‼️‼️ Car Shows 4 Kidzz is looking to do something special but needs the Car & Truck communities HELP asap‼️‼️
the reason I started Car Shows 4 Kids was to do things like this so please ‼️READ‼️ & help me with Car Shows 4 KidZZ as I’ll be making the first $500 donation to this gentleman and when we get the funds all raised , I’d like to take some nice rides up there , eat and give this man the biggest TIP he’s ever received ♥️♥️🙏🏽🙏🏽‼️ cash app is $CS4Kidzz or message me for other payment options & he loves the movie Venom
—> today my wife went to whataburger drive thru for lunch in Cleveland Tx (which usually @ this whataburger the employees for the most part are very rude) BUT today was different which really shocked my wife . Big thanks to Jacob ♥️
She was ordering at the intercom and the young man was extremely polite , nice and has the most customer service we have experienced from ANY fast food worker . So she ordered and went pulled in the 2nd Lane which is outside lane and he came out to take payment and said “Hi , How is your day ? Thank You for choosing whataburger etc ……” then repeated the whole order which was big & memorized it with out reading anything and then goes to ask her
“Are you wondering how I remembered it ? She said Yes ! He said “well I have Autism , and people say you can’t work with special needs but I’m here to prove that I’m no different then others and you can do anything you put your mind to , my autism helps me be better at my job”.
The whole entire time he had a smile on his face , very grateful and just there to work and make others days ..
—— why do I do things like this ???? I love helping kids with special needs , disabilities , hard life story’s , kids with financial family issues , birthdays , etc …. I like letting kids know that being evil is not the way to live , that giving back and helping others be happy is the way of life ..
Message me if interested or cash app is
$CS4Kidzz Cash App or message me for PayPal or Zelle.