minutes while his Gram was getting her phone repaired. He told me he played baseball and I could come watch him if I wanted to. He told me about his dad giving him that super cool phone to play games on. He took pictures of how to calculate the profit of his card if he were to sell them and the website to look of value of each card.
About another 15 minutes went by talking. He asked me to wait while he went and asked his Gram real secretively but not real secretively if he could ask me for my phone number. She said sure. I gave him my phone number and I put it in his phone for him in his contacts. She finished with the tech and it was time for them to go. He asked me tell my sons Hi for him and I could give them his phone number to talk to him or play baseball sometime. It was the sweetest thing. He hugged me and said bye and thanks for teaching him.
A little while later I was driving and I got a phone call and it was Damien. His dad was with him while he called me. He just wanted to talk about Pokémon. So we talked for a few minutes and he was explaining in little kid terms how his dad was going to help start a business selling Pokémon cards from the info I gave him. He also talked about baseball and wanted to talk to my son, the little one with long hair, even though Parker is NOT little anymore!!😂 I told him Parker was at home and he wasnt with me bc I was driving. We talked for about 10 minutes. I could hear his dad giggling in the back ground at him. He said his dad was let him grow his hair so he could be a cool dad like I was a cool mom and he could be cool like my little boy again who isn’t little. 🫶🏼 I told him he call me anytime as long as his dad or Gram said it was ok!
I always seem to make better friends with kids and yesterday I made a true little friend. It reminded me of when my boys were little and how unworldly they are at that age. Kids unknowingly have the purest most innocent little hearts and haven’t been touched yet of the heartbreaks and heart aches of this world. I wish I could freeze time for them so they never knew or had to feel or experience the ugly in this world. I don’t know this little boys whole story but I know his mom wasn’t present in his life. The smile on his face as he was leaving and after hugged me I could tell our talk was a very happy experience for him. I hope just a little bit of our talk made an impact on him of goodness.