24” balloons and 5” clusters add sooo much dimension to a balloon garland🤩🙌🏻 Stay tuned to see who was a big help on this install👀P.S. - Don’t ask Katie how many times she had to refilm the intro clip😅😂
The winner of the $350 Barn Girls gift certificate is……Participant 3!!!🎉🎉 Congrats!! Please reach out to Stephanie Axley to claim your prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped Stephanie out with her research!
In honor of the Growing Kids Sale happening this week, we wanted to post this installation we did for them last year to celebrate their 20th anniversary!! 💚✨🩷
Hard to beat creams, whites, and pearls🤩🤍#balloons #balloondecor #balloongarland #balloon #balloondecoration #balloonart #balloonstylist #ballooninstallation #balloonstyling #smallbusiness #smallbusinesssupport #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #event #babyshower #wedding #party #sisters #partyideas #arkansasbride #arkansascreative #arkansasmade #arkansasart #fortsmith #fortsmithartists #fortsmitharkansas #fortsmithart #lavacaarkansas #lavaca #thebarngirls
BTS video of our install for Riverbluff Farms ribbon cutting narrated by the youngest Barn Girl, Zadie.
BTS video of our install at Riverbluff Farms last week narrated by the youngest Barn Girl, Zadie.
#balloons #balloondecor #balloongarland #balloon #balloondecoration #balloonart #balloonstylist #ballooninstallation #balloonstyling #smallbusiness #smallbusinesssupport #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #ribboncutting #party #sisters #partyideas #arkansasbride #arkansascreative #arkansasmade #arkansasart #fortsmith #fortsmithartists #fortsmitharkansas #fortsmithart #lavacaarkansas #thebarngirls