Of course I will be posting a lot of snow pics, so bare with me.
This was a little after 11 pm last night... simply beautiful!!!
The current conditions at Grace, still snowing.
Yet amidst all this beauty my heart breaks for the thousands who have lost their homes and some their lives in California. There shouldn't be questions or blame at this time, only heartfelt prayers. Please everyone, say special prayers, not just for our nation, but for the world.
Really coming down here, hopefully I can get some beautiful pictures...tomorrow... sorry guys, I'm not that young boy who loves to get out in the snow anymore.
We haven't taken the lights down yet, so I may get some pictures with all the colors.
She seems so peaceful this morning. A little rain can do wonders.
We have worked hard all summer trying to keep the deer, chipmunks, squirrels, coons, and groundhogs from eating all of our plants, since the groundforces have been unsuccessful, they are sending in air assault.
Good bye corncobs!!!! 😪
Enjoying the pears the squirrels knock off.
Not again!!! Not what we like to hear at the Chapel
Tornado warnings
This morning in front of the Chapel, there were two more of camera in the parking area.
Songs of the south...
Fire works, and cicadas.
Not too long after the baby went running up the walk looking for mom. I sure hope those rows didn't do something to her!!!
Looks like the ladies are taking advantage of father's day and enjoying a dinner away from the kids.