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EXTRA.... EXTRAThe Truth is Simple --- A Revealing Truth.

The Truth is Simple --- A Revealing Truth.

David takes you step by step through the Assassination Attempt. He digs into what the Press is silent on... The shooter, his Father, the Secret Service, FBI, Local and State Police. The security failu


See the Newest installment of: THE TRUTH is SIMPLE

S2E16 Biden/WHO - Pandemic Treaty the End of America?

The World Health Organization a branch of the Untied Nations has been working over the past 3 years through 9 meetings to create the World's First Pandemic Treaty for its 194 member nations. Is the U.N. attempting to control these 194 nations through a process not allowed through it's own Articles? What strings will be attached to America upon either its ratification by Congress or it's more likely process, Biden's Executive Order? As during Covid19 lock-downs will the Left and/or Right utilize it for political advantage and citizen control? Will America as we know it survive? Will this be the final blow to Americas Constitution?

",0);return i.querySelector("template").content}switch(r){case"thead":case"tbody":case"tfoot":case"colgroup":case"caption":return a("

"The Truth is Simple"S1E15 University Riots, Hamas, Financiers & IslamophobiaIs America Islamophobic when it comes to th...

"The Truth is Simple"

S1E15 University Riots, Hamas, Financiers & Islamophobia

Is America Islamophobic when it comes to the Hamas riots at our universities. Who are the financiers and what countries are involved in the propaganda, and brainwashing of our youth. What must WE as Americans do to be rid of this VIRUS to our Country, culture, values, freedoms and way of life? What is the track back to sanity in America?

",0);return i.querySelector("template").content}switch(r){case"thead":case"tbody":case"tfoot":case"colgroup":case"caption":return a("

"The Truth is Simple"Latest PODCAST is here!S2E14 EV's, Slavery, Environment - Do You Want an Electric Car?

"The Truth is Simple"
Latest PODCAST is here!

S2E14 EV's, Slavery, Environment - Do You Want an Electric Car?

",0);return i.querySelector("template").content}switch(r){case"thead":case"tbody":case"tfoot":case"colgroup":case"caption":return a("


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See the newest post

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S2E11 Press or Propagandists - Where is the Free Press? Why is America so splintered? Have we allowed the "MAINSTREAM ME...

S2E11 Press or Propagandists - Where is the Free Press?

Why is America so splintered? Have we allowed the "MAINSTREAM MEDIA" owned by Large Global Corporations and Socialist Global Elites as well as influenced by enemy Communists/Theocracy Governments utilizing internal political insurgents installed into America's governmental institutions as pawns to separate America from within? The answer to these questions is yes. From Soros sponsored District Attorneys, Mayors, Judges, Congressmen disrupting all of America's institutions. America's Mainstream Media plays the vital component to the success of all the LEFT's goals by spreading lies, deceit, hate (propaganda) across America's airways. Citizens of America must hold all of these entities accountable for their actions. If the PEOPLE of this Nation are going to continue their governance the Press must be returned as the WATCHDOG of the American People.

Get more from The Truth is Simple on Patreon

"The Truth is Simple" newest installment is here... Don't miss this installment of what you need to know.

"The Truth is Simple" newest installment is here... Don't miss this installment of what you need to know.

Get more from The Truth is Simple on Patreon

S2E10 Religion Under Siege In America  Is it? Watc...

S2E10 Religion Under Siege In America Is it? Watch Part 1 of the 2 Part Series NOW!

Many say that Christianity seems to be under-attack by the Government, a Political Party, News Media, Social Media, and Special Interest Groups. Is it really under-attack? If so, by whom and why? What

What power does Social Media have in providing Music, TV, Media, Sports  and other public personalities in persuading th...

What power does Social Media have in providing Music, TV, Media, Sports and other public personalities in persuading their Followers / Fans Political, Social and Global views. With 282 million Instagram followers and statistics proving data that NFL viewership increased from 5% to 28% for the Kansas City Chiefs this last season, Taylor Swift and others with similar followings are seen as potential Political Game changers for the 2024 Presidential as well as local elections. How do these fanatical "followers" escape the control of these political power brokers? What is in it for these power brokers who utilize their followers by those holding political office they backed and supported?

What power does Social Media have in providing Music, TV, Media, Sports and other public personalities in persuading their Followers / Fans Political, Soci...

The Truth is Simple - Newest PodcastIn Part 2 of this 2 part series David reveals possible trials and tribulations looki...

The Truth is Simple - Newest Podcast
In Part 2 of this 2 part series David reveals possible trials and tribulations looking forward to the DNC & RNC Nominating Conventions as well as possible consequences and outcomes for Joe Biden and Donald Trump and how neither may make it to their respective Nominating Convention, Election Day and/or to the January 20, 2025 Inauguration Day.

In Part 2 of this 2 part series David reveals possible trials and tribulations looking forward to the DNC & RNC Nominating Conventions as well as possible co...

YOU MUST SEE>>>"The Truth is Simple" POD CAST is Available for ViewEvery Presidential Election for the past 5 cycles has...

"The Truth is Simple" POD CAST is Available for View
Every Presidential Election for the past 5 cycles has seemed to be vitally important to America's Future. As Obama stated in October 2008., "We are 5 days from Fundamentally transforming America."

Are we in a SILENT REVOLUTION HERE in the Untied States of America? Has the Obama agenda been completed?

The next 11 months may determine not only if Americas Constitution and the "FREEDOMS" it professes to provide survive here in America... But if FREEDOM as America has known it, will survive in the World's FUTURE. Will the World's Global Rich be successful in their plan for control and global domination going forward?

Every Presidential Election for the past 5 cycles has seemed to be vitally important to America's Future. As Obama stated in October 2008., "We are 5 days from Fundamentally transforming America." Are

The Truth is Simple - New Podcast AvailableEducation P3 -  Making it Work For All In Part 3 of this Education Series Dav...

The Truth is Simple - New Podcast Available
Education P3 - Making it Work For All

In Part 3 of this Education Series Dave describes he experience as a High School Teacher and Corporate General Manager. He discuss School District size (number of students, schools, and budget. Contrasting the 5th largest District in the Country with what he describes as a optimum size district to streamline high quality education, financial responsibility with accurate tracking and reporting and communication partnering parent, teacher, administration and the student into a cohesive unit.

",0);return i.querySelector("template").content}switch(r){case"thead":case"tbody":case"tfoot":case"colgroup":case"caption":return a("

The TRUTH IS SIMPLE - WEEKLY PODCAST IS LIVE FEB. 7, 2024 @ 4AMS2E5 Education Part2 Parents Part in Their Child's Educat...

FEB. 7, 2024 @ 4AM
S2E5 Education Part2 Parents Part in Their Child's Education

As a parent what is your part in your child's education? What is the hierarchy of schools in America? What does the U.S. Department of Education do. How about your State Boards of Education, County Boards and your Local Schools Districts through your locally elected school board do? How can you as parents determine your child's curriculum? How can you and your schools improve communication to support your child? David reveals simple and truthful common sense methods to help you help your child in getting the education that you and they deserve.

",0);return i.querySelector("template").content}switch(r){case"thead":case"tbody":case"tfoot":case"colgroup":case"caption":return a("

THE TRUTH IS SIMPLE --- Catch our Newest VLOGIs racism rampant in America? Is it worse today then 12, 20, 50, or 100 yea...

THE TRUTH IS SIMPLE --- Catch our Newest VLOG

Is racism rampant in America? Is it worse today then 12, 20, 50, or 100 years ago? But racism is hereditary and primarily only in whites... is that true? Is Wokeness and Affirmative Action good for all and not reverse racism? David describes his upbringing attending a majority black school, church and neighborhood. While describing several past and current affirmative action events toward him.

",0);return r.querySelector("template").content}else{var n=q(e);switch(n){case"thead":case"tbody":case"tfoot":case"colgroup":case"caption":return i("

NEW POST "The Truth is Simple" PodcastS2E2 Jan. 6, 2021 Insurrection Setup. Yeah or Neah? Along with Republicans taking ...

NEW POST "The Truth is Simple" Podcast

S2E2 Jan. 6, 2021 Insurrection Setup. Yeah or Neah?
Along with Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives. So too, comes vital committee reappointments and chairs. The House Homeland Security Committee and the Oversight & Reform Committee is chaired by Mark Green MD from TN. Also on the Committee is Rep. Clay Higgins from LA. Higgins reveals that the FBI with Leftist organizations with Left Government officials organized, planted the seed, and led an organized plan to entrap and prosecute 1st amendment protesters on January 6, 2021 at the Capital.

",0);return r.querySelector("template").content}else{var n=q(e);switch(n){case"thead":case"tbody":case"tfoot":case"colgroup":case"caption":return i("

Coming to Las Vegas soon? Need a Ride that is Fun, Sporty and get you seen?Then book My Ride on TURO.

Coming to Las Vegas soon?
Need a Ride that is Fun, Sporty and get you seen?
Then book My Ride on TURO.

Explore the highways and byways of Las Vegas in David C.’s Jeep Wrangler Unlimited on Turo, where you can book the perfect car for your next adventure, courtesy of local hosts.


With Colorado Supreme Court overturning a lower Colorado Court and the Maine Secretary of State on her own accord removing Trump as well, what does the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution say? Clearly they are violating the 14th Amendment itself right? Join Dave as he clarifies they matter. Trump's rights have been violated by partisan judges and politicians.

What rights do the Free Press have and what right(s) do you and others have to assemble to express your grievances to th...

What rights do the Free Press have and what right(s) do you and others have to assemble to express your grievances to the government. Do the past 5 years of BLM protests (riots), Hamas supporters and other groups such as LBGTQ, and abortion supporters meet the test of "imminent Lawless Action?"

What rights do the Free Press have and what right(s) do you and others have to assemble to express your grievances to the government. Do the past 5 years of ...

Where does Free Speech Start, where does it end. What is covered by this 1st Amendment Right? Find the answer and the Tr...

Where does Free Speech Start, where does it end. What is covered by this 1st Amendment Right? Find the answer and the Truth here. Everything you need and should know.

Where does Free Speech Start, where does it end. What is covered by this 1st Amendment Right? Find the answer and the Truth here. Everything you need and sho...

Did you miss our Thanksgiving VLOG?Do you know the history and roots of Americas greatest holiday? A holiday giving than...

Did you miss our Thanksgiving VLOG?

Do you know the history and roots of Americas greatest holiday? A holiday giving thanks to our creator God and the reason why it was reflected in our history by 2 of our greatest Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Do you know the history and roots of Americas greatest holiday? A holiday giving thanks to our creator God and the reason why it was reflected in our history...

Is China our Friend or Foe? Let's look at China's Communist history 1948 thru today and see if you can determine for you...

Is China our Friend or Foe? Let's look at China's Communist history 1948 thru today and see if you can determine for yourself. We are alike or opposites? Is America compromised by it political corruption? What does this mean for our Children and Grandchildren's future?

Is China our Friend or Foe? Let's look at China's Communist history 1948 thru today and see if you can determine for yourself. We are alike or opposites? Is ...

After accepting 12 million Illegal Immigrants and counting over the past 2 plus years. Along with the Riots across Ameri...

After accepting 12 million Illegal Immigrants and counting over the past 2 plus years. Along with the Riots across America supporting the Terrorist Group HAMAS these past 3-weeks, why should America put itself further at risk? HAMAS has indoctrinated its controlled population in GAZA over the past 25 years to HATE the Jews, Israel and America. Why aren't these REFUGEES being invited into Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria or Iran? Are these refugees really or potentially terrorists to America?

After accepting 12 million Illegal Immigrants and counting over the past 2 plus years. Along with the Riots across America supporting the Terrorist Group HAM...

Do you know what is lurking out-there? You think you know but you don't. It's a weapon loaded with the latest stealth te...

Do you know what is lurking out-there? You think you know but you don't. It's a weapon loaded with the latest stealth technology easy to find but impossible to see. Find out the real-truth about it here before its to late.

Do you know what is lurking out-there? You think you know but you don't. It's a weapon loaded with the latest stealth technology easy to find but impossible ...

On October 8, 2023 Hamas covertly attacks Israel women r***d and murdered, children beheaded, over 100 kidnapped by the ...

On October 8, 2023 Hamas covertly attacks Israel women r***d and murdered, children beheaded, over 100 kidnapped by the terrorists. Biden shows support for Israel but for how long. Harvard University 21 student organizations rally in support of Hamas' terrorist acts. Other like minded elite universities in the U.S. do the same. Who are we? What have we become? Is it time to clean-up government, communist brain washing universities and their rich elite's propagandist world order media?

On October 8, 2023 Hamas covertly attacks Israel women r***d and murdered, children beheaded, over 100 kidnapped by the terrorists. Biden shows support for I...

Time for your next episode...

Time for your next episode...

Social Justice the term utilized by communists to spread hate and racism thus destroying culture, one's freedoms and right to choice. Social Justice is all a...

S1E2 Airs Tuesday at 5pm PST. Don't miss this episode, You'll definitely want to share this real-life view for all to se...

S1E2 Airs Tuesday at 5pm PST. Don't miss this episode, You'll definitely want to share this real-life view for all to see. "ARE YOU UNKNOWINGLY CONFORMING?"

What is "Conformity" and how are the ELITES of the world utilizing THEIR MONOPOLY OWNERSHIP of the MEDIA UNIVERSE (News, TV, Radio, Print and the Internet (t...

The Truth is Simple Vlog is Live find it Here!

The Truth is Simple Vlog is Live find it Here!

What is "The Truth is Simple" about, why should you watch, how can you participate. How do you find the TRUTH through all the messaging, propaganda and polit...


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