Hey Family and friends...
As it turns out it seems like I have waited this long for the perfect time to post something very important to me. There is so much good involved with this share. I would love it if you would click on the link and learn why I feel so strongly about this. You may discover that it's important to you too. Like I do, you may consider supporting a meaningfully important cause. All the details are there and I am available to answer any questions you may have.
I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this and for taking your valuable time to learn more. (It won't take long at all) This is a grassroots effort to keep a small Farmer's business alive .
Again, thank you !
~ Alan Wadiak
Hello friends, Today I come to call for your support of a very important mission. Many of you… Alanna Wadiak needs your support for SAVE AS INTENDED FOODS!