Hey hey!
We saw a post on social media in a group page about how we don’t answer the phone the last few weeks and asking if we scammed the person.
As a one woman show I’ll give you some behind the scenes information.
The business phone is located next to my desk in the shop, if I’m out of the shop the phone isn’t going to be answered. Our business line doesn’t roll over to my personal cell (I was having people call it at all hours of the night and I deserve to have off time with my family just like the next person) and as we know I’ve been out of the shop the last few weeks healing and recovering from surgery.
Ms. Hannah has been picking up my slack on the weekends while I’m out healing but she also has kiddos and a full time job so she isn’t there during the week. So please give us grace.
Handprint clay sessions from mid December are on track to be completed by the end of next week. The original turn around time for the FIRST firing was 6-8 weeks, then we have to paint and RE FIRE. This process if rushed can damage the clay and result in breakage of handprints etc.
I am a one person shop, a full time mother to Oliver and a bonus mama to three beautiful children. I have a significant other and a family whom I love to see and when I leave for the day, I would love to devote my time to them.
Somedays I’m sick, Oliver’s sick or someone else is sick and I have to stay closed for the day. It happens, but I always always always come here to update yall.
So with that being said email is always the best way to reach us! Me and Ms. Hannah read the emails daily!
[email protected]
Getting bashed on social media is hard for a small business and I’ve always done my best at being transparent so please if you need anything email me, that way no matter where I am I’ll see it 💕