Indy Ghost Light has been an excellent peer to learn from, observe, and share experiences. I'd love to see more of my photography peers step into this world and help make our amazing theatres have the quality photography and marketing they deserve!
I'll be submitting my name to the list, but with my service area being the Lafayette area, there are still TONS of opportunities left. I never would have thought I'd consider adding this to my photography, but working with Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette has opened my eyes to the joys of the theatre environment!
Photographers of Indy, we need your help!
There is SO much amazing theatre going on in this city that one person cannot handle it all. Do you take great headshots? Love doing video? Want to do backstage photos or tag along for early rehearsals? Join our team and let's expand the reach of The Ghost.
The guy who's done all of the Indy Ghost stuff to this point loves live long-form production photo shoots. In-the-moment production photography is, honestly, his only real passion. But there's so much more needed in the theatre community.
If you have a passion for photography, we'd love to get you engaged with the dozens of theatre companies in the city and allow us to focus on what we do best: live production photography and promotion.
If this sounds interesting, drop a note to me via email at [email protected]. Please include:
* What you want to do. Headshots? Promo? Video?
* Geographic area. North/south/east/west/whatever.
* Prices. Be gentle, these are mostly not-for-profits. Think in terms of connections made, not dollars.
* Samples of your work. Style is important, so give prospective clients a sense of what you do.
We'll compile the list of providers and put it on the IndyGhost website. It breaks our hearts when we have to turn down a show on the southside because we're shooting headshots for a show on the north side. Help us do the most good and also build a client base of your own.