Join us this Thursday for a S e x Ed for Everyone presentation on Kink 101!
When: Thursday, October 10 | 6pm - 8pm
Where: 408 Washington Square South, Lansing
Rhapsody_In_Blue has been an active part of MI fe**sh and kink culture for the last 7 years. She is an educator, podcaster, community builder, advocate, and Dom with masochistic switch tendencies. She enjoys clever conversation, solving complicated problems with creative people, and brown liquor. She is constantly practicing and perfecting her communication skills and karaoke performances. Accepts bribes in the form of stickers, coffee, and donations to her Lansing based kink venue The Gallery.
Kink is more mainstream these days. But the messaging is mixed at best.
There is no one right way to be kinky. But there are a lot of ways we can learn from each other and avoid known pitfalls. In this class we’ll discuss the importance of critical thinking, personal responsibility, and self-awareness. The intention is to give attendees a starting point in their kink journey and orient ourselves to the wild ways of the kink scene..
While this class is intended for newbies, Lifestyle folks are also encouraged to attend.
Join the Lansing Area AIDS Network and the Salus Center as we talk all things s*x and s*xuality!
Come learn check out S*x Ed through an intersectional lens! This series features monthly presentations on various topics by local professionals and practitioners. Each presentation followed by a chance to ask questions and get some of the answers we all really want. From s*xual health information to the psychology of arousal to kink education, we’ll cover it all as we celebrate the wonderful and diverse experiences of s*x and s*xuality!
S*xual health materials and free/confidential HIV test kits provided by the Lansing Area AIDS Network.