Spiral Ikebana Stem Holder
I finally had the opportunity to give this little contraption a try and was shocked by how effective it was!
Talk about riches upon riches. And I include the spectacular bird songs, early morning light, and even the rustling of animals in that statement. With Nancy Ross Hugo , David Pippin, Inc. , and Shrine Mont #arrangingforthejoyofit
Paving with Flowers
In my opinion, this is one of the easiest and least material intensive arranging styles – Pavé. Basically think of a cobblestone street being paved with stones, but rather an arrangement being paved with a flowers. Another bonus is that there’s no question whether or not guests will be able to see over this one!
It’s not over till it’s over!!! These little gems are remnants from the previous two posts.
Started the year off with a private arranging workshop in celebration of a milestone birthday. The colors we chose were anything but Christmas! We ❤️ our venue!!!! Hanover Arts and Activities Center
A customer gave me her gorgeous (and humongous) coffee table bowl to create an arrangement in. It ended up being so big I could hardly walk up the stairs to deliver it